Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mukkove Johnson, Author

 An interview with author Mukkove Johnson, international children's literature.

Welcome Mukkove!

Where are you from?
My family and I live in the beautiful Matanuska Valley in Alaska. We are surrounded by amazing mountains.

Brrr...What is it like living in Alaska? Do you have trouble with polar bears?
No trouble with polar bears, though you may be surprised how easily people can be convinced they have to be run off the airstrip before we can fly! We enjoy the general ignorance of Alaska. We enjoy the long days of summer and the beauty of the winter landscape. It is an absolutely amazing place to live. A great part of winter is that I can sleep in and still watch the sunrise.

When did you realize you wanted to be an author?
I don’t know that I ever wanted to be an author. I just like to write! I think I first realized I liked to write in sixth grade. We were required to write in a journal every morning. I wrote for the class paper, school paper and yearbooks. I enjoy writing to process my thoughts, record memories and share lessons I’ve learned.

What is your inspiration for writing?
My inspiration is meeting a need. I want to write books I need. If it’s a book I need I hope other parents will find it helpful in raising their children. I want my writing to make an eternal impact. Influencing what my children believe, helping other families.

Why write about Christmas?
I wrote Christmas is About Jesus to create a meaningful, Christ centered Christmas tradition for my children. It seems much of what is surrounding Christmas in our culture is pointing anywhere but Jesus. I knew I could not keep them from seeing all the things the culture displays, so I chose to give them something different to think about. I chose 24 things commonly seen around Christmas and came up with a way each could remind us of Jesus. Each day starts with a verse relating to how the symbol reminds us of Jesus. 

Where is your favorite place to write?
My absolute favorite place to write is in my yard in the sunshine. That only works sometimes. When the weather doesn’t cooperate I like to write on the couch. I guess I like comfort. Depending on what I’m writing I need quiet.

How do you store thoughts and ideas for manuscripts?
I am still looking for the “ideal” way to store my ideas. Right now I have files on the computer, ideas in a notebook, and have even tried an online organizing site. I find I have many more ideas than I have time to write. The ones that get worked on are usually the things God keeps on my heart.

Will there be a sequel to your book or are you working on something new?
I have been working on Easter is About Jesus. It will be released in 2012. The format will be similar to Christmas is About JesusEaster is About Jesus includes activity ideas for the children to participate beyond listening and discussing. I have ideas for other devotions and stories. Right now I’m not sure which project I will pursue next.

Do you have a favorite author? 
I don’t really have a favorite author. I like any story I can read again and again. My favorite reads have truths of God’s Kingdom, plain or hidden. Most recently I really enjoyed C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia and look forward to reading them again.

Do you have suggestions for novice writers?
Hmm. Advice… Decide what your purpose for writing is. Know why you write, if you are seeking publishing, this will help tremendously when sales don’t go as expected. Research what it will take to reach your target audience. Read your writing out loud, to yourself or someone in your target audience. That really helps me with editing and making sure I communicated what I intended.

Mukkove’s Links:


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