Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Once In A Lifetime Meeting With My Guardian Angel: … In... Person... Book One Part One by N.I.S-->


A Once In A Lifetime Meeting With My Guardian Angel:

… In... Person... Book One Part One

by N.I.S-->

A ONCE IN A LIFETIME MEETING... with a Guardian Angel, and not JUST ANY Guardian Angel, but MY OWN DESIGNATED GUARDIAN ANGEL, and even MORE AMAZING... the meeting was IN PERSON!

Non-Fiction, Adventurous, Uplifting and Spiritual!

This first book in my series, follows me as a child growing up and getting into fixes or trouble, and observes my ingenious ways of getting myself out of the troubles or situations I get into. It is also the story of an adventure with my puppy and me. A crazy adventure that landed us in jail, and on the front page of newspapers for over six months.

Available in Paperback & eBook HERE!

Amazon Author Page

Book Boost Interview

About the Author

July 6th 2020

From my desk to yours...

Hello, I'm only "just" beginning this journey into the realm of Authorship. Learning the ropes at this time. I really despise the "Technical" part of becoming an Author. Truly I tell you;

"I only wished to Write and share my stories. That's ALL I wished to do."

Unfortunately-- that's NOT how it works for those who cannot afford 3K-5K JUST FOR an Edit. Nor the 1K-3K for Proofreading-- and thus;

"It's figure it out on your own. Painstaking as hell!"

As the back cover of my first book in this series states;

"I've lived an intensely FULL life-- filled with--- countless adventures, trials, tribulations, and lessons... some good.. some not-so-good... I'm always a student of life... always learning... always curious... always interested...

--- I'm typically a positive natured/oriented human being. I take the negatives I find in life and turn them into positives. No matter HOW NEGATIVE something may SEEM... if one looks deeply enough, they'll always find a way to change the negative-to-a-positive!

--- In passing-- one might be faced with these words, "Have nice day!" A kind comment indeed, but they are never prepared for my reply, "Thanks kindly, you can be assured that I shall... the day doesn't have a choice in it!" And I smile softly... and I get to watch as a smile takes over their face too. :--))) LOVE when that happens!

--- I LOVE to BRING HAPPINESS, KINDNESS, CARINGNESS and LOVE into peoples lives, and I'm always searching and seeking NEW WAYS that I can do so. I'm devious in this way... sneaking about to find those "ways" of CHANGING other's momentary perspectives... like ON "MONDAYS".... the DREADED MONDAYS right? (shaking my head here) I see NOTHING WRONG or DIFFERENT ABOUT MONDAYS!

"WHY" I ask myself do others see it in SUCH a TERRIBLE LIGHT? I don't have that answer, as I am NOT THEM to know. But what I DO KNOW... is how TERRIBLE people seem to think of Monday. I mean-- the Mama's and the Papa's wrote an actual SONG about the day (Monday Monday) because it has SUCH AN EFFECT on them or those they observed? And so--- as I always do when faced with a dilemma such as this one... I recognize it, and I say my coined phrase, "We shall see..." And THAT is how I set myself into-- "Contemplation Mode." To find thee answer to the riddle/dilemma... and I always do... it's not failed me yet... thank goodness! :--))

And so-- I figured out HOW I could take those who hated Mondays, and cause them to see them in a Positive light. (winks!) I wonder "what" you're thinking right this moment!... care to share?"

What I did was this:

-- I went to the local Starbucks--- the most frequented one I knew of, early Monday morning... before they opened, so I could speak with the MGR to tell them my scheme. When they heard it from me... they brought me inside the store before opening time-- so that "I" could fill in the staff for what was about to happen. They were elated to be witness and a part to this I would do.

Everyone in agreement--- We headed to the till/cash register, where I handed the Cashier a $100.00 (Yep One Hundred) Dollar Bill, asked them to place thee amount on my Starbucks Card Account--- which had just under $100.00 at the time. (I always kept it around 100 in case I was entertaining or doing business)

I told them to DO THIS:

--- Purchase EVERYONE'S Coffees as they are ready to pay for it. Just tell them, "Your Monday Coffee is paid for, and you are wished the Best Day Ever!"

--- Do this for as many people who come in to get coffees, until the 100 is completely spent... and you may go OVER the 100 no more than the cost of a single coffee.

--- You are NOT permitted to TELL WHO had paid for their coffee... JUST THAT... someone wished to BEGIN THEIR WEEK in the most positive way they could. Have a nice day!

--- with ONE and ONLY ONE stipulation-- that IF someone was truly ADAMANT about KNOWING WHO so they could say "Thanks"... the Cashier was to LOOK AT ME DIRECTLY and HOLD THEIR LOOK for me to ever so slightly nod... signalling they COULD tell THAT person ONLY!

It was SO UPLIFTING to WITNESS peoples MOODS go from upset to even have GO GO TO WORK or FACE THE COMMUTE etc... to forgetting all about that stress and instead SMILING and HAPPY... ready to TAKE ON THE DAY... Carpe Diem at it's finest! :--))


I probably managed back in the day of my wealth, to do that with Starbucks... oh I'd guess 60 times or so. Not exactly sure, but it was MANY :--)) I was doing very well for myself back then... no health issues at all. Very successful Custom Home Builder. I was a Master Carpenter. And this all happened when I was doing a GIANT project that allowed me the freedom to do so. I wished it could have lasted forever honestly. It was the greatest feel in the world for me... but the again-- Helping others-- had always BEEN my absolute FAVORITE thing I DO in life...

And as LIFE has it...

-- One minute all is well, the next I find myself in a fix, that I have to find my way back out of..

--Through it all-- I've gained an enormous wealth of, "Knowledge & Wisdom."

And along the way-- I've also met TWO 'certain entities', most of us-- can hardly fathom as a POSSIBLE REALITY to have happen, but for SOME REASON, I was given the blessing to meet.

Most of us ONLY 'DREAM' of such meetings, but for 'me personally,' they became as real as you and I are, and it was also, not-just-a-thought, but again, "In Person."

Having faced and endured a LIFETIME OF ABUSE--- mentally, emotionally, physically and any way you can probably imagine, and thankfully to STILL BE ALIVE TO SHARE...

I've "chosen-to-share my journey, in an EXTREMELY PERSONAL, NO-HOLDS-BARRED story/book form, beginning with,

"How I MET, “My own personally designated Guardian Angel on ONE CRAZY DEATH DEFYING day.”

I'm sharing my story hopes of;

Lending insight into our greatest hopes and faith... in what might be "Out There!"


--- Is there a Heaven?

--- Do we REALLY HAVE Guardian Angels?

--- Does GOD & SON truly EXIST?

*** Thee answers to those questions, shall be answered inside of this series I'm writing presently. The first in the series posted above. (I've written "6" of the books in the series, and the second is being polished as we speak here. Soon to come to a book shelf or Amazon Kindle near you! When it does, I'll try to get a link posted above as well.

As we move along... I intend to keep the stories coming FULL ON! And trust me when I tell you right here, right now... This series I'm penning--- will be THE MOST EPIC SERIES... IN HISTORY. You just watch, read, and SEE!

We're (You and I) GOING ON A WONDROUS JOURNEY into one of thee most FILLED LIVES... you'll ever be a part of. Are you curious to be in this position? You are about to follow an Author, who WILL REACH INTO (with my prose and my one-of-a-kind, writing style--- NEVER BEFORE SEEN, but always asked to BE SEEN some day) my readers hearts, souls, spirits and at times.. their minds as well. As I mentioned about-- THIS SHALL BE... NOTHING SHORT OF "EPIC." Just YOU'S... watch-follow reading AND SEE!!!

As a NEW Author, I am dearly hopeful, YOU (my trusted loyal readers) shall enjoy my story as it begins, as it grows, and as it reaches into thee abyss to realize fruition in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

Since I have committed myself TO THIS JOURNEY and NEW PATHWAY of my life's course...

As "I" always say-- when faced with TRUE CONTEMPLATION OR QUERY about ANYTHING in my life... I HAPPEN upon... "WE SHALL SEE..."

I pray everyone will enjoy as much reading my stories, as MUCH as "I" love and enjoy WRITING & SHARING them with all of you.

We're IN FOR AN ADVENTURE... best get buckled in... the ride's going to get REALLY BUMPY in the many roads we face ahead!

I am hopeful to live long enough to share more moving forward... I am (how to say this...) "RIDDLED with health issues... such as:

-- Two heart attacks in 2009-2012 (The first was massive... and I was told directly by the world renowned Cardiologist and Surgeon, "We can't make sense of--- HOW YOU MANAGED TO LIVE PAST THIS... this IS... what we call... A WIDOW-MAKER and YOU kind sir... SHOULD NOT BE ALIVE RIGHT NOW...truly a miracle..."

--- Vascular Disease throughout my physical body...

--- Type 2 Adult On-Set Diabetes... insulin dependent...

--- Neurological Disorders...

--- Severe mental, emotional trauma...

--- Injured Spine that left me with sever sciatica for 49 days straight when I first injured it... turns out my spine had a hidden defect since birth, that decided to SHOW ITSELF when I was MOST VULNERABLE... and IT SURE DID... just had 4 shots a week ago in attempt to lesson the pain I have every moment of my life...

--- Was suspected, since I am having real motor skill troubles... which is reflected in or seen in my typing especially-- which you don't SEE because I am constantly in corrections mode in every word I type. I have to back-up, correct, and re-type... nearly EVERY WORD I attempt to type, and it gets worse the LONGER I spend typing. My eyes are taking a major HIT also being ON THIS SCREEN from Dawn till I dose enough times, to convince myself... IT'S BED TIME. Usually around 1 to 3am. EEK!!!

11:16pm now here. And I best get off now... so VERY MUCH TO GET DONE!!!

I shall write and share... for as long as this body allows me to... God willing.

Thanks for BEING HERE and for BEING TRULY INTERESTED in my stories.

"I" CANNOT and WILL NOT BE... successful as a Writer-Author... WITHOUT ALL OF YOU... the readers who chose to give me a chance and decided to GO ON THIS JOURNEY WITH me!

Thanks kindly always,

(N.I.S-->) Peace be with you ALL and please... stay Safe, WISE and thus-- WELL out there! God Bless YOU ALL!!!


Coming soon...

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