Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Paul David Powers, Author

Welcome to the world of Telly Tales! A trilogy for children 6 to 12 by Paul David Powers!  In Book One, Telly the Owl becomes the new overseer in Tales of the Swamp Creatures.  Book Two, Telly Tales Adventures, Thomas Telly Owl becomes the next generation leader. Released in 2014, Book Three and the final book of the Telly Owl Triology, Telly Tales III, concludes with the history from the beginning of Telly's arrival, his son's new rule, to Thomas Telly Owl's coronation and marriage…   

What is the premise for Telly Tales?
Telly Tales is about God's All Knowing Presence and Love towards his Creation as seen through the lives of the creatures who live in a swamp; that good always outweighs evil and that there are consequences for the things that we do wrong!

Are your characters based upon your on life experiences?
Telly Tales III is about life's struggles, being rejected like Morris the Yellow Spotted Frog, and moments of doubt like Thomas Telly Owl who succeeded his father as ruler of the swamp creatures. It’s about overcoming adversities - how Teddy the Turtle uses simple humor with his shell game to lighten the spirits of the hurricane ravaged swamp creatures! It’s about the Blessed Hope that Jesus will come again, like in a Glimpse of Heaven and how we, like millions of creatures, will someday rejoice in heaven with all the saints, before the Throne of God!

How did you come up with the name Telly?
Like Aslan [C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia] being a type of Christ, Telly Owl is like Jesus the Good Shepherd who watches over the creatures!

Please share an excerpt from your new book release Telly Tales III
     “Aunt Tully, What is the Greatest Love?”
     Tully was overjoyed to share with her precious nieces about the Greatest Love ever given to Mankind, Jesus dying on the cross for our sins!  “He died forgiving those who crucified Him. However, a Glorious thing happened! On the Third Day, Christ arose from the grave, just as the Scriptures foretold! It was finished. Man can once again be in right standing with God, “IF” they repent of their sins and accept God’s Eternal Sacrifice for those sins - Jesus Christ!”
     Mary and Carrie began crying! Deep inside, they knew that they did not know the Jesus that their Mother or Aunt knew! That afternoon on a hill similar to where Christ died, Mary and Carrie prayed and ask Jesus Christ to become their Savior. How about YOU? Do you know Jesus?” (The Greatest Love taken from Telly Tales III).

What would you like the reader to render from your books?
Being in ministry for over thirty-two years my message has been simple, JESUS LOVES YOU! And that Love is Eternal for those who accept His Gift of Salvation!

What are your views on current world events?
For this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached as a witness to all the world, to all the nations. Then shall the end come! Matthew 24:14
What are you currently writing?
I am currently writing Romantic Poetry in hopes of publishing a poetry book in the future.

List a few things that your fans may not know about you...
I am Hippie from the 60's!
My life changed when I met Jesus Christ! (1972).
We are saved by His Grace, not by works!
I love to sing and play Classic Rock, Blues and Christian Music!
My Goal is that Telly Tales III will touch children's lives worldwide!
My book sales support children's missions!
I am single, looking for that mate to spend the rest of my days with!

PAUL DAVID POWERS graduated from Miracle Valley Bible College in 1976. In 1982, he received Leadership Development / Helping People Who Hurt Certificates from David Wilkerson’s- World Challenge Institute of Christian Training. “Journalism Awards-1992-1997”, as Photographer & Editor of TNCC’s- The Nelsonite.  In 1997 He graduated from Thomas Nelson Community College with an Associates Degree in Photography, went on to Southside VA Community College, earned an Associates Degree in Human Services, Substance Abuse Counseling, finally a Bachelors Degree in Counseling from Master’s International School of Divinity.

Connect with Paul…
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