Monday, November 11, 2024

Milliron Monday: The Journals January - March 1973

 Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.

Jody’s Journals
January - March 1973


·        Sodium phenobarbitone – Los Angeles investigations, “Veterinary Road”, Dog World, Oct 1972, p. 6.

·        Clovite, vitamins > Tues, Thurs, Sat
·        Change bedding > 1st and 2nd weeks
·        Change water in humidifier
·        Jan, David here for dinner; worked on J. P.’s models, played chess
·        Rode through woods, around trails; rode Preak, Pat Cricket, Pete Sailor, J Shah
·        Cooked squirrel and grouse in crockpot
·        Pasteurized milk
·        1st ATC
·        Rode Cricket, Pete Sailor, moved Apple, Maverick, Lolly, Persimmon over to pasture around trails, J rode Shah, saw 5 or 6 deer
·        Kanga stitches from castration to be removed
·        Gary Parker, friend here with new pup, Squid
·        Read to Pat “Winnie the Pooh”
·        Wrote letter to Jessie, Mom, Dad
·        Gordon shod Sailor
·        Jennifer scrubbed upstairs bathroom
·        Worked Shane with prong collar
·        4-H meeting
·        To Mansfield >Gary worked on J’s teeth, dinner with Gary and Aggie, played hearts with J. and P.
·        Wade Price took “Sailor”, grained Apple, Maverick, Jiggs,
·        Snow day, no school
·        Worked on log sheets
·        Rode Cricket over jumps 3 times, J rode Shah
·        Took grain in, ran errands, library
·        Worked Shane
·        Fritz shod Cricket, Shah
·        Grained colts, burros
·        7:15 Pete Humane Society
·        Drove basketball; visited Dunfee’s store
·        Pete rode Cricket, J Shah, saw 2 deer in the blackberry meadow
·        Gassan's here > international buffet dinner, played chess here
·        Elkhound, strychnine, spent night in our bedroom
·        Rode Preak, J. Shah, Pete Cricket, lame
·        Visited Messenger Open House
·        Communion service
·        Pizza Hut dinner
·        Betty, Abbott called
·        Wrote letter to Jessie, Mom, Dad
·        Made butter
·        J. P. no school, President Johnson’s funeral
·        Mailed clothes to Carol, ran errands, groceries
·        Jennifer washed downstairs bathroom, kitchen
·        Pat cleaned kitchen desk
·        Took J to slumber party at Pam Brooks
·        Took Pat basketball game
·        Finished sorting out junk from desk
·        Sunday Church Good Shepherd, lunch at Perkins
·        Dinner, leg of lamb, Betty, Abbott
·        Walked with dogs, B.A. Pete, light snow
·        Oyster stew
·        Bill 4 bales hay in sheep shed
·        Oranges, grapefruit from Mom
·        James Hart overnight with Pat
·        Skating party Methodist Church
·        Retyped 4-H Constitution, by-laws
·        Wrote mom letter
·        Pete took lambs to Snap’s 


·        Ralph Guthrie swabbed well
·        SEOAV Burr Oak
·        Snap’s cut up lamb [Snap Coakley]
·        3 rainbows on drive up 50A
·        Sunday Church Episcopal > Jan, David lunch Tri-County Lodge, picked up lamb
·        Rode Shah, Pete rode Cricket, saw 4 deer
·        Took lamb to Bakers, got milk
·        Belgian sale, Jerry Hartley drove
·        Pete rode Sailor at Wade Price’s
·        Lunch, Schmidt’s Sausage House on Fairgrounds
·        Supper at Kanes
·        Mended, ironed, laundry
·        Saw 5 deer on hillside from barn
·        Put new ribbon in typewriter
·        Game Warden (Wells) here about spotlighting deer in meadow
·        Pat haircut, Fritz
·        Basketball game, took Bill Wright > Pizza Hut
·        Sunday Church McDougal Church > Pete calving case
·        Paula Brown, Jim Farley here for afternoon
·        Rode down Dutch Creek, counted horses, left Angel there
·        Jogged the dogs around the hay meadow, down creek, Pete!
·        Jogged dogs, set out live trap
·        TB test, ran errands, took corn in
·        Barrett's picked up J. P. for McDougal pizza party
·        Sheep Producers School
·        Sailor gone one month today
·        Saw fox in hay meadow
·        Checked trap
·        Deworm horses
·        Jogged dogs, followed deer trails, checked trap
·        8 pm Humane Society
·        Saw deer by gates in bottom
·        Reeves here > put control collar on Zeke
·        Marshall Adams here briefly
·        Sunday McDougal Church
·        Sailor returned
·        First new lamb
·        Picked J up at school, shopped for sale clothes
·        Betty, Abbott arrived
·        Rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor
·        Betty Abbott left [one day visit]
·        J. P. McDougal Youth Fellowship
·        Sheep Producers School > drove Mary Ann Kilzer
·        8 am Pooh dead
·        Saw 3 grouse
·        Tiger Tomcat in trap
·        Baked 2 loaves Boston brown bread
·        Nearly hit 3 deer, rabbit
·        Willie Lafollette’s birthday
·        Pete “no-till’ corn clinic
·        Headache
·        Yellow cat in trap
·        OVMA Meeting Columbus > historical center, banquet, lunch Star Jones, shopped Lazarus, Garden Show, Art Museum, COSI, sheep school


·        4-H Ad-Hoc Dog Commission
·        Sunday Church Episcopal
·        Jerry Hartley here
·        Saw 8 deer > Pete “whistled up” 7, played in hay meadow
·        Helped Mae with Josh
·        Dewormed horses, burros, RV, Lepto, VEE, detailed, castrated lambs
·        Jessica, Song, 4-H cable TV, Nelsonville, 2 Farley children here
·        Butchered, dressed 8 rabbits (1 to cats, bad/dark liver)
·        Dewormed ponies, trimmed feet
·        Pat worked Kanga
·        Watched “Kung Fu”  TV
·        Chopped vines, trail toward Negro Den cliff top
·        Lunch at BBF, groceries, baked 2 spice cakes, PTO Spring Carnival
·        Sunday Church of Good Shepherd
·        Left for Strickland Carson Clinic, picked up Susan Nolan > Bloomington, Indiana
·        Dinner with Jan Worthington
·        Watched movie “Sheepdogs in Germany”
·        Flu
·        Watched movie “Shamu” with Hartley’s, J. P. Jerry D., Walt Disney “Sword and the Stone”
·        SEOAV – Tri-County Motor Lodge
·        Dinner Linger Longer Inn R 50
·        Missy, whipworm treatment
·        Jogged Kanga, Shane, fox followed us over hill
·        Took shovels, worked on stream over trail
·        1st 4-H meeting
·        Bill, David finished lunging ring


Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

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Milliron Monday: Jody's Journals July - September 1974

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...