Monday, January 31, 2022

Milliron Monday: Horse Notes

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021). 

“If you decide to become a veterinary surgeon you will 
never grow rich but you will have a life of endless interest and variety.”
― James Herriot, All Creatures Great and Small 
There were days at Milliron Clinic where tensions were high and the air was blue. The schedule was tight and Dr. Smith was a wee bit stressed, maybe. Then came lighter days when Dr. Smith's laughter barreled through the hallways. Either way, he was committed to the endless variety of animals (and clients) who walked through his doors.

To show his appreciation, Dr. Smith liked to write a quick note. You may have been a recipient of "Horse Notes" - a special slimline card created especially for Dr. Smith by fine artist Kelly Lincoln.

Kelly is the proprietor of Fernwood Farm & Studio. At the time she was commissioned to create Dr. Smith's greeting card she was working at the clinic part-time and designing full-time. Kelly remembers, "Dr. Smith asked me to create a Generic Card, one that covered everything and everyone. He told me what to write. For the interior I hand-lettered Whatever. On the back of the card I wrote Horse Notes For Dr. Pete Smith and sketched horses whistling imaginary 'notes'."

(c) Kelly Lincoln
The back of Dr. Smith's Generic Card

Only one original card remains in the family archives. If you have a Horse Note, you have a piece of SE Ohio history.

Have a great week ahead.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.



Saturday, January 29, 2022

Limited Time $0.99 eBook: Understanding the Basics of Cryptocurrency: A brief guide to entering the world of crypto as an expert ICO PoW Bitcoin Ethereum Paper Wallet External How to Invest in Cryptocurrency by Barry King


by Barry King


Crypto expert Barry King shows how easy it is to understand the basics of cryptocurrencies and start profiting through initial coin offerings!

Cryptocurrencies, as defined in this book, are currencies that do not have a central lender, such as a country's central bank.

They're manufactured with computer encryption techniques that limit the quantity of coins produced and validate any financial transfers performed afterward. Crypto-traders can diversify their portfolios and potentially increase their wealth.

Only the most experienced and skilled employees should be given leverage. In the crypto-industry, an initial coin offering (ICO) is a popular method of crowdfunding.

Before investing in an ICO, think about the following points from this book: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a popular technique for bitcoin startups to raise capital. The most important issue for the Bitcoin network was ensuring that transactions were truly honest and safe.

The PoW (Proof of Work) system is founded on two principles: transactions must be completed rapidly, and a hash's "success" is decided by the miners' efforts.

Available in Paperback and eBook HERE!


About the Author

Hello, my name is Barry King Morrison, a 35-year-old senior politician who enjoys spreading right-wing propaganda and watching sport and Rubix cube. I am stable and inspiring but can also be very sneaky and a bit greedy.

I am from Poland. I have a degree in psychology, Eds at Miami University.

I love sports and swimming.

I grew up in an upper-class neighborhood.

I was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

I am currently married to Lucinda Dianne Brown. Lucinda is five years older than him and works as an artist.

I had a full life without many setbacks, he was in school without standing out, and everything was fine at home with his parents.

I have one child with their wife Lucinda: Kristen, aged 1.

I have been interested in cryptocurrencies from the very beginning and the existence of bitcoin; I have read many publications on this topic and successfully invested in cryptocurrencies. I am interested in the human mind, consciousness, and subconsciousness; I am a geek saving time and minimalism.

My favorite cryptocurrency is ETH (Etherum)

My best friend is a senior politician called Eliot Hill. They get on well most of the time. I also hang around with a senior politician called Honey Hubbard. We enjoy going to the movies together.

I decided to enter the world of writing recently; my experience, for now, is very short. However, I am a person who likes to learn a lot and to investigate a lot when I like something.

I am expressing my personal experiences in my sheets to learn from me everything that has happened to me is also written. I also put some additional terms to make it easier for you to read my writings.

I intend to make the world a better place before I pass away, so I want to leave my legacy with multiple life lessons so that generations can learn from what I lived.

I am an independent writer, and nothing else would make me happy if my books were shared; thank you very much for entering this profile and taking the trouble to read to the end.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

This Week @ Monday Creek: January

Original Art by Iva Dukic @ zmamorije_art

How is 2022 so far? All is well here. If you read last Monday’s Milliron Monday, you know what I’ve been up to. Other than my husband’s appendicitis, not much is new. Ohio is cold in January; however, the weather can be as fickle as my mare, Zubie.  

January means accounting - business accounting, personal accounting. Having a professional CPA helps to ease the accounting misery (well, it’s really not misery). My CPA doesn’t mind if I ask goofy questions or if I don’t understand certain business scenarios. Owning a small business takes perseverance and intentional self-awareness. Is this what I really want to do? A good question to ask. Knowing the successful impact we have upon our business partners and clients, the answer is always “yes”.  

January also means taking care of animals in freezing weather. The key is to work smart, not hard; to have everything ready beforehand, which means preparing in summer for the worst of winters - hay, grain, water, shelter, etc. I love winter. Zubie has a nice winter coat and she loves playing in the snow. The ducks - Gigantor, Snickers, and Puddles - do well as long as they keep swimming. 

January leaves extra time indoors for reading. Sitting by the living room window where the sun reflects off the snow is the perfect place to read. I have been reading Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Eat Like the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to Be by David Asprey. I've been listening to Asprey's podcasts, too. Asprey's signature Bullet Proof Coffee elixir is amazing! Asprey stresses the importance of taking Vitamin D supplement for immunity. There is so much to learn and I am knee-deep in the process. I will keep you updated.

Valentine’s Day is coming soon! Recommended reading is N.R. Hart’s collection of poetry books. Love Poems to No One, Beauty and Her Beast, and Last of the Romantics, are available in hardcover. Hart is an Amazon Best Selling Author with fans around the world. Her poetry is so popular, fans tattoo her poetry. I’ve known Hart for over twelve years. She is a true romantic who writes from her soul. If you have a copy of one of her books or are new to her work, please share your thoughts with us! Write a review on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or send us an editorial review here! Follow Hart on Instagram for new poetry.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Author & Poet Christopher Griffith

Author & Poet Christopher Griffith


View All of Christopher Griffith’s Titles HERE!



A final excerpt from what was to become a central scene in William Ottoway's Utopia:

I was about to call him out, tell him how predictable his actions had been since first we had pulled him from the boat, but then Manou’s almighty scream from the direction to which Dan had pointed set my hair from my head and I turned to see the mud covering the Usurper’s grave being pushed up from within. First one hand, then another broke through the earth, the right fist clenching the air, vital, pulling its torso and legs up and into view, head emerging last, shaking itself free of mud and dust, standing rather sullenly as we all watched in terror and many crossed themselves at sight this undead resurrection. And it was him. Of that there was no doubt. Momentarily, he looked back down at the grave from which he had emerged, bent over to pick something up and in one movement somehow swung it round to strike Manou hard on the side of his head. It was a corpse, the half-rotting skull smashing into Manou’s temple with a force that sent him sprawling in that sick sort of motion which immediately made me fear the worst. Then the Usurper threw the body towards us and it landed face up on the table, spread-eagled, half a dozen melons squashed beneath it and the same number of Utopians backing away feverishly crossing themselves still.

It was Emily.

I gawped at my nemesis.

Death, not even death, had contained him. Somehow he had transcended it, returned back through the gate, by what soul-killing magic I knew not, so that here he now stood, commensurate with his new condition, strong, mighty, immortal, and ready for the last time to harrow our paradise to extinction.


Christopher Griffith’s Poetry Blog

Recommended Poems:

White Trash
Where's His Mask?
The Lie
My Field
View From The Window


About the Author

Christopher loves television, electronic music, Matthew, poetry, rip-roaring conspiracies, supermarkets, fantasy fiction from The Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter, and anything Shakespeare. He writes upon these subjects that in study of them he will hopefully interest others and learn thereby himself!

Connect with Christopher:

Monday, January 24, 2022

Milliron Monday: Yogurt

My dad's girls. Ida, top right, chewing her cud.

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021). 

"My cow is not pretty, but she's pretty to me." 

My husband became very ill last Saturday and I had to call the emergency squad. Long story short, he had acute appendicitis. After two days in the hospital, he had his appendix removed. He is doing well and recovering. Family and friends have been in touch, wondering how he is and we are thankful for their thoughts and prayers.

Many of my friends are former Milliron Clinic clients or employees. The first thing they ask, “Did you give your husband a tablespoon of yogurt? You know, he needs it to eliminate the hospital medicines and help soothe his stomach.” My husband, the Italian-American that he is, would never (ever) come close to a container of yogurt. Milk, yes. Yogurt, no way! 

How does this tie-in with Milliron Monday? It reminded of me of Dr. Smith and his complete confidence in yogurt to heal the stomach and digestive tract. Years ago when I was a kid, one of our Hereford cows, Ida, lost her cud. Cows have four stomachs and need their cud to digest food. Without their cud, cows will stop eating. It can be life-threatening. My dad always produced quality silage, so he was dumfounded how this could happen. Dr. Smith thought possibly it could have been that Ida was old and maybe stressed due to losing a calf several days before. 

I remember going to the local grocery store with my mom to buy gallons of plain cultured yogurt. I don’t know how many gallons of yogurt Ida ate, but it seemed like a lot. Dr. Smith said, “Give her yogurt, as much as she’ll eat, every day.” After three days, Ida was chewing her cud. 

At Milliron Clinic, they made their own yogurt. One employee remembers, “Pete had us make yogurt almost daily. We gave it to animals after surgery to stimulate digestion, especially after colic surgery in horses. Sometimes clients would stop at the clinic to pick up a pint of homemade yogurt for their dog or cat.”

We’re all different and whatever works for cows like Ida may not work for you, but it’s a good story of how Dr. Smith believed in simple, holistic medicine to heal. I am sure many of Dr. Smith’s clients have similar stories. 

My Ida story didn’t convince my husband. He emphatically replied, “I’m not a cow.”

Note: Before feeding your pet yogurt, check with your veterinarian. All pets are not the same – what may be okay for one may not be okay for another.

Have a great week ahead.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.



Sunday, January 23, 2022

Understanding the Basics of Cryptocurrency: A brief guide to entering the world of crypto as an expert ICO PoW Bitcoin Ethereum Paper Wallet External How to Invest in Cryptocurrency by Barry King


Understanding the Basics of Cryptocurrency: A brief guide to entering the world of crypto as an expert ICO PoW Bitcoin Ethereum Paper Wallet External How to Invest in Cryptocurrency

by Barry King


Crypto expert Barry King shows how easy it is to understand the basics of cryptocurrencies and start profiting through initial coin offerings!

Cryptocurrencies, as defined in this book, are currencies that do not have a central lender, such as a country's central bank.

They're manufactured with computer encryption techniques that limit the quantity of coins produced and validate any financial transfers performed afterward. Crypto-traders can diversify their portfolios and potentially increase their wealth.

Only the most experienced and skilled employees should be given leverage. In the crypto-industry, an initial coin offering (ICO) is a popular method of crowdfunding.

Before investing in an ICO, think about the following points from this book: Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a popular technique for bitcoin startups to raise capital. The most important issue for the Bitcoin network was ensuring that transactions were truly honest and safe.

The PoW (Proof of Work) system is founded on two principles: transactions must be completed rapidly, and a hash's "success" is decided by the miners' efforts.

Available in Paperback and eBook HERE!


About the Author

Hello, my name is Barry King Morrison, a 35-year-old senior politician who enjoys spreading right-wing propaganda and watching sport and Rubix cube. I am stable and inspiring but can also be very sneaky and a bit greedy.

I am from Poland. I have a degree in psychology, Eds at Miami University.

I love sports and swimming.

I grew up in an upper-class neighborhood.

I was raised in a happy family home with two loving parents.

I am currently married to Lucinda Dianne Brown. Lucinda is five years older than him and works as an artist.

I had a full life without many setbacks, he was in school without standing out, and everything was fine at home with his parents.

I have one child with their wife Lucinda: Kristen, aged 1.

I have been interested in cryptocurrencies from the very beginning and the existence of bitcoin; I have read many publications on this topic and successfully invested in cryptocurrencies. I am interested in the human mind, consciousness, and subconsciousness; I am a geek saving time and minimalism.

My favorite cryptocurrency is ETH (Etherum)

My best friend is a senior politician called Eliot Hill. They get on well most of the time. I also hang around with a senior politician called Honey Hubbard. We enjoy going to the movies together.

I decided to enter the world of writing recently; my experience, for now, is very short. However, I am a person who likes to learn a lot and to investigate a lot when I like something.

I am expressing my personal experiences in my sheets to learn from me everything that has happened to me is also written. I also put some additional terms to make it easier for you to read my writings.

I intend to make the world a better place before I pass away, so I want to leave my legacy with multiple life lessons so that generations can learn from what I lived.

I am an independent writer, and nothing else would make me happy if my books were shared; thank you very much for entering this profile and taking the trouble to read to the end.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

PEACEMAKER: Pope Francis on His Mission to Thailand, Japan, Bari by Anja Goder


Peacemaker: Pope Francis on His Mission to Thailand, Japan, Bari by Anja Goder

Peacemaker Vol.1 focuses on Pope Francis's mission to make the world a better place, through the eyes of author and photographer Anja Goder. It features 100 pages of exclusive photos taken during three trips in Thailand, Japan and Bari, accompanied by a detailed commentary on the global impact of these trips and their relevance towards world peace.

Available in eBook and Hardcover. The trim size is 10.6 x10.6 inches, it has 104 pages, a soft-touch dust jacket and is has a luxury finish.  Available from:

White Pages Publishing

BookDepository Hardcover eBook

Barnesand Noble


About the Author

Anja Goder (, is a photographer based in Malta and recently published her first book "Peacemaker Vol. 1 - Pope Francis on his Mission to Thailand/Japan/Bari". At its first 8 pages, the book features the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, signed by Pope Francis together with the Grand-Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb on the 4th of February in Abu Dhabi.

Facebook: @ anjagoderofficial

Instagram: @ anjagoder

LinkedIn: @ anja-goder-515a0a181/

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

150 Mandalas for Stress Relief and Relaxation: Coloring Book for Adults by Freya Bree


150 Mandalas For Stress Relief and Relaxation

by Freya Bree


This coloring book comes with 150 uniquely designed mandalas to help one relax and it can be used as a way to meditate as well. Mandalas are sacred circles that have long been used as a healing tool for meditation and art therapy. The simple act of coloring geometric circles can be quite beneficial in relieving stress and anxiety.

Connect with the world around you as you relax, find inner peace, and let your stress melt away with these beautiful Mandalas.

It’s time for you to focus on you. Relax, take your mind off the day, week, month, or even all of 2020 and 2021 while grounding yourself in the moment. Coloring has been proven to help calm and de-stress us while allowing you to rediscover your inner artist and nurture creativity.

Life can be stressful—combat the day-to-day strain with this adult Mandala coloring book with 150 unique designs!

Relax, unwind from your day, and enjoy these unique Mandalas—the perfect adult coloring book for de-stressing.

With these 150 Mandalas, you can lose yourself in restorative meditation while taking a break from your busy daily routine. Express yourself, promote self-care, and do something kind for your mind—you’ll thank yourself later!

Product Details:

  • Each mandala is uniquely designed by the artist.
  • Premium glossy cover finish that keeps stains away and always maintains the clean fresh looks.
  • Perfect for all coloring mediums.
  • High quality 60 pound paper stock.
  • Large format 8.5" wide x 11.0" tall pages.

Looking for the perfect gift for that tightly-wound family member or friend? Look no further! Life is tough, but we can get through it together. So grab a copy for yourself and someone else and discover a sense of peace and the boost from helping out someone you love. Scroll up and one-click buy now!

Available in Paperback HERE!

About the Artist

Memories of childhood have been coming back often lately in Freya’s mind. Gone are the days running barefoot in the Tibetan mountains and learning mediation for the first time in an old mountaintop temple far away from all the noises of life. Those days, Freya regularly found herself daydreaming in the world of never-ending flows of colors and patterns in her own mind and in the flows of energy only a child can see and feel.

Many years later, entwined deeply in the financial world of one of the most vibrant cities in the U.S., the memories of the innocent days come back more and more often. Freya knew she needed to do something to calm her inner child. She allows herself to see colors and patterns and to feel the movement of energy again. This time, the overflowing colors and patterns appear in various mandala forms – the oldest Buddhist practice to experience transcendence of Self and the universe as well as the impermanence of life.

Amazon Author Page

Monday, January 17, 2022

Milliron Monday: Snowflake


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021). 

"Nature is full of genius, full of the divinity; 
so that not a snowflake escapes its fashioning hand."

Jody admired snowflakes. She liked the distinctive designs of lace and ice. She marveled at the "miniature ice masterpieces" and their timeless beauty. 

The Snowflake: Winter's Secret Beauty by Kenneth Libbrecht was a favorite in the Milliron library. The hardcover (photo above) is faded and worn, a gift to Jody. It's a "field guide to falling snow" that describes how a snowflake is made and why no two are alike. 
Jody's tireless love and consistent devotion to nature is captured in hundreds of faded photos of Milliron Farm and snow. Here is a photo of Jody riding her New Forest Pony, Junco, on Milliron Farm.

Have a great week ahead.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.



Call for Authors: Hocking Hills Book Fair 2025

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