Monday, July 23, 2018

Milliron Monday: The Maine Farmhouse 7 23 18

Monday, July 23, 2018, a good  Milliron Monday, so far. Rising at 5 am to stretch and off for the morning walk, back now, writing of writing. Last year, we launched Dr. Smith’s biography. Now, over a year later, I am revisiting the manuscript, portion by portion, seeing where I can tighten and revise. I always say that writing is like riding a bicycle – writing is downhill, but editing requires momentum and effort. A writer is continually thinking, editing, perceiving the “what if’s”… but, there has to be a moment when you release the story and it’s finished.

Dr. Pete Smith was a household name within the community of Southeastern Ohio. If you had a pet in from 1965-2009, you probably had an encounter with Dr. Smith. Always with a ready joke or the story of his childhood, Dr. Smith brought his clients into his life, into his realm of culture, animals, and lifestyle. But, it all began in Maine, where Pete grew as a child on Little River Farm, Burnett Road, Casco Bay, Maine…

The countryside hemmed by the Atlantic Western Seaboard provided ample opportunity for building physical as well as mental acuity. Maine’s summer weather patterns collide pleasantly in the coastal regions and along the water. Rolling fog is prominent, especially in the western part of Casco Bay, where Pete played. Casco Bay is known for its mesmerizing landscape and nautical breezes. It is a pivotal point on Maine’s coastline where vast beaches of Maine’s southern coast end and rocky bluffs jut out into the sea. It is where the Atlantic coast divides into dramatic islands and curves downward to Florida. Light breezes, bitter winds, and ferocious gales create a component for thrilling playscapes and childhood memories. Blending with the countryside, Pete embraced his natural surroundings. He learned of God, love, nature, and the sea.
An excerpt from
Milliron: Dr. Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography
by Gina McKnight

Chapter 1, page 9

We remember the legacy of Dr. Pete Smith and his contribution to living. He was a smart arrow shot from a strong bow. Read more about Pete in his biography, available from AmazonBarnes & Noble, or locally at Little Professor Book Center, Athens, Ohio. If you have a copy, write a review. Books do not have to be purchased online to write a review.

Follow Milliron on facebook to view photos and much more!

If you have a story to tell about Dr. Smith, please send to to be included in Tails of a Country Vet Volume II !

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a pionoeer veterinarian.

1 comment:

Anil Srivastava said...

Ms. McKnight:What is the cost of Dr. Abbot P Smith's biography titled: MILLIRON?

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