Friday, December 9, 2011


Riding to 
orion to 
see the 
cherubs there, 
to find 
if they 
are really  
real and 
if they 
climb amongst 
the stars 
where giants 
tread and 
angels march, 
and if 
they truly 
play with 
mortal hearts

© Gina McKnight 2011


Unknown said...

I love this piece,simple but deep

Miss Lego said...

Interesting... I was wondering the end but nothing like I thought it is.

Anonymous said...

Notwithstanding the way that there is genuinely not a single field left in this world, where women did not have surpassed desires their aptitudes yet, and this site all credit goes to their preparation and data.

Milliron Monday: The Journals January - March 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...