Monday, September 16, 2024

Milliron Monday: The Journals January - March 1971

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals. As we look back to 1971, a significant year for the Smith family, it becomes clear how valuable these journals are. Journaling offers numerous benefits, including the preservation of daily life, creating a legacy for future generations, providing historical insight, and documenting milestones and achievements. 
The Journals
January - March 1971


  • Sunday Church Good Shepherd
  • Wormed horses, colts, sheep, trimmed feet, 2nd shots for new lambs
  • Went to Marietta after firing iron
  • Went to see Fritz, Bank
  • Pat, Dr. Tipton
  • Lunch BBF
  • Worked lab, clinic
  • Pete stayed overnight, Charleston
  • Picked up pasteurized milk
  • Napped
  • Hay delivered
  • USTA dinner, Pete late, missed dinner, watch movies, ate at bar, danced
  • Fritz – shoed Cricket in front
  • Worked on log sheets
  • Picked up dog crate, groceries
  • Returned firing iron to Marietta
  • Took truck to Russell’s
  • Rode “Foxy”
  • Rode Cricket, J rode Silver, took Shane, Song
  • Churned butter, cleaned oven
  • Borrowed Bill’s car
  • Marietta dog training class, JoAnne L’Heureux drove
  • DHL Boosters, all 5 days
  • DHL, Mel, Shane, Pooh-Bear
  • Cleaned Pete’s desk, put away 2 boxes books
  • McDougal Road closed
  • J. P. Artwork Shop, OU
  • Church, McDougal
  • Hank Akers brought Citroen down
  • Christy sick, I answered phone, worked log sheets
  • Janet’s birthday
  • 4-H office
  • Check spring, ok; water hydrant frozen at barn
  • Dog license deadline
  • 5 lamb rams sheared: Tinkerbell, male lamb
  • Picked up truck, trailer, tractor
  • Take Sheep to Coakley’s [meat processor]
  • ATC Dog practice, here, JoAnne L’Heureux
  • PM party here, Lee, for Nancy W.
  • McDougal Church, rained all afternoon, picked up “Hammerhead” Hanson’s Suffolk buck
  • Pooh-Bear 3rd DHL booster
  • Picked up lamb meat, high winds
  • Delivered a lamb to Warmke's
  • Cub Scouts, didn’t go, worked at Clinic, worked on bills
  • Parkersburg, 6pm, Katherine Foster’s house
  • Took corn to be ground
  • Worked Shane, Deb, Song in prep room
  • 2” snow
  • J. Art school
  • Gary, Aggie’s 13th anniversary
  • Walked dogs around this pasture, checked spring ok
  • Ice skating, Gary, J., P.


  • Went for seed corn, grained horses at Warmke's
  • Columbus Training Club, Joan drove, Pam Winning babysat
  • Marvin Lawrence here overnight
  • JoAnne, Katherine Foster, worked dogs
  • Took Marvin home
  • J. went on calls with Pete
  • Rode Cricket, J. rode Silver, woods, Windy Hills
  • Worm colts, horses
  • P. went on calls with Pete
  • R. Warmke here
  • Rode Preak; led Dee, sound; Pete, J., P. rode around thru woods, pretty snow
  • Took corn in to be ground, drove in 4-wheel all the way, pulled Mrs. McPherson up Hooper Ridge
  • Brought Pooh in (cage)
  • School let out early, heavy snow
  • No school, worked log sheets
  • Rode Cricket, J. rode Silver, all around thru pastures, woods
  • Worked Song
  • Humane Society, lecture
  • PTO Carnival
  • Church- Episcopal
  • Lunch, Chan’s, Nelsonville, Izor’s here
  • Rode Dee around thru woods, Pete rode Cricket, J. P.
  • Fritz Bookman’s birthday
  • Rode Dee up gas line, rode above Eddy’s
  • JoAnne, Katherine, worked dogs
  • Drove J. Ruth to art class
  • Hockey game
  • Dinner w L’Heureux
  • To Charleston, drove Citroen for first time
  • Royal Lipizzaner Show, beautiful, Columbus; stayed overnight, Neil House, 1 am
  • Columbus Vet meeting
  • Shopped at Lazarus downtown, walked to saddle shop
  • Organ recital, Episcopal Church
  • Dinner w Akers, Schultheis
  • Mom’s birthday
  • Columbus Vet meeting
  • Went to horse lectures; packed, checked out of room
  • Back home, flooding
  • Pete West Virginia overnight
  • Rode Des, checked cow fencing at Dwyer’s
  • To Library, Nelsonville, groceries, motorcycle crates for lamb fencing
  • Hartley’s, call 4 am
  • Rode, Ruth Silva rode Angel


  • Preak, Dee, shod with plates; Cricket reset, J took Pooh-Bear
  • Rode Dee, J rode Preak, rain
  • Wormed colts, horses, rabies shots; Dee treated for cough, runny nose
  • Rode Pepsi, Pete rode Cricket
  • Preak – string haltered
  • Doug Hensley here about dog club
  • Write Letter to the Editor
  • Mansfield, Gary worked on my teeth
  • Answered Clinic phone, Christie McDonald sick
  • JoAnne L’Heureux rode Cricket
  • Mel – 8 years old
  • Katrina M. Izor, 2 years old
  • Black cat (Matthews), bit, scratched me; tetanus shot
  • Dead cow by Dwyer’s lane
  • Dog club, barn
  • Put Tiger in the house
  • Circus, Charleston, with Hartley’s; spectacular
  • Dog club, Buckeye Mart; J L’Heureux over
  • Headache, napped, wrote letters
  • Mr. Silver brought stereo
  • Brought Tinker Bell, etc., back from Lucas’, Shane almost hit by car
  • Took irons, dry ice, etc., to Kantz’s at Chester
  • Check Dee for cough; Hartley’s here
  • Corn shelled
  • Pat, Royal Lipizzaner Show, Huntington; Christie McDonald, JoAnne drove, took Connie
  • Parkersburg obedience school
  • 4-H meeting; seminar, Tri-County Tech School
  • Picked up Alice, Marie at Warmke’s
  • Rode Dee – balked, reared

Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

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