Saturday, July 8, 2023

An Interview with Ohio Author Jennifer Geiger


An Interview with Ohio Author Jennifer Geiger

The author of three titles, I first met Jennifer in 2021 at our first book fair in Nelsonville, Ohio. From Jennifer’s bio:

Jennifer Geiger was born in Kansas, the daughter of an oil company dispatcher. Because of her father’s job the family moved several times. The last move was during her elementary years when it brought her to Ohio. She has three grown daughters, eight grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Jennifer has been married over thirty-three years to her husband, Jim. As a child, she was an avid storyteller and often entertained family and friends with various adventures created by the characters they supplied. As she approached adulthood, her passion for storytelling waned, it wasn’t until after she married and had her own family that her desire to create stories returned.

Encouraged on by her younger brother, Jennifer picked up her pen and completed her first novel; Witness; a story about the Apostle John from his view of living life with Jesus. Witness was followed with an eight-session video and workbook series created to place the reader into the shoes of the Apostle John, allowing them to experience first-hand, life with Jesus through the eyes of the disciple He loved. Following the Witness series, Jennifer produced Patmos, a story that picks up where Witness ends and allows the reader to see the adventures of John, as he is exiled and receives a special revelation from God. Her latest endeavor, The Blah Mobile, released in June of 2022 is a children’s story teaching about the hardship of being nice when others are not.

Welcome, Jennifer!

GM: What is the premise for your new book, The Blah Mobile?
JG: It’s the story of a little girl (age 8) who learns how to be nice when others are not. You’ll read how she handles the situation by inviting a child, throwing insults at her into her space, allowing second chances to take place.

GM: Who is your target audience/niche market?
JG: I’m homing in on children from ages seven to age twelve, but could be read to children even younger.
GM: What would you like readers to take away from your story?
JG: Being nice is a learning tool and not always easy. However, it is always the best action not only for the other person, but for yourself.
GM: Describe your creative space and where you like to write...
JG:  I carry a pad of paper with me to be ready to jot down any thoughts that come to mind that I can use in my stories. Other than that, when I’m ready to write I retreat to a room in the back of my house. It’s where I go to read, pray and to write. My desk and computer are located there. I like things quiet, makes for less distraction that way.
GM: What are you currently reading?
JG: I like historical fiction, and Christian mysteries. Currently I’m ready “David” by Chuck Swindoll.

GM: What are you currently writing?
JG: Several short stories centering around the lives of some of the people Jesus healed. For example, one of the stories tell what might have taken place in the life of the thief who hung on the cross next to Jesus. The one who cried out for Jesus to remember him when He came into his kingdom. The fictious story tells how he came to be the “thief” hanging next to Jesus.

GM: Do you have advice for novice writers?
JG:  Writing is a process, and it takes time. Don’t give up. If you have the inkling to write, then do it. Even if you don’t publish it right away, stay focused and keep writing.

GM: List 10 things your fans may not know about you...
  1. I love God first and foremost
  2. Then I love the USA.
  3. I’m very family oriented.
  4. I’m active in my church, and the family there is also very important.        
  5. I love to write and create stories.       
  6. I enjoy putting puzzles together.
  7. I don’t bake as much as I used to, but still enjoy the smell of homemade cookies.     
  8. I’m an organizer, rather it be the kitchen pantry or the upcoming potluck meal.    
  9. I like to encourage people and help them develop their skills.        
  10. I’ve been blessed with three daughters, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Connect with Jennifer:
or follow her on Facebook at:








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