Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Writer's Bulletin: LinkedIn & Authors

Social media provides many opportunities to network and share your work. However, we're all busy. Choosing which social media will bring the most exposure to your writing career can be difficult. Minutes, hours, days can be spent getting distracted by social media - distracted by "social" scenarios instead of work scenarios. 

One of my favorite places to post, share, and connect is LinkedIn. Like all social media you must be careful about which connects are sincere and worth your time (because you want to be a working writer and not in banter with non-productive connections). 

Here are five reasons every author should have a LinkedIn profile to propel success...

1)  Join niche groups to network with editors, copywriters, illustrators and more. There are niche groups for book genre. For instance, if you are a historical fiction writer, there is a group you can join - Historical Novel Promotions. 

2) Follow your favorite corporations, including publishing houses and professional publicists/agencies. These companies post inspirational ideas and creative posts that may help with your marketing and promotion.

3) Network with other authors, writers, and people in the publishing industry. Like corporations, they post ideas to propel your success.

4) Find freelance writing jobs, writing contests, or other opportunities. Possibly write outside of your genre to enhance your writing, which opens more doors. Several years ago, I was approached by a LinkedIn professional to write content for their website. It was lucrative while it lasted, out of my genre, and so much fun!

5) Messaging, posting, and writing articles are easy on LinkedIn. I prefer LinkedIn messenger to Facebook messenger.

As with anything, you get out of it what you put into it - hard work pays off. Stop goofing off and wasting time on social media that does not propel your success. 

Let's connect! My LinkedIn Profile

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