T. K. Lukas, a born-and-bred Texan
with a hunger for international travel, lives in rural Palo Pinto County, Texas
USA, with her husband and a menagerie of four-legged friends, equine, bovine,
canine, and feline. The recipient of the A. C. Greene Literary Award for Texas
Authors for her short fiction, Of
Murder, Mayhem, and Magnolias, she now concentrates her efforts on long
fiction, from Historical, to Romance, to Adult Contemporary.
Congratulations, T.K., on your new book release Orphan Moon!
Congratulations, T.K., on your new book release Orphan Moon!
When was
your first encounter with a horse?
I was 5 or 6, my family and I went to Arkansas for a family reunion. I was
determined to make my cousin’s Shetland pony my friend, even though it was
known to bite and kick. I took it a peace offering of an apple, which it
ignored. “Sugar” instead chose to bite a mouthful of my hair, and she
proceeded to shake me like a rag-doll. My mother came running, slapping the
pony, yelling at it, and finally I was dropped to the ground. I was so upset,
not at the pony, but at my mother for hitting the pony! For me, it was love at
first bite.
What is
the premise for your new book?
Orphan Moon, set in Texas and in various western frontiers in the early 1860’s, is
about a girl who survives an Indian raid on her family’s homestead. She’s determined
to rebuild, but is left penniless and alone. She forms a plan - it’s reckless
and foolhardy – but it’s her only hope. The story is a saga of family love,
loss, and betrayal. It’s a gripping adventure and a timeless love story. And,
there are lots of really nice horses that populate the pages.
Who is the
main character?
main character is nineteen-year-old Barleigh Flanders. She’s smart, driven, and
very courageous – a girl with gumption. However, she’s also a bit reckless and
doesn’t think things through, which gets her into trouble. She has some inner
struggles, too, that she has to overcome, and those inner struggles are just as
daunting as the physical journey she undertakes.
Are your
scenarios and events based upon your own personal experience?
the book is classified as Historical Fiction, and the characters are purely
figments of my imagination, it is based upon historical events that occurred in
the 1860’s during the time leading up to the Civil War. It helps that I have
real-life experience with horses so that I can write convincingly about them. I
hate picking up a book that has horses in the story line, only to discover that
the author calls a two-year-old filly a “mare,” or refers to all newborn horses
as “colts,” or to see that the book cover depicts a cattle drive and the horses
are tacked up in English saddles. I want authenticity - readers should expect
Can you
share an excerpt?
an excerpt of the opening scene from Orphan Moon:
27, 1860
High upon the Brazos River ridge, bare-chested
warriors on war-painted horses gathered with lances, bows and arrows, and tomahawks
in hand. The fire-holder, the elder and revered medicine man, sat astride his
decorated pinto in the middle of the assembly, his mount indifferent to the
flaming torches his rider gripped in each hand. Other horses stomped up puffs
of fine caliche dust that glittered in the moonlight. One hundred or more in
strength, they waited in patient surveillance of the quiet farmhouse below,
while those in the farmhouse watched them.
The moon cast shadows where there should have
been none, as if the sun instead had reached full bloom. A lone white stallion
stood on the highest point of the ridge, silhouetted against the silvery
backdrop, its rider sitting tall. He held his hand high above his head, as if
connecting to some lunar spirit. His arm dropped, the signal was given. The
rocky ridge came alive with horses pouring over the edge, sliding and tumbling
down the steep slope, racing across the moon-lit valley. Terrifying war cries
filled the air as a gyrating circles of mounted warriors constricted in an ever-tightening
noose around the ranch.
Brilliant arcs of light erupted in the night sky
like blazing traces of shooting stars falling from the heavens. Barleigh
Flanders stood transfixed in the barricaded window of her bedroom, peering
through the gun port as arrows streaming fire rained down all around. Dread
rooted her feet to the floor.
Henry’s hands shook his daughter’s shoulders.
“Run to the goat shed, Barleigh. Get in the cellar. Take Birdie and the baby
and Aunt Winnie. Now! Uncle Jack and I’ll give cover till we can make a run for
“No, Papa. I’m staying with you.” Barleigh
picked up the shotgun, thrust it through the port.
“Don’t argue, girl. No time to waste. Keep hold
of your gun—take it with you.”
Winnie ran out of Birdie’s room carrying the
baby. Born two days earlier on the first night of the full moon, Barleigh’s
half-sister wailed with hunger. “Birdie’s too weak to run or walk.
Having this child took all of her strength.”
Henry shouted instructions as he shoved them out
the back door. “I’ll carry Birdie down in a minute. Don’t open the hatch unless
you know it’s me. Hurry now—run.”
They ran, Winnie clutching Birdie’s and Henry’s
baby, Barleigh the shotgun. Noble the hound bounded alongside, his black hair
bristling in alarm. From the back of the house, past the horse corral, then to
the goat shed, they raced the roiling cloud of dust churning in from the ridge.
Barleigh threw open the secret hatch in the floor, and after Winnie and the dog
made their way down the angled earthen steps, she slipped into the cool
darkness below. Henry had dug the cellar and crafted a secret door for it as
their hiding place to seek shelter from dangerous weather or even more
dangerous men.
“Hurry. Close the hatch,” Winnie whispered. She
bent forward, shielding the baby’s tiny body with her own as hooves pounded the
ground all around, dirt sifting down onto their heads.
“But Papa’s coming with Birdie.” Barleigh peeked
out the hatch, straining to see. A cavalcade of horses passed in front of the
open door of the goat shed. All she saw were fast hooves and painted legs, but
that was enough. She knew what was above. She secured the latch.
Do you
have a favorite horse anecdote to share?
favorite – that’s tough. Horses have been a part of my life since before I can
remember remembering. Before I got my first horse at the age of ten, I read
everything I could about them, rode my cousin’s horses, dreamed about them,
drew pictures of them, plotted how I might steal one (I was eight-years-old) if
my parents or Santa didn’t get me one. I will say that they’ve had a huge
impact on my life in very profound ways, most notably in that they brought me
together with the love of my life: “There I was, waiting my turn at this equine
veterinary hospital, when this handsome man walked in leading a bay roan mare
with a bad hock...” And the rest is history – or – the rest is a
historical romance waiting to be written.
What are
you currently reading?
currently re-reading Empire of the
Summer Moon, Quanah Parker and the
Rise and Fall of the Comanches, by S. C. Gwynne. It’s by far the scariest
and most fascinating book I’ve read in a long time. I initially read it as research
for my book, so now I’m reading it for pleasure. It’s scary because it’s about
real people and real events and the horrible things humans inflicted on one
What are
you currently writing?
currently writing the second follow-on book to Orphan Moon, that takes Barleigh and
Hughes through the Civil War and into some very convoluted conspiracies
involving a certain U. S. President. I’m also working on an adult contemporary
thriller that has a USMC hero – which will lead into a real-life biography of
the man who that character was patterned after. So, I’m very busy these days,
and that’s a great thing! In all my books, no matter the era or setting, horses
gallop across the pages!
Who is your
favorite equine author?
all-time favorite equine author is Marguerite Henry – I have many fond
childhood memories, late nights under the covers with a flashlight, reading
about Misty of Chincoteague.
Will James, too, is a favorite. He wrote so eloquently of the emotional bond between
a human and the horse. I still remember crying reading Smoky the Cow Horse.
Do you
have advice for novice riders?
Ride, ride, ride. And then, ride some more. And, don’t forget when you’re done
riding - stop and smell the sweaty neck of that horse. Imprint that scent into
your memory bank. It’s a worthy deposit.
What does
horsemanship mean to you?
Connect with T.K…
Really like the atmosphere of the opening. Love horses and been researching Native Americans in 1812 for a novel. Will check out the links.
A lifetime of knowledge of the horse and saddle shines thru in an expressive and well written novel about the old west.
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