Rymer is one of the world’s top equine artists. Residing in Texas, USA, Tamara’s
artwork is showcased in numerous public galleries, as well as private
collections. She has earned multiple national awards for her breathtaking
Welcome Tamara!
How long have you been painting?
Ever since I can remember, and have always been selling my art.
My father, after serving his country as a naval pilot, was in the printing business for a while. He would bring home left over paper from jobs, and kept me in a supply of pencils, and paints when I was a kid. Then told me stories of the family history which helped give me ideas for my subjects. Our family stories are right out of the old west!
Love your artwork...where do you like to paint?
I have a studio in my home with large windows overlooking my horses. I am a studio painter primarily, as I will sometimes work on more than one project, but like to have it all in one spot. I do occasionally paint out in the field, but usually finish the work back in the studio.
What is your favorite paint medium?
I have two. I started in oil paints but switched to watercolor when my daughter was born to keep the fumes out of the house. I am now back to working with oils again, and will do paintings in both mediums. They each offer different challenges, and I find that some subjects tell stories that lend themselves to one medium more than another.
Do you paint to music, or do you enjoy quiet while painting?
I like to paint to noise! It's funny, but over the years I have noticed that the type of noise I want to hear has a lot to do with whats on the easel. I will switch back and forth from music to having a small tv on in the studio. It's not that I watch the tv, I don't, but I will listen to the story line of an old movie. The first thing I look for is a western.
Do you have a favorite artist?
I have two- Schreyvogel, and Vermeer. Schreyvogel because my father gave me a book of his work when I was a kid, and I was fascinated with his attention to detail. I knew of Schreyvogel before I knew of Russell and Remington. Vermeer, because of his master of the use of light.
...a favorite painting?
"My Bunkie" by Schreyvogel.
...a favorite painting of your own?
"The Lost Rider" a watercolor I did several years ago. When I did this piece, and put it in my first watercolor art show, it got an award- garnered a lot of attention, and it's been full steam ahead ever since!
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'The Lost Rider' copyright Tamara Rymer |
So many horses,
how do you choose the one to paint?
When looking at horses to paint, I will be looking at their eyes first, then I look at the story their body is telling me. I might go through a dozen possibilities, before I can narrow it down to one or two. And the ones that don't get painted at that time, still might get painted later on down the road. I don't have to paint horses in action like working cows or running a race. Just the action of being peaceful is something I feel needs to be shared.
As an equestrian, do you have a favorite breed of horse?
I love all horses and have a couple favorites. I favor the Quarter horse as I like the mentality and athleticism, and I like the Mustang for his toughness, and fearlessness.
Do you have a favorite horse story?
I have quite a few, but I think the funniest is-
As a kid we had been out of the horse business for a few years, and my brothers wanted to get back into it. So they had saved their money to purchase a horse. Since I was the only girl, my dad felt I needed to have one also, and having two together was better for them. So my dad and I took the horses out for a ride one morning and passed a cowboy while we were crossing a creek. That cowboy introduced himself and said I believe I recognize that horse (the one my brothers had bought). My father said, "You don't say, how do you know him?" The cowboy proceeded to ask us if that horse went by the name Big Red, and as a matter of fact he did. He then told us that the horse had been the number 5 bucking horse in the state of Texas, and asked if my dad knew what he was riding.... you could have heard a pin drop! A horse was a horse in my dads mind, as he used to ride them to school, so there wasn't a horse he couldn't handle and just didn't even think of them as being unteachable or unridable. The cowboy then told us that at one of the biggest Texas rodeo events of all times, Big Red was in the rodeo arena shoot getting ready for his bucking event. The gate pulled open and Big Red with a bronc rider on board took a few steps out and then just stood there. He wouldn't buck, he wouldn't move. The horse had had enough of the rodeo and decided not to play the game anymore. He was then sold a few times before my brothers ended up with him. We had no idea!
Well, we thanked the cowboy for the story and went on our way. My father was a little concerned with us kids riding that horse after that, only to have the horse prove to be one of the best kid horses anybody could have had. I think often of Big Red. And how did he get his name? Somewhere along the line someone discovered that the horse would do anything for some Big Red soda pop (told to us by that cowboy we met).
What does horsemanship mean to you?
Horsemanship to me is the art of listening to what the horses have to tell us (through their actions, the look in their eye). Whether it be in the saddle or on the ground. Animals always have something to say, if we look and listen close we will hear it and it will make for a better relationship.
Where are you currently exhibiting?
I am currently showing work at:
Michael Henington Fine Art in Santa Fe, NM
Griffith Fine Art in Salado, TX
Buffalo River Gallery in Paola, KS
as well as exhibiting in invitational and juried shows across the country.
1 comment:
I love Tamara's artwork, and follow it as closely as possible from Montana! She is so talented at portraying the "action of peace" that you just slow down and listen to the horses in her paintings breathing.
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