Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Doreen Austen Haggard, Equine Author

Welcome Doreen!

From Spain, Doreen is an equestrian an author! 
Her new book release, The Arabian Horse, is in bookstores now!

When did you fall in love with horses
I was about five years old when I first fell in love with horses, I can remember like it was yesterday when my parents booked my first riding lesson after that day I couldn't get enough.

Do you have a favorite breed of horse?
I would say I have spent a lot of time with the Andalusian so this would have to be my favorite then the Arabian would be my second choice.

Do you currently have horses? 
I currently don’t own any horses anymore, I ride for clients now.

When did you begin writing?
My first book was about birds The Bourke Parakeet in 1997 published by TFH, due to my love of birds as well as horses. The idea of this book started when I purchased this bird and couldn't find any books on them, so I studied them and thought it was about time there was a book available to the world. I think it [writing] is in my blood, as my grandfather William Albert Austen is a descendant of Jane Austen.


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