Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Writer's Bulletin: The Author's Table

Every author anticipates a book signing event. It's a great opportunity to increase book sales, extend your territory, and network. When invited to a bookstore or book signing event, the author is provided a table or counter. Tables come in all shapes and sizes and it's up to the author to make the best of the space.

What should be on your book signing table? Every author has their own strategy to drive traffic to their table. Here are a few ideas...

1)  Use an easel to promote your book. There are many styles and types of easels; wooden, brass, plastic, etc. Choose the style that showcases your book. They are fairly inexpensive and I always keep a few on hand. Amazon has a nice selection.

2)  If you are bringing your own books to the table, count the books to keep track of book sales. Keep a paper and pencil handy to make notes of book sales, etc. If you are making change and handling the money yourself, keep a money bag securely under the table or in your purse/satchel. Don't lay the bag on top of the table (tacky). 

3)  Use push-cards and bookmarks. You can use push-cards as postcards for Thank You's and correspondence. They are great on your author's table as promotional material. Bookmarks are an extra perk for readers (cool, but not necessary).  In my opinion, you get more mileage out of a push-card/postcard. They serve multiple purposes and people will pick them up and take them home (whether they buy a book or not).

4) An author business card is a must. Choose a business card and card holder that will attract readers. My favorites are sold by Victoria Trading here. Here's a link to the business card holders on Amazon.

5)  Have a small (small) vase of fresh flowers or a plant. Keep it off to the side and out of the way of table traffic. 

6)  A small dish of mints or wrapped candy can help entice people to your table. From experience, this seems to be more of the norm for book festivals and larger/group author events.

7) If you are a children's literature author, provide word searches and crossword puzzles that children can take home. A coloring page with a scene from your book is fun, too! Add your website and contact information to the puzzle/page so that parents/grandparents can stay connected.

8)  Glittery pencils and logo pens seem to work at my table. As a children's literature author, kids are drawn to the glittery pencils, while parents like to grab a logo pen. 

9)  Provide a paper for people to write their email address so that they can sign up for your newsletter and book event information. 

10) Finally, remember less is more. Don't overcrowd your table. Your books are the main attraction. Always dress appropriately and smile. Share the excitement about your book and your passion for writing!

I keep a small letter size box with my author's table supplies handy. It has a lockable lid so that I can tote it around without much effort. If you need samples of crosswords, coloring pages, word searches, etc., I am happy to share. Don't forget to enjoy the event - have fun and be the dynamic person everyone expects you to be! Keep writing.

Amazon Best Seller World Poetess N.R.Hart's book event table. 
(Barnes & Noble, May 2019)
Hart has books specifically displayed to entice readers, business cards, push-cards,
and flowers that compliment her table.

1 comment:

Paloma said...

I m so glad to visit this blog.This blog is really so amazing.Thanks for sharing with us.

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