Monday, August 31, 2015

Feng Shui Jewelry

Tibetan Thangka Jewelry 
Free Shipping in Continental U.S.

Unique Feng Shui Inspirational Jewelry has energy in every piece. To live the life you've always dreamed of, wear elegant Feng Shui art. Infused with good vibes, positive energy, beautiful Feng Shui jewelry could build better relationships. You could boost your attitude, your well-being, your luck, your wealth and success!

Tibetan Thangka Jewelry 
Free Shipping in Continental U.S.

Feng Shui works by combining beautiful art with quality materials, though most importantly of all, individual intention. In doing so, Feng Shui helps energetically harmonize homes, workplaces and even our lives.

But Feng Shui isn't just the art of directing greater quantities of essential life energy into and around homes and workplaces. In fact, what a lot of people often forget, is that our own bodies are temples and that as such they can easily be turned into our own personal Feng Shui power houses.

Is a Feng Shui necklace, lucky charm or talisman a religious or magic artifact?  No. Explosion Luck Feng Shui pendants and Tibetan Thangka necklaces represent you consciously inviting better luck and prosperity into your life.

In much the same way that cosmic ordering empowers people to succeed and reach their goals and professional and personal ambitions every day, Explosion Luck Feng Shui pendants and Thangka necklaces, are beautiful and bold personal statements about the kind of positive energy you want around you at any one moment.  Merely touching these wearable works of art can bring you a feeling of peace and prosperity throughout the day.

Helping you achieve a better mindset and outlook on life, Explosion Luck Feng Shui necklaces and pendants help alleviate stress, promote your body's own powerful healing and regenerative abilities, and help focus your mind and innate spiritual energy on reaching your professional and spiritual aspirations in life.

Gorgeous Tibetan pendant necklaces. Find crystal water drop-shaped pendants, and more.  Wear them close to your heart; use them as inspirational meditation art.

To amplify the positive Feng Shui energy of this wearable art jewelry, add the Tibetan thangka tapestry White Tara to your office or home wall decor, and get inspired to do more and to be more.

Bring ambiance, peace, and beauty into your space
with beautiful jewelry, artwork and more… 

Choose your favorite…
Tibetan Thangka Jewelry 
Free Shipping in Continental U.S.

Like many of Explosion Luck customers, you will fall in love with gorgeous wall art canvas paintings and photos: peaceful mountain scenes, rugged western settings, tranquil streams, cheerful birds, lush landscapes, adorable animals and stunning collectible animal figurines - nurture your mind, spirit and soul. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Feon Davis, Poetess

Welcome poetess Feon Davis...

“I began writing poems at the age of 9. Mainly my love is Christian based poetry, about the many blessings God has given us. However, I also have written and published a few love poems as well. Now at the age of 43, I have migrated to the eBook market.  My two new book releases Footsteps of Grace and Footsteps of Faith are available in paperback and eBook. Both are collections of Christian poetry. I created the cover art, layout, and design for my new books.”   

What drives your creativity?
My firm, loving grace of God, and His son Jesus, from the very beginning of my life, which has been instilled into my heart, mind and soul. Also, I read scripture and Psalms.

Does the aesthetics where you live inspire your writing?
No, not for me. Wherever I live or go traveling it remains the same with my spirit, heart and mind.

Do you believe poetry has an impact on world events?
Yes, for me, when something traumatic or hurtful happens, immediately my spirit and heart pours out and I sometimes read scripture. This transpires into a Christian poem.

What would you tell someone who wants to write a poem, but does not know where to begin?
Start with a few words on paper about how they feel. Then process slowly, with a few lines. Also, try reading the poems of famous poets like Robert Frost. I would suggest Psalms as well.

Who is your favorite poet?
Robert Frost, Allen Poe, Maya Angelou. Frost has a unique way of expressing his words, as does Poe.

Do you have a favorite poem?
I don't. Because I love them all.

What do you like to do when you are not writing poetry?
Mostly, uploading and designing my websites, and/or play a game, or crafting.  

What does poetry mean to you?
Ministering my love of God from scripture that teaches us love, hope, and of the Holy Spirit, as we are blessed along our journey.

Connect with Feon…

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Alexander Tomov, Author, Freelance Writer, Film Director

From Bulgaria, Alexander Tomov, Junior is an author, freelance writer and film director. Tomov creates “surreal and mystical cinema which expresses my ideas through symbols. Its primary purpose is to look deep into human subconsciousness, in the hidden desires and feelings, to solve them and to explore the strange ways by which, according to me, they guide life. These themes dominate also in the short stories I write.”

Welcome Alexander…

When did you realize you wanted to become a writer?
I started writing poetry when I was 15 or 16. My first published book was a collection of poems. It would be fair to say that my parents pointed me in the direction of literature, as they are also writers. I wrote my first short story collection, Future Gone, when I was 21 or 22. It’s a strange book, in terms of its ideas and its point of view. After I wrote it, I decided to search for ways to take my writing abroad, outside of my home country. My dream and my ambition is to be able to present my philosophical insights globally and have them reach as many people as possible. I dare say that in some respects, I’ve developed a unique and one-of-a-kind perspective on the world, on existence, and on human consciousness as a whole.

What is the premise for "Beyond the Absurd"?
I could say that "Beyond the Absurd" is the essence of me at this time. It was precisely my journey as a writer through the world of literature that brought me to what I think is the most perfect genre—that of the absurd. After I started thinking in this way, I wrote my book Beyond the Absurd.

The absurd is a literary genre I discovered relatively late, but it has already become a kind of second nature. The absurd is closest to my way of thinking. What is actually the absurd? It is the unthinkable, which could nevertheless happen at any moment.

Generally speaking, almost everything—when it comes to people and the universe—could be labeled as absurd, from the point of view of human consciousness. People try to subject the world and their lives to some logic, but no matter how close they get to accomplishing this, it could all fall apart and become absurd at any moment. I’m sure that all of us experience at least a few absurd instances in our own lives. This has been proven by human history as well. Great scientists, such as Einstein and some contemporary physicists have proven that even mathematics itself is absurd and that numbers and strict logic are sometimes contradictory. The absurd, I believe, can unite all the other genres within itself. It is precisely the absurd that allows for otherwise impossible connections between everything to be made, by letting you completely open your consciousness to the existential. Also the absurd is the embodiment of chaos and a counterpoint to the human desire to control everything.

Can you share an excerpt?
As excerpt, I give a quote from me and also part from one of my short stories - "The Hotel of Absurdity".


"The Hotel of Absurdity":
"....Soon, we came to a stop in front of a closed door. The bellboy motioned for me to come closer. I put my ear against the door…
“… The Masters of the World radical group is starting a new campaign under the slogan, ‘The country of --- – may its territory’s borders extend to three different oceans!’ If some other country mocks the endeavor, the Masters of the World would consider this a grave insult and will have no choice but to respond to such ridicule with nuclear weapons!”
The bellboy and I exchanged glances and we both shrugged, kind of naturally. Then once again, we headed down the hallway, whose end was already in sight. From several feet away, I could hear a heated argument. I stopped next to another open door.
Through it, I saw two men, both dressed in elegant suits, who stood face-to-face with each other, as in an ancient battle. Both of them had white hair and anxious expressions. A small fire was burning on the floor next to them.
“There’s some kind of logic to be found in virtually each and every absurdity in this world, even in the most total of absurdities!” one of them said.
“I’ve never heard a bolder claim! Then let me put you to a challenge! Find the logic in that ancient movie’s senseless line, which went like this, ‘I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.’”
“Of course there’s logic in it! Don’t you see it? That’s not a challenge, it’s mere child’s play,” his opponent said, without even stopping to think about it.
“Then, explain to me how you can detect even a hint of logic in it!”
“It’s very simple. The line’s logic is obvious, if we assume that the man who said it was a blatant and over-the-top liar. If he purposefully lied in a way that let everyone know that he was lying, this means that by lying, he expressed himself as a liar. Therefore, in a weird way, he revealed the truth about himself through lying.”
“Yes, this might possibly be a logical thread, but…”
"The Hotel of Absurdity" - the whole story free link click here.

What is your viewpoint about human existence?
This is very complicated question and I can't answer with couple words or pages. I can make some discussion with people, who have read my stories.

Describe where you write and your muse(s)....
I write at home, front of my computer. But my absurd ideas come everywhere. About muses, it’s very difficult for me to answer it, but I’ll try to do it in the simplest possible way. My mind is filled with countless pieces of different realities, crazy ideas, and absurd points of view, visions from the future, impulses, and perceptions.

My main goal is to somehow connect them in a short story; to find the impossible link between them, where at first glance no such link exists. This is at the heart of my creative process—finding the invisible thread and then coming up with a way to show all that to the reader. Regarding my inspiration, what I could say is that there are certain, very special moments, when my consciousness starts to function at very strange frequencies. The state itself is incomprehensible. My creative process is based on intuition.

What are you currently writing?
The last book from me was "Beyond the Absurd". But I always write short stories. I need only to not lose my sense and intuition for writing.

What are you currently reading?
I'm very curious in some science areas. I love science and most astrophysics, cosmology and modern and strange hypotheses, about human brain and our reality. There is no one title, but the last time I read more about The Holographic Universe. I'm a little obsessed from this theory. Even I think that in some of my absurd short stories, there are some insights about Holographic Universe.

Who is your favorite author?
I would say that some modern and classic authors inspire my writing – writers like Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Stephen King also, Jorge Luis Borges, and Chekhov. However, someone who always amazes me is Antoine de Saint – Exupéry with “The Little Prince”. Simply written book in which is the whole world.

As a filmmaker, what films have you produced/written?
As filmmaker I create short and existential movies in the same area as in literature - Absurd, dystopia, fantasy, fiction, post – apocalyptic, grotesque and drama.  I have also a little book trailers creating business. You can see some more details here.

Who is your favorite filmmaker?
My favorite filmmaker is David Lynch. Genius film director. He has influenced most to my short movies on conscious and unconscious level. Mad and surreal creator. Also deep connected with the Absurd. 

Do you have a favorite movie/series?
They are too many. But I could say, that generally I like deep, dramatic and psychological cinema.

Do you have advice for novice writers?
My most important piece of advice to new writers is to always believe in their work, and in literature as a whole. For a freelance writer, a writer like me, being successful in today’s commercial world can sometimes prove to be extremely difficult. Generally speaking, the system as a whole brings you down, oppresses you, and gives you no chances when you are on your own. This is simply how the world works. This is a given. But if you persevere and never stop believing in your dream, you’ll always find a way.

In that respect, a young writer has to keep fighting and trying to develop an inventive mind. There’s one other thing I’d like to say to young authors. Each and every person in the world is unique. Each person’s character, their imagination, and their past are one-of-a-kind. In that respect, I believe that each and every person is capable of creating literature, as long as he/she is able to make the right connections and to represent even his/her whole life and imagination in a way that is original, interesting, and accessible to others. And something very important for new writers - To stand against their fears and try to transform everything in their minds into literature.

Александър Томов Links…
Book Trailer business: 
All book trailers...

The Hotel of Absurdity - short story: 
Beyond the Absurd - short story: 
STORY 1 - short story: 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Punished: Moira's Transgression, Kindle Edition by Clair Simone

New eBook short

Now Available


Kindle Edition
by Clair Simone 


Newly released eBook short by world author Clair Simone. 

File Size: 733 KB
Print Length: 9 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 23, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
Lending: Enabled

New eBook short

 Now Available

Island of the Phoenix by Vic Mills

Same war, different enemy…
Captain Michael Hollands, United States Army Air Corps, is a combat-hardened pilot, battling Nazi fighter planes for control of the skies over North Africa. His life is difficult and sometimes it’s brutal, but he understands his place in the world, and he understands the rules. Then an unexpected change of orders yanks him out of familiar surroundings, and sends him half-way around the world to fight the Japanese in the South Pacific.
Shuffled to an obscure air base in the Solomon Islands, he discovers that his assigned unit has transferred to a new operating area, taking their aircraft with them. Without planes or official sanction, Hollands must beg, borrow, and steal to build a fighter squadron that will take the war to the enemy’s doorstep.
But nothing can prepare him for what happens when he crash-lands on an unnamed island behind Japanese lines. Marooned among a handful of heroic survivors, he is about to discover the true meaning of loyalty, patriotism, courage, and love.
The Japanese Imperial Navy has no idea what’s in store for it. And neither does Mike Hollands...
Available in Paperback & Kindle!

Too often, we think of war as just being the ugly and the awful - the worst side of humanity. Vic Mills has the uncanny ability to show that side of conflict without becoming mired down in it, and at the same time to demonstrate the greatness that lives inside most everyone, just waiting to come out. He did it in his first book, SNAFU, with a fictionalized version of his experiences in Viet Nam. Now, in Island of the Phoenix, he transports the reader back to World War II, where ordinary people do extraordinary things. This book, although fiction, really demonstrates how great leadership can bring out the best in everyone.
Phoenix is not only a study in leadership; it is a historically accurate look at the aircraft and military battles in the Solomon Islands. It is full of detail without becoming tedious - the perfect intersection of novel and history book.
R.A. Strong, Lt. USCG (Ret.)

Island of the Phoenix, by Vic Mills, was fascinating, exciting, informative and very enjoyable. Vic has a wonderful talent for weaving together a story with a real life feel. He shows the human side of the military and the shortcomings of it too. His main character, Mike Hollands, is the kind of guy anyone would like to call a friend,- kind, intelligent, good sense of humor, but made of sturdy stuff and not afraid to stand up for what he feels is right.
Vic Mills must have an incredible amount of knowledge about aircraft. There are clever, surprising examples of ingenuity and exciting descriptions of combat and outsmarting the enemy. Then he gets shot down and lands on a tiny island along with the pilot of a Japanese plane!
What a wonderful imagination and ability to bring it all together in a very entertaining story! I would highly recommend this book to just about anyone, - man, woman or the mature child. It is pretty clean, too, by today’s standards.
Thanks, Vic! Keep up the good work! Looking forward to another winner!
Eleanor Hansen

Read more reviews here.

Available in Paperback & Kindle!

Vic Mills was born in Los Angeles in 1942. He has three children, Mike, Lisa, and Jason, and—at last count—seven grandchildren. In the late 1950s, while attending high school in Felton, California (Santa Cruz), Vic was active in Music— singing, writing, and performing with his younger sister, Diana, and a high school friend. When he relocated to L.A. in 1963, he was asked to submit several of his musical compositions for then-current rock and roll artists. In 1966, prior to his induction into the Army, Vic moved to Seattle. Upon his return from Vietnam and release from the military, he returned to his job there with the city transit system. In 1984, Vic started his own vehicle consulting firm. He’s currently hard at work on his next novel.

Available in Paperback & Kindle!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Right Pet: True Love Found Here

RightPet is an international educational site where we share the good, the bad and the smelly on the animals who have owned us. From dogs and cats to insects and livestock, RightPet has them all.”

“Take a minute to review some of the pets, and working animals, you’ve kept. Our goal is to gather real-world experiences so we can help each other find the animals which are best suited to our own unique needs and lifestyles.”

Connect with RightPet, Review Your Pet and take the quiz...

At the Barn: Cherokee

Monday, August 24, 2015

Dead Things by LT Kodzo

New Kindle Scout Readers Alert!
Read & Rate for Free!

Award-winning Author LT Kodzo is exited to announce that her second book Dead Things has been accepted by a new program called Kindle Scout. This is a chance for READERS to judge a book and see if they find it worth publishing. That means the following link will let you read the book for free and then rate it. Click here for your free download! Campaign ends September 20, 2015.

Can a half-Ute boy survive abusive white men?

Sixteen-year-old Jimmy Hunter loves dead things. Decaying fossils and buried men no longer have the power to bite or abuse. Jimmy’s problems exist with the living. The half-Ute-Indian boy must survive the angry white men his mother insists on dating without killing them. Because like it or not, he has killed. The list he keeps has over 500 names on it. He doesn’t want to add any more. Can Jimmy escape to the reservation for the life he’s dreamed of? Or will he die trying?

New Kindle Scout Readers Alert!
Read & Rate for Free!

From rural Utah, USA, LT Kodzo, received a 2011 Moonbeam Children’s Book award for her first novel Locker 572. She was given the President’s Volunteer Service Award in 2013 for her work in bullying and suicide prevention. She is a dynamic presenter with a decade of professional speaking experience. Her tumultuous youth draws her to the kind of characters who face contemporary and edgy issues with a heart of hope.

Kodzo’s first and favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird. She explains, “A line in Harper Lee's latest (and first) novel Go Set a Watchman really speaks to me; I, like the adult Scout, feel like "I was born color blind." I understand that cultures can be very different, but people at their heart are the same. I don't feel I ever decided to "become" a writer, I feel like I was born with characters in my head who help me discover the world in a different way. I only hope I do justice to their experiences.”

New Kindle Scout Readers Alert!
Read & Rate for Free!

Award-winning Author LT Kodzo is exited to announce that her second book Dead Things has been accepted by a new program called Kindle Scout. This is a chance for READERS to judge a book and see if they find it worth publishing. That means the following link will let you read the book for free and then rate it. Click here for your free download! Campaign ends September 20, 2015.

Connect with Kodzo…

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Equus Education Blog Hop: Writer

At the Barn: Cherokee and Bake

Equus Education Blog Hop: Writer

Good morning! Sunday greetings…
Riding & Writing is taking part in an international blog hop hosted by Equus Education! Thanks Christine for the awesome opportunity!

What is your horse related career?
My horse related career is first connecting with wonderful equine-minded individuals who exemplify horsemanship; people who expound on the role between horse and rider. Then, I have the great opportunity to write about their horse career, or interview them about their life with horses. Authors, businessmen/women, trainers, riders, artists, poets, and much more. A favorite is my iVIEW column at trueCOWBOYmagazine.

Where in the world can we find you?
You can find me in the beautiful hills and valleys of Ohio, USA.

Is your horse career able to be carried out in part online?
The internet has made the world smaller. Because of the great opportunities through online media, I can carry out my horse career online! Blogging, equine freelance writing, interviewing horsemen/horsewomen, etc., all works well while writing in my office located in my barn; horses on the right, office on the left.

Do you need a qualification to do your job?
Besides a Bachelor’s degree in Literature, and a minor in Business Administration, being a horse fanatic helps. It isn’t a job, really, it’s a way of life. Who can live without the aroma, feel, and aesthetics of horses? My horses will tell you, the only qualification is to love horses.

What’s the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is connecting with like-minded horse people; learning about new breeds, new books, new training techniques and products. You can learn a lot from other people if you open your heart and mind. I enjoy bringing my readers innovative and quality reading material.

What careers have you taken part of so far?
My writing career includes many equine freelance magazines (and others), releasing a collection of poetry earlier this year; To the Heart, blogging, editing, ghost-writing, guest writer, promotions, and much more. I am a children’s literature author, with my first release The Blackberry Patch in 2009. I’ve a new children’s literature release coming later this year Trail Ride to Snake Hollow (about horses!). Connect with me if you would like to interview about your horse career! Visit my blog Riding & Writing, website, and author’s page, to find out more.

Thanks, Christine @ Equus Education ! Blessings...


Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...

Monday Creek Publishing LLC


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