Saturday, June 13, 2015

Wanda L. Brown, Author

From Pennsylvania USA, welcome Wanda L. Brown, the author of A Special Gift: My Inspirational Journey to Healing. Wanda writes of emotional and physical challenges and the joy of true forgiveness.

What is the premise for A Special Gift?
The title allows each reader to discern their own interpretation of a special gift (not only in the book, but in their personal lives). 

The cover identifies forgiveness as a precious gift and healing as a special gift, but there are many special gifts within the writings and in each of our lives.

Has writing the book helped the healing process?  
Yes, writing has tremendously helped the healing process. Many who have read A Special Gift have opened their hearts and shared their personal experiences, which I believe is a portion of the healing process. No one is alone. We all experience pain.  Sharing has further assisted in my healing process, because I believe that A Special Gift is serving the intended purpose. Additionally, many hidden fears continue to surface which I will continue to work through. 

Please share an excerpt:
The "relationship or marriage" was destroyed, and I was severely shattered in all ways, but before it was completely defunct, Ray and I both eye witnessed a miracle.

Have you witnessed miracles?
Absolutely! I have witnessed many miracles. As stated above, I write about the miracle of conceiving my son.  The doctors had assured me that I would not conceive anymore children without their assistance. After praying for four years, I birthed, held, and loved a powerful miracle, who I named Joshua Wayne-Anthony Brown. We had a very similar experience with one of my grandchildren! I see miracles all around us! 

What are your religious views?
I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth, that he died and rose again! I am more grateful today than yesterday that I have love, grace, mercy, and hope.

For someone who is experiencing similar life circumstances, what can they do to rise above life's challenges?
Some of the most powerful lessons that I've learned about facing life challenges are: when life breaks your heart, deal with everything in your heart so that you can properly heal; one must feel in order to heal; healing hurts, but it is absolutely worth the work!

What are you currently writing?
The title of the next book will be North Winds Be Still

Describe your writing routine…
I compare my writing routine to the birthing process. The story grows inside of me and when it's ready to be birthed, I push.

What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading Children of the Self Absorbed.

Who are your favorite authors?
Danielle Steel, Hannah Hurnard, and WM. Paul Young.  These authors write with passion and have the ability to comfortably bring me into their writings and offer new perspectives.

Do you have any advice for novice writers?
Find your purpose for writing and from that place, continue to allow the words to flow.

Wanda L. Brown is the mother of three beautiful children, Shandale, LaToya and the late Joshua Brown. Currently, Wanda is employed as a Financial Analyst. She serves as Associate Chaplain at a large hospital. Wanda has served the community in many facades: United Way Working Committee, Service Unit Director, Girl Scout/Brownie Leader, School Board Director, Cheerleading Coach, Mentor, Youth Basketball Coach, Booster Executive Member, and Grief Share Coordinator at The Church Without Walls. She is a graduate of Albright College/BS degree in accounting. Her accolades include: Summa cum laude, Department Distinction Award, Jacob Albright Scholar, Louis D. Peppe Award, Who's Who in America, among other awards.

Connect with Wanda…

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