Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Body Mechanic's Handbook by Geoff Dakin

Alignment at HOME! Where has this been my whole life!

Free Kindle!
May 31 – June 2, 2016 only!

Why You Have Low Back Pain and How to Eliminate it at Home
by Geoff Dakin 

Are you suffering from chronic back pain? Struggling to find something--anything--that actually provides some relief?

What if finding a lasting solution to your pain is easier than you’ve ever imagined?

Forget the Band-Aids of drugs and surgeries, and go for the cure. For nearly 30 years Geoff Dakin, former president of the Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia, has helped thousands of people, including the Vancouver Canucks of the National Hockey League, to address and resolve their pain problems. Now, in a new guide, he empowers you to help yourself.

Based on the latest science and Dakin’s own experience, The Body Mechanic's Handbook: Why You Have Low Back Pain and How to Eliminate It At Home argues that the fundamental cause of most low back pain is musculoskeletal imbalance. The Body Mechanic’s Handbook provides you with the practical tools you need to become your own body mechanic and fix yourself.

Inside the Book: 
  • What you think is causing your pain--and why it isn’t 
  • The true, likely causes of back pain, and what you can do about it 
  • How to improve positioning, mobility, balance, breathing, and more 
  • Comprehensive exercises, with suggested modifications based on your needs 
  • Troubleshooting guide 

And much more!

You CAN find the comfort and freedom of movement you crave. Grab The Body Mechanic’s Handbook today, and find out how to banish your pain--forever!

"When part of your body breaks down it may seem to come out of the blue, almost spontaneously. If you decide to dig in and work on understanding what caused the breakdown, you’re going to need some expert help. I've seen many of my patients benefit from the system Geoff outlines in the Body Mechanic's Handbook. As you put the pieces of your health puzzle together, you’re going to need a great team; I’m glad to have Geoff Dakin on mine! This book can put him on yours!"

Dr. Jeffrey Scholten BSc, DC, DCCJP The Vital Posture (TM) Clinic, Calgary AB Canada. President - International Chiropractors Association's Council on Upper Cervical Care

“I was in a bad car vs bicycle accident and immobile for 3 months. Half of my body was working overtime to compensate for my other-sided weakness. Even though I broke my left hip, for a while my right knee hurt worse from overuse and improper use. While on vacation in Canada I saw Geoff once in his office. I felt great following the stretches and manipulations. He has magic hands, but it truly was his Alignment First Protocol that I took with me that brought me lasting relief. It is an incredible system that I would recommend to anyone.”
Dr. Brian Newell. Houston TX

“I injured myself during dance training and the pain was overwhelming. I saw a lot of different doctors and therapists but after seven months I was still getting around in a wheelchair because of the pain. Nobody I saw knew how to help me or where to begin. After the first session with Geoff I never took the wheelchair to his office again. In just 3 months I was pain-free. The Alignment First exercises worked for me."
Rachel Krisa. Student. Calgary AB 

About the Author
Geoff Dakin graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1987 with an undergraduate degree in Physical Education and obtained a diploma from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy (Vancouver) in 1989. 

Early in his career Geoff recognized that the vast majority of people who suffer with muscle and joint pain also have imbalances in their muscles, postures and movements. The assessment and elimination of these issues has become his passion. 

A vocal advocate of a collaborative model of care, Geoff has been working closely with other healthcare specialists to maximize patient success since 1989. He lives in Calgary AB Canada, maintaining a private practice and teaching massage therapists his Alignment First Protocol. 

Geoff has been working in the acute injury/chronic pain treatment and athletic training field since 1989. Early in his career Geoff recognized that the vast majority of people who suffer with muscle and joint pain also have skeletal malalignment, muscle imbalances and dysfunctional movement habits. The assessment and elimination of these issues is his passion.

Geoff, originally from Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada, graduated from UBC in 1987 with a bachelor of Physical Education degree.  Then in 1989 he graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy.

In the 1990s he was a member of the College of Massage Therapists of BC (CMT) and the Massage Therapists Association of BC (MTA) including stints as VP and President of the MTA.

Geoff has worked with and received thousands of patient referrals from highly respected medical practitioners in Canada, the US and Mexico. Geoff also spent a year with the Vancouver Canucks Hockey Club (1991-92), being one of the first massage therapists in the NHL to travel with his team.

Over the years Geoff has developed a unique system of assessment and treatment, blending a proprietary corrective exercise system he calls The Alignment First Protocol with manual therapy techniques. Committed to delivering this work to as wide an audience as possible, Geoff has written a book called The Body Mechanic's Handbook and developed a massage therapy seminar called Practical Rehab for the Low Back.

Geoff lives with his wife and son in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, teaching patients and other practitioners how to put their pain problems in their past.

Free Kindle!
May 31 – June 2, 2016 only!

1 comment:

james brownn said...

Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks.
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