Saturday, May 1, 2021

This Week @ Monday Creek: Derby Day


May greetings! 

The five-o’clock alarm sounded too early this morning. Saturday, May 1st. Another beautiful Saturday morning in the Ohio Valley. 

Today is Derby Day! Who do you think will win? I am cheering for Medina Spirit. Fingers crossed. There are races all day today, but the Derby post time is 6:57 PM EST. 

Yesterday was a work day, reviewing new art for a coloring book to be released soon and checking edits for a new memoir Hard Way to Go: The Horse of a Lifetime. I ghostwrote this book for a local horseman. The 2 ½ years that I worked on this manuscript seemed to fly by. Now ready to launch, the book will release in June along with a companion coloring book. Ohio artist Kelly Lincoln created the illustrations for the coloring book. Stay connected for launch and event days.

Surrounded by wonderful, giving friends, every day is jammed-packed with fun and favorite things. I want to share this amazing tumbler that my best friend gave to me. It was created by KPKustoms, an Ohio boutique that offers beautiful custom items. The quality is superb and I highly recommend their products. Check them out on facebook @ KPKustoms22.

On the world scene, many are suffering from CoVid19 and are on lockdown. Several of my friends abroad continue to be confined to their homes. Personally, I have not received my vaccine, but have an appointment to get vaccinated. I won't lie, I hate shots. 

Besides watching the TV News, I have been watching and their podcasts. Their news is a different perspective and I have learned a lot about world affairs from their podcasts. 

If you are an author/artist/creative and would like a shout-out on my blog, just send your info to 

Stay well, check on your friends, and have a great Saturday!

Sending good wishes your way,


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