Sunday, October 2, 2022

Pawpaw is My Favorite Flavor! by Kaitlin Kulich

Kaitlin Kulich is a children's author, an editor for The Avenue News, and a reporter for multiple local newspapers throughout the mid to upper shore regions of Maryland USA. She attended Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, where she received a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and specialized in Environmental Studies. Pawpaw is My Favorite Flavor! is Kaitlin’s first children's book and she plans to continue writing and working with children throughout her career. Aside from writing, Kaitlin enjoys spending time with family, friends, and daydreaming about her pet pig she plans to have one day.

Link to short promo video

Link to storytime video

Henry loves to go visit his Grandpa on his farm in Athens, Ohio. During this visit, Henry and Grandpa come across a pawpaw tree and decide to pick the fruit to make homemade ice cream. Henry finds out it’s fun to try new things and even learns about pawpaws along the way. If you want to learn more about pawpaws and how to make your own homemade ice cream read, Pawpaw is my Favorite Flavor! Who knows, maybe pawpaw will be your favorite flavor too!

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Ohio University Forum News Article 

The Article

Riding & Writing Interview


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