Sunday, May 7, 2023

NUBS: A Horse Story by Mark M. Dean


Over the years, if you were to ask me what my relationship was with my horses, you would have gotten many different answers. On this blossoming beautiful spring morning, my one-word answer would be “Spiritual”.  

Let me explain a bit. I consider myself somewhat of a novice poet, having recently published my first book, dedicating several poems to those beasts of burden; the ones we love, the ones we nurture, ride, brush, confide in, hate to pay for but would spend anything in the world on them. Yes, those animals who’ll kick you, bite you, nuzzle you when you most need it, fill that hole in your heart, and carry you off into the perfect sunset. Yup, you know what I’m talking about.

So, a few weeks back it was time for Doc to come out for his annual visit to chide me about my “easy keepers”, administer his crazy expensive shots, and float some teeth.  I was dreading his visit like I was the one getting my wolf teeth ground down with that “ginormous” (as my son calls it) drill. But more to the point, I was extremely anxious about what he was going to say after he looked into Gus’ mouth, blinded me with his head lamp, and then delivered the truth.  Which I did not, nor was I willing to hear, about this gorgeous 30 year old red roan, now sleeping on my shoulder like my daughter after a long day at the county fair.

“What’s the deal Doc?”

“Better than I thought.  He’s got some time, but some adjustments will need to be made.”

At that very moment, the wave of raw emotion coursing through my body made me unabashedly realize how much this animal had become a part of me.  A true part of me.  A connection not appreciated on a frigid dark morning, or blistering hot summer days when he needed me. 

That moment was “Spiritual” and one I will never forget.

As Doc’s 2,500 dually pulled away from the barn, the poet in me ran into the house and wrote down the conversation I thought we were going to have and will someday.  And if you’re as blessed as I have been, you too, will have someday.


© by Mark M. Dean 2023

“Down to the nubs,” he said.

“Damn,” I said.

“Yup, it’s a sad day.”

“Yea, it is,” I gulped.

“End of an era, some would say.”

“Got that right,”  I said.

“I think it’s time.”


“Yup, down to the bone,” he breathed.

“I love you Buddy,”  I said forehead to forehead.

“Just let me know.”

“I will, just need a bit more time.”

“I figured,”  he said.

“Down to the nubs?” I asked one last time.


“Lord give me strength,” I prayed,

“He will,” he said.

Mark M. Dean is an award-winning author, poet, and lyricist from southeastern Ohio USA. Follow Mark on Facebook, Instagram @ mmdean323. For a list of Mark’s books, visit To send Mark a message, email

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