Sunday, January 26, 2020

Letters from Larry: Twelve

                        January 26, 2020
Good Sunday Afternoon Everyone:

Eloise and I have great neighbors. The other day a couple of the neighborhood children stopped by for a visit. They are very active
in their church and Sunday School and were studying the Minor
prophets in the Bible.
Very interested in these prophets they wanted to know more. Here  
is a portion of our discussion. 

The door bell rang. Checking the door it was Caleb and Luke from
down the street and whose parents have really got their children
interested in the Bible.
"Mr. Perry," said Caleb, the oldest of the two, "we have some
questions about the Old Testament that you may be able to help
us with."  
"I'll try," I said, " come on in!" 
"Our Sunday School teacher talked about Minor Prophets in the  
Bible last week?
"Who are they?" asked Caleb.
"Well Guys, the last twelve books of the Old Testament are known
as Minor Prophets. You remember that a Prophet is someone who
predicts the future. In the Bible there are many prophets and in them
we see the name and the voice of God and His message to the
world," I explained.
"Why are they called 'Minor"? Were they little or something?"
asked Luke, the youngest.
"No, not at all, they are called Minor Prophets because unlike
Moses and some of the others who wrote a lot, these prophets' books
are fairly short and small, but so important to understand what God
wants us to know. Remember God teaches us in a lot of different
"Studying names and numbers in the Bible is boring!!" said Caleb.
"Yes, but they are very very important for us to see the whole
picture," I explained.
"Have you guys ever put together a large puzzle only to find some  
of the small pieces are missing?"
"Well that is like the minor prophets. They help fill in the missing
pieces of our knowledge of the Bible," I said, "for exampledid you ever think about 
"Uh-h No," said Caleb.
"The number 12 is called an eternal number. That means that it
is good forever. Let me ask you some questions."
"First, how many books in the Old Testament are called Minor  
Prophet books?"
"You said 12," said Caleb. 
"Yes," I replied, "you are listening!!!"
How many apostles were there in the New Testament?" I asked.
"Oh, I know that, " said Caleb, "12."
"Right,"I said. "How many patriarchs (father leaders) were there
in the Old Testament?"
"E-r-r-r 12?" asked Caleb.
'You got it," I replied. "and how many sons did these patriarchs  
" I know, I know," said Luke. "12".
"Right again," I said. "How many tribes of Israel were there?"
"12?" answered Caleb.
"Yep!" How many gates are there to the City of Jerusalem?"
"Uh, 12?" said Luke.
"Right on," I replied.
Continuing I said, "if you read the Bible you will find there were
12 Judges, 12 Stones, 12 angels mentioned, 12 stars, and 12 different
fruits all described to name a few."
"Guess how old Jesus was when his first words on earth were  
written down?" I asked.
"I'm gonna guess 12, right?" said Caleb.
"You got it," I replied. "Back to the Minor prophets you asked about,
they were not so called minor because they are in training or because
they are of less value than prophets such as Isaiah or Ezekiel. Nor
are the 12 books of less value in the message they teach. They are
minor only in the fact that they are fairly short, but again no less
important. They are very powerful messages from men whom God
appointed and called to deliver his warnings of judgments and
His ever-faithful invitation to Israel and its neighbors, saying
'Return to Me.' These minor prophets are very important for
everyone to really understand the end times when Jesus comes
back to earth."
"Never thought about 'em that way,"
said Caleb. "Oh wow, wait   
till I tell our Sunday School teacher!!"
With that we departed to the kitchen for some cookies and juice.

Much love from the beautiful Smoky Mountains,

NOTE: This letter is sent to anyone interested in receiving these inspirational notes. There is no charge and you are encouraged to forward these to anyone you think would benefit from reading them. If you would like to receive them direct, just send an email to me at and request to be added to the Letters from Larry list.
Larry Perry, Knoxville, TN USA

Used with Permission. 

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