Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Brian Michael Good, Author

Author Brian Michael Good is a self-made man. He has lived a life buffeted by character-altering hurricanes. His life storms began in his trauma-filled childhood within his dysfunctional family. He survived childhood verbal, physical, and sexual abuse; the death of two siblings; the stigma of being homeless - not once, but three times; two bankruptcies; a six-pound cancer that was doubling every two months; a near-fatal suicide attempt in 2003; the death of his best friend; three divorces; and the rejection of his only daughter.

How can one man encounter so many hurricanes, survive them, learn from them, and then strive to make the world a better place? This was the question Brian asked himself that led to his book release Never Surrender Your Soul.

Welcome Brian!

What is the premise for your new book Never Surrender Your Soul?
In my book, I talk about Weshemehe (We-she-me-he), my own English name for God. God is omnipresent, a part of every atom in the universe. Therefore, God does not have a gender.

The Big Bang was initiated by Weshemehe in order to create the universe and share life with all of us. Weshemehe, being omnipresent, is part of the reason why Weshemehe can control anything at any moment, and how you can have a personal relationship with Weshemehe.

I also conclude that a dark woman was created first, in Africa, substantiated by logic, science, reason, and faith. Acceptance of The Book of Genesis’ creation story slows the progression of equality of the sexes.

I also suggest that you deprogram yourself of all types of “mind control”: religious, philosophical, and ideological. Mind control decays your ability to pursue and discover the truth. Rather than listen to a person with a louder voice, listen to your own inner voice.

Please define what it means to surrender your soul
You can give up your soul – your very essence – to a painful and unsatisfying existence in your present life if you suffer from mental illness, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, addictions, or simply have a lack of peace or sense of direction. You may also surrender your soul if you give up on your passion or not form stable and enduring relationships, education, hard work, and sacrifice, which are all necessary components to a plan to meet your destiny.

I further explain this topic in my book:
“At some point in your life, you may wonder if your soul is hanging by a thread. This thread is the conduit in which your belief system flows, defining your human spirit and binding to the fabric of your soul. Religious, philosophical, and ideological fibers are spun into a single strand, giving strength to your beliefs. It is this thread’s strength that allows you to be broad-minded and even-handed. Be aware that you may be surrendering your soul in your judgment or treatment of others.”

In your opinion, what happens to our soul at death? 
I don’t know for certain what becomes of our soul at death except for Weshemehe’s (God’s) judgement. We will all be accountable for how we lived our life. In my book, I explain that the best defense against surrendering our soul is our choice of a belief system.

I believe in Weshemehe (God) and spiritual life after death one hundred percent. Do not expect to use the tenets of your Bible of Faith as the basis for your argument to escape Weshemehe’s judgment, because, just like money, you cannot bring the tenets of your Bible of Faith with you
into the afterlife.

Are your views Bible-based (or another religion)? If not, what are the foundations for your beliefs?
I was born and raised a Catholic; years later I became a born-again Christian. As I wrote my book and studied some of the four thousand religions of the world, I became spiritual and I now follow the twelve “Pearls of Spirituality” that are found in my book.

Having said that, three major religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – all worship the same God but interpret God’s message differently, because each Bible of Faith represents its own cultural identity. This is true with every religion.

Do you believe in reincarnation and karma?
Reincarnation is a possibility. Even if one could prove reincarnation to be true, each reincarnated life would most likely get substantially harder – especially if you kill, die by suicide, steal, or take someone’s freewill. If you screwed up in your lifetime and surrendered your soul in your present life, you have until your last breath to meet your true destiny, which must be met without greed or thirst for money; it must be unselfish and spiritual in nature. Only then will Weshemehe consider giving you a second chance.

Who are your niche readers, and who do you recommend should read your book?
Never Surrender Your Soul is a personal/spiritual-growth book that speaks of finding your destiny, spirituality, God, religious texts, and discusses reincarnation, health, family, parenting, work, and life struggles; it also deciphers the truth about these personal-growth subjects. If you are interested in any of these topics, or want to get self-help, embrace positive thinking, live a happier life, or find your destiny, my book is for you.

What are you currently writing?
I recently decided to publish a second book about organic and natural skincare. As an ecommerce entrepreneur, I have sold organic and natural skincare for 14 years and I have earned excellent testimonials during this time. I have written many articles from my expertise and placed these on my website. I have more than enough material for a book.

What are you currently reading?
I recently read Smoking is Dangerous! Transform Your Life Now! by Jerri Aubry, M.S. This book helps you to find ways to deal with the stress that is caused by smoking triggers and cravings by changing how you associate smoking with your daily rituals. It includes a well-researched smoking cessation program that provides a number of ways, options, activities, and reasons to motivate you to quit smoking. I definitely recommend this book if you want to quit smoking for the final time.

Who is your favorite author?
I am my favorite author. I usually spend ten to twelve hours a day, six days a week writing, and I never complain.

Do you have any advice for novice writers?
Write a book for the right reasons, purpose, and for your enjoyment. I wrote Never Surrender Your Soul to help other people. I found out after the book was published that in writing the book I had saved myself.

List 10 things your fans may not know about you…
1. I have made many mistakes in my life. I have failed over and over again. But I keep getting up.
2. I would not have been born if my mother hadn’t had a miscarriage.
3. I was born into a family of ten, and we went camping on every vacation.
4. My front tooth was knocked out playing ice hockey in the back yard.
5. I was the head of the University of Massachusetts, Boston Skydiving Club, and during my twenties, I had four parachute malfunctions.
6. I am a cancer survivor.
7. I paid for my college and living expenses while in college, and I paid back my student loans one hundred percent.
8. I tutored eight of my core courses at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, where I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Management and Economics, having passed my writing proficiency exam on the third attempt, which was required to earn my degree.
9. On October 23, 2003, I took enough pills to kill an elephant, and when I was found – thirteen and a half hours after I attempted suicide – I was a half-hour from death. After my suicide attempt, I wanted to live.
10. I am blessed. I am a survivor. I now respect the gift that Weshemehe has given all of us: life.

I am very grateful to be alive.

Connect with Brian…

Follow Brian’s Blog Tour … 
April 21, 2015: Riding & Writing
April 21, 2015: Deal Sharing Aunt
April 24, 2015: Read, Learn and Shine
April 24, 2015: IMPACT Books & Art
April 25, 2015: My Life. One Story at a Time.
April 25, 2015: Triptasy

Never Surrender Your Soul is a synopsis of Brian Michael Good’s life struggles and triumphs, meant to encourage struggling individuals make sense of the world and find hope to live a meaningful life. The book explains how the author was able to rise from the ashes of defeat to live a successful and rewarding life and feel peace and contentment. Brian's spiritual and lifestyle insights provide the truth and inspiration individuals need for creating significant life changes. The title reflects the heart of the book, as the author beseeches the reader to consider areas of life that can weigh them down, such as hardship, fear, and depression, which can drive them to give up their soul – their very ticket to the afterlife. Decide to keep your ticket to the afterlife by never surrendering your soul. This book will show you how!

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