Monday, July 30, 2018

Milliron Monday: Grammy Smith 7 30 18

Happy Milliron Monday ! It's a great July 30 as I continue Milliron Monday, a view into Milliron: Dr. Abbott “Pete” Smith D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017, Gina McKnight).

Born in Augusta, Maine, Pete Smith enjoyed spending time with his Grammy Smith. Grammy (Ruth Smith O’Brion) was an exceptional artist. Her portrait (above) was painted by renowned artist Rutledge Bate who was Grammy’s neighbor in Rockport, Massachusetts. Here’s an excerpt from Dr. Smith’s biography…

Abbott’s mother Ruth, Pete’s grandmother, was an exceptional artist and adored Pete. Living in the artsy community of Bearskin Neck, Rockport, Massachusetts, everyone knew her as Smitty. “She was a character and a half. Pete and she were like 2 peas in a pod,” Susie, Pete’s sister, reflects. “He used to spend summers with her in Rockport. She was an artist. It was an artist’s haven. Everybody who painted in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s went to Rockport to study art. She lived right on the neck of the Maltese #2, the most painted image in Rockport. There was a red lobster house on the end of the pier. She lived right on the street that went down to the pier. My grandmother smoked, swore, and she was Rockport’s Number One character. She would go to Bermuda and be entertained royally by other artists because the Rockport and Bermuda group kind of went back and forth. Granny Smith was right in the thick of all of that. Pete had to have been influenced by her. She was a free spirit. We still have some of her art and a portrait painted of her. It’s a valuable painting. She was a big influence on Pete’s attitude toward life. She adored him and he her.”
     Rockport artist and colleague Rutledge Bate painted Smitty’s lifelike portrait, which now hangs in the Smith home. The oil on canvas depicts her in an every-day cucumber green cotton buttoned blouse. Her hair is short and silver, her right hand holding a lit cigarette. Her expression is contemplative; blue eyes looking through rimless glasses, pondering her next creative endeavor. 
         As a youth, Pete enjoyed spending the summer months with his Grandma Smitty, eating lobster and enjoying the surf. On one of his summer vacations to Rockport, he asked his grandmother for eggnog. Smitty was from a long line of established people; she was raised in a well-to-do family that housed butlers, cooks, and maids. She never learned to cook. So, when Pete asked her to make eggnog, she asked him how to make it. Pete, with tilted eyebrows, naively explained that eggnog contained eggs. Smitty proudly presented Pete with an eggnog concocted with milk, ice cream, and hard-boiled eggs.

We remember the legacy of Dr. Pete Smith and his contribution to living. He was a fast arrow from a strong bow. Read more about Pete in his biography, available from AmazonBarnes & Noble, or locally at Little Professor Book Center, Athens, Ohio. If you have a copy, write a review. Books do not have to be purchased online to write a review.

Follow Milliron on facebook to view inside photos and much more!

If you have a story to tell about Dr. Smith, please send to to be included in Tails of a Country Vet Volume II !

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave to us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled and pioneer veterinarian.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Monday, July 23, 2018

Milliron Monday: The Maine Farmhouse 7 23 18

Monday, July 23, 2018, a good  Milliron Monday, so far. Rising at 5 am to stretch and off for the morning walk, back now, writing of writing. Last year, we launched Dr. Smith’s biography. Now, over a year later, I am revisiting the manuscript, portion by portion, seeing where I can tighten and revise. I always say that writing is like riding a bicycle – writing is downhill, but editing requires momentum and effort. A writer is continually thinking, editing, perceiving the “what if’s”… but, there has to be a moment when you release the story and it’s finished.

Dr. Pete Smith was a household name within the community of Southeastern Ohio. If you had a pet in from 1965-2009, you probably had an encounter with Dr. Smith. Always with a ready joke or the story of his childhood, Dr. Smith brought his clients into his life, into his realm of culture, animals, and lifestyle. But, it all began in Maine, where Pete grew as a child on Little River Farm, Burnett Road, Casco Bay, Maine…

The countryside hemmed by the Atlantic Western Seaboard provided ample opportunity for building physical as well as mental acuity. Maine’s summer weather patterns collide pleasantly in the coastal regions and along the water. Rolling fog is prominent, especially in the western part of Casco Bay, where Pete played. Casco Bay is known for its mesmerizing landscape and nautical breezes. It is a pivotal point on Maine’s coastline where vast beaches of Maine’s southern coast end and rocky bluffs jut out into the sea. It is where the Atlantic coast divides into dramatic islands and curves downward to Florida. Light breezes, bitter winds, and ferocious gales create a component for thrilling playscapes and childhood memories. Blending with the countryside, Pete embraced his natural surroundings. He learned of God, love, nature, and the sea.
An excerpt from
Milliron: Dr. Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography
by Gina McKnight

Chapter 1, page 9

We remember the legacy of Dr. Pete Smith and his contribution to living. He was a smart arrow shot from a strong bow. Read more about Pete in his biography, available from AmazonBarnes & Noble, or locally at Little Professor Book Center, Athens, Ohio. If you have a copy, write a review. Books do not have to be purchased online to write a review.

Follow Milliron on facebook to view photos and much more!

If you have a story to tell about Dr. Smith, please send to to be included in Tails of a Country Vet Volume II !

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a pionoeer veterinarian.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

My Journal: Finding Rainbows

Find inspiration! Are you looking for a place to write your dreams, poetry, goals, ambitions, doodles, plans, stories, and more? Write it down in our 130 page lined Journal with a motivating word on each page. 

Journal #3 in our New Journal Collection
6x9 to fit easily into your backpack or satchel
Perfect for keeping track of your own aspirations!
Collect all three!

Finding Rainbows

Available here!

Write your own story. Capture ideas, brainstorm scenarios, write about your day, create a storyline, make a plan, scribble your thoughts, doodle when you're bored, or make a list of goals. Whatever you decide to do, you will find that our Journals can be inspiring. A perfect 6x9 inches, they fit easily into backpacks, handbags, satchels, briefcases, or in your hand. Beautiful cover art by amazing artists. Write often; write every day. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Conquistador's Horse by Barry Cole

The Conquistador’s Horse

Historical fiction for young readers aged 10-14 years.
Unique narrative featuring a horse and including a bonus story.
For fans of Michael Morpurgo and Michelle Paver.

When Tall Bull and the Cheyenne hunting party crossed the Arkansas river and entered their enemies hunting ground in search of buffalo, little did they know that others were also crossing the same river. 

Fierce looking men armed with bows, spears, and war-clubs, their upper bodies and faces daubed with paint.  They were a Pawnee war-party returning to their village after a raid against their sworn enemies the Sioux.

Last to cross the river were men on horseback. Pale skinned men armed with swords, and muskets. They were Spanish Conquistadors, and they had come in search of Quivira, the city of gold.

Soon the paths of all three would cross, and when they did, Tall Bull would discover a creature that he had never seen before, an animal which would haunt his dreams, and one day change the lives of his people forever.  

Available here!

BARRY COLE was born in Yorkshire but spent much of his life in Bedfordshire. He served as a regular soldier, and after leaving the army he began contributing stories and articles to the monthly magazines of two Native American Charities. Since then he has written several feature-length screenplays, a historical novel and, a children’s book. He now lives on a narrow boat on the Grand Union canal in Northamptonshire.

ISBN: 9781788039734
eISBN: 9781788034050
Format: Paperback/eBook

More from Barry Cole:

Monday, July 16, 2018

Milliron Monday: Abbott & Betty 7 16 18

Pete Smith, D.V.M. was a legend in southeastern Ohio and beyond. Now, eight years after his death, we continue to relive his legacy through his biography Milliron and here every Monday - Milliron Monday. 

Revisiting Dr. Smith's early years, we remember his parents, Abbott and Betty; how his parents meet in Church and fell in love. Their first date was on horseback and they shared the love of horses throughout their lifetime, a trait they would pass onto Pete. 

We remember the legacy of Dr. Pete Smith and his contribution to living. He was a smart arrow shot from a strong bow. Read more about Pete in his biography, available from AmazonBarnes & Noble, or locally at Little Professor Book Center, Athens, Ohio. If you have a copy, write a review. Books do not have to be purchased online to write a review.

Follow Milliron on facebook to view photos and much more!

If you have a story to tell about Dr. Smith, please send to to be included in Tails of a Country Vet Volume II !

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled and pioneer veterinarian.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Journal: Thinking Too Much

Do you think too much? It's okay! We hope you do! Write it down in our 130 page lined Journal with a motivating word on each page. 

Available here!

Write your own story. Capture ideas, brainstorm scenarios, write about your day, create a storyline, make a plan, scribble your thoughts, doodle when you're bored, or make a list of goals. Whatever you decide to do, you will find that our Journals can be inspiring. A perfect 6x9 inches, they fit easily into backpacks, handbags, satchels, briefcases, or in your hand. Beautiful cover art by amazing artists. Write often; write every day. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Trust 'n Horses: A Guide to Successful Trust-Based Horsemanship and Life by Franklin Levinson

Trust ‘n Horses
A Guide to Successful Trust-Based Horsemanship and Life

Horses need to trust they are safe in order to thrive. Without this trust in their safety, they will never relax, cannot learn, and will be forever nervous and anxious. This constant anxiety will cause undesirable and dangerous behavior for both the horse and the humans involved with it. Trust ‘n Horses explores the subject of trust and how it relates to domesticated horses, their training and their lives in the world of humans. This subject is addressed in a grounded, pragmatic style of writing, that is easily understandable and logical. It is a great resource for any horse lover.

Connect with Franklin

About the Author
Franklin Levinson has been a professional horseman for nearly 50 years. At 13 years of age, he was the youngest registered polo player in the US. In his early 20s, he created and ran equestrian programs at large summer camps in North Michigan. He has always taught success with horses to be a life-enriching process for both horse and human and that horses are never naughty or bad. In his teaching, he states, “All unwanted behavior from a horse is a symptom of the animal’s fear and never deserves punishment.” He is adamant about humans not merely ‘using’ horses for selfish enjoyment. Franklin’s goal is that the horse and human become partners through the inspired and excellent leadership of the human.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Love Poems by Dr. Tony Beizaee

Available in eBook here!
#1 New Release -!

Love Poems
by Dr. Tony Beizaee 

Explore the Beauty of the Human Heart and Spirit!
A collection of romantic Love Poems intermingled with passages of spiritual enlightenment, LOVE POEMS promises to take the reader on a sublime journey of both written imagery and visual artwork by the author, guiding them to the truth behind what LOVE is and how it connects us all ...

What people are saying…
Dr. Tony Beizaee masterfully entwines the power of heart-felt poetry and striking images to weave a Rumi-esque gem in book form. "Love Poems" is a cosmic force to be reckoned with, that will awaken every crease and corner of your soul.
-Eva Xanthopoulos, Founder of Poehemian Press

Dr. Tony Beizaee weaves matters of the heart with human spirituality effortlessly in this compendium of poems that explores love in its many forms. Metaphors sing off the page in these excellent verses. Prepare to be transported to a world of romance and passion.
- Lauren Rickard, writer and journalist for EastLondonLines

When you read Love Poems, you'll enter Dr. Tony Beizaee's special world of love, connection, and openness. You'll learn how to forgive, explore the all-encompassing nature of love, and feel the touch of someone special in his words. You'll also delight at the heartfelt and touching Artwork illustrations, lovingly created by Dr. Tony, himself. Born from author's profound imagination as he searches for answers to the ultimate question, LOVE POEMS is a collection like no other.

You'll read these verses with your heart as much as your eyes as you touch love, drift in an ocean of ecstasy. Love Poems, by Dr. Tony Beizaee, nurtures blossoming hearts and heals those mourning love lost.
- Cornelia Amiri, Romance Author

"His feverous passion runs through each stanza which he has deftly orchestrated to illuminate his profound imagination when it comes to seeking the answers to questions that plague the human psyche."
- Amelia Vandergast, Author

When you order this fresh and fascinating book of love, you'll discover a wonderful new perspective. You will feel Dr. Tony's passion and absorb his life wisdom in the 25 love poems he shares in this powerful book:

My Love
Your Devoted Loving Hands
The Sea Of Love
My Longing tears
Love Vows
The Season Of Love
Love Touched Me
The Blanket Of Love
Your Loving touch
The Attainment
Love enfolds Forgiveness
Vanished into Love
Open thine own heart
The Sunrise Of Love
The Infinite
Inception Of Love
Secret Place
The Anatomy Of Heart
Loving Souls
The Prayers
Face Of Love

In the Sea of LOVE my flame of passion
devour the winds of the Vessel of our hearts,
In the Sea of LOVE, the waves of YOUR HEART
Caressing the sands of my Love..."
- Dr. Tony Beizaee, in Love Poems

"Love Poems is an extraordinary poetry collection that takes each reader on an amorous quest through the realm of spiritual awakening and enlightenment."
- Eva Xanthopoulos, Founder of Poehemian Press

Available in eBook here!
#1 New Release -!

Don't miss this chance to feed your heart the beauty it craves. Get your copy of Love Poems today and let your spirit fly free!


Tony B. Beizaee, D.M.D., is a passionate innovator who has held multiple roles through his life, from dentist and entrepreneur, all the way to abstract artist and author. His unwavering dedication to philanthropy has earned him the reputation as an ambassador of positive change and compassionate community leader. Ultimately, Tony is driven by five key principles: integrity, spirituality, growth, love, and compassion. Combining these cornerstones, he serves as a devout advocate for the Jewish Voice, with Mission to awaken people to their God-given greatness. His ultimate aspiration is to create a legacy that will continue positively impacting people for generations to come.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Monday, July 2, 2018

Milliron Monday: Strong Bow 7 2 18

Abbott Pliny Smith, III
Date of Birth: June 16, 1938
Birthplace: Augusta, Maine
Father: Abbott Pliny Smith, II
Mother: Elizabeth Cooper Saunders Smith
Physician: Dr. L. D. Herring, MD
State of Maine
Certified Abstract of Record of Live Birth

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
so are children of one’s youth.
Psalms 127:4

Today, we celebrate Milliron Monday and the life of Dr. Abbott “Pete” Smith III. Last year, the release of Dr. Smith’s biography Milliron: Dr. Abbott “Pete” Smith D.V.M. The Biography was welcomed by many. The photo above is of Pete and his mother Betty.

Pete was born in Augusta, Maine, surrounded by seascapes and culture. Interviewing siblings about Pete’s early years was enjoyable; like most scenarios, there were several viewpoints to one life event. Weaving Pete’s childhood back together took many months, if not years of interviewing and writing.

The story of Pete’s paternal grandparents was difficult, at first, to follow, as it was filled with “Abbott Pliny” I, II, III, and today, where it is a joy to sit and talk with IV and V. A grand heritage of “Pliny” – however, Pete wasn’t thrilled about his middle name, and when he was young, wrote it on the back of a turtle, hoping the turtle would take it away. Pete’s heritage is filled with entrepreneurs, writers, bankers, businessmen, polo players, Bates and Harvard graduates, painters, and deep thinkers.

Writing an outline for Pete’s biography, it was clear to me that Chapter 1 required a strong title. In Pete’s speech at his father’s memorial, he referred to his father as a Strong Bow. In a way, Pete had written the title himself, and I would like to believe that if Pete wrote his own story, he would have chosen Strong Bow for the title of Chapter 1…

It was bittersweet news that Dad’s ordeal was finally over so he could move on. He definitely was a mover, and undoubtedly will continue to evolve on a more cosmic level. He always had a solid faith and involvement with the Episcopal Church. As a result, I have been able to draw comfort and inspiration from it, too. I am grateful to have been raised in Dad’s chosen church. I always appreciated the opportunity to grow up in the rural environment of a large farm on the Maine Coast which he and Mom provided and which incidentally remains virtually unchanged today as a sort of serendipitous memorial. Dad saw that I grew up imbued with classical music em­bellished by enough piano and trumpet lessons to at least understand that good music doesn’t just happen. My home and life were filled with wonderful books, reference materials and suitable mythological heroes (as perfect heroes must be). I was also provided with lots of occasions to contemplate due to the isolation provided by the setting and Maine winters coupled with the focus and simplicity provided by poverty, albeit only poverty of the economic sort. Dad lived to see five children grow up tall and strong in body, mind and spirit – each unique and happy. It was a strong bow from which we were shot, and he deserves credit for our happiness today.

We remember the legacy of Dr. Pete Smith and his contribution to living. He was a smart arrow shot from a strong bow. Read more about Pete in his biography, available from AmazonBarnes & Noble, or locally at Little Professor Book Center, Athens, Ohio. If you have a copy, write a review. Books do not have to be purchased online to write a review.

Follow Milliron on facebook to view photos and much more!

If you have a story to tell about Dr. Smith, please send to to be included in Tails of a Country Vet Volume II !

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled and pioneer veterinarian.

Quotes, Quips and Wisdom 7 2 18

Monday Creek Publishing
Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom
Follow us on fb Monday Creek Publishing

Monday Creek Publishing
Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom
Follow us on fb Monday Creek Publishing

The Spirit and Soul of Horses: An Interview with Lara Baeriswyl

Photography by Lara Baeriswyl, Award-Winning Equine Photographer (c) Dudingen, Switzerland The Spirit and Soul of Horses: An Interview with ...