Thursday, January 30, 2014

Shorebreak Bridgade

Shorebreak Brigade announces…..

Beach Clean-Up!
Saturday, February 1, 2014  
Suncoast Pirates Surf Lifesaving Club
Durban, South Africa

Hey Brigade - hope all of you have been keeping healthy & happy! This year is off to a flying start and we're looking to squeeze in a clean-up before Jan 2014 choons cheers! This month we're looking to hook up with the good people of VOLUNTEER YOU who will be having there very first beach clean-up this weekend. So this is a shout out to our beach cleaning army - let's get down to Pirates Lifesaving Club on Saturday morning and give these guys a helping hand and work together to make another Durban beach look even more beautiful! The weather is looking pearla!!!! So don't forget your hats, sunscreen & drinks (we will have cold water available) - as usual we will provide surgical gloves and Tuffy Brands bin bags made from 100% recycled materials.

This should be an epic morning - spread the good word and we'll see you all down there.

Bible Novels

From Wichita, Kansas, USA, 
Welcome Author Jim Baumgardner!

Jim says...

I grew up in a Christian home, although neither of my parents did. My mother gave her life to the Lord in her late teens, and she brought my dad to Christ after they were married in 1939.  April 30, 2013 marked my 56th year as a Christian. The Lord has blessed me far more than I deserve, and I am ever mindful of that fact. You may have thought: ‘I don't know any cowboy Bible story writers.'  Well, now you can say that you do. I love the West and western stories, nevertheless I love the Bible more. 

The Scriptures tell us of the greatest love ever manifested to mankind.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.       --Romans 5:8

Why write Bible novels? The answer lies in my desire as an author to expand upon the truths in the Bible, and furnish the reader stories about great men and women found on the pages of Scripture. By expanding the truth, I do not mean changing what happened, but filling in the gaps with what may have happened day to day which brought about what holy men of God recorded so long ago. How did people think and act in ancient times? What were the manners and customs which shaped the way they responded in certain situations? I attempt to answer these questions in these novels. Presenting everyday social, religious, and political life of Bible characters conveys a better understanding of what we read in our Bibles.

Released November 1, 2013, Queen of Persia: A Courageous Woman for a Dangerous Time, has become a quick favorite. This is the largest book I have written, and I honestly can say the best. The story of Queen Esther interests women because she is a true heroine. Even the men will enjoy this book as it has information about the war with Greece and the battles of the Jews with their enemies who sought to destroy them. Read an excerpt.…

          “A strange name. From what far-flung province do you come?”
          “Not far, sir. My home is Susa.”
          The eunuch looked up from the sheet of parchment on which he recorded names. “You mean—?” He stopped mid-sentence, his breath caught away by the most beautiful maiden he had ever gazed upon.
          Hegai’s eyes darted to the soldier standing guard over this new group of girls. Although young, 14-18 years, these virgins were of child bearing age, and that made them worthy candidates to become Queen of Persia. Of course, being able to bear a son for King Ahasuerus was not the only qualification, but it certainly was one—a crucial one.
          Squinting through dark, steady eyes Hegai addressed the soldier, and his tone of voice told of surprise and slight doubt. “This girl claims to be from Susa.”        
          “She is. All in this collection were taken from homes in Susa.”
          Hegai glanced from one young woman to the next. The females, all beautiful of face and form had been brought to Shushan the palace; most against their will, for examination and consideration as the next Queen of the Persian Empire. Yet, the one named Hadassah stood out from the others, gorgeous beyond belief. To which harem girl could she be compared? Certainly after one year of applying beauty preparations to this girl’s face and body the answer would be none. Hegai’s thoughts were loftier than consigning this girl to the life of a common harem concubine. This young woman could be a goddess…a Persian goddess.
A side door opened. King Ahasuerus entered, and Esther’s heart raced, her breath caught. The time had come. She could not ignore it. She could not delay it. No more thinking about it, the king stood in his royal robe, his crown no longer in place. He wore sandals and one ring on each hand.
          The door closed behind him, and he walked to where Esther sat ridged upon the edge of her couch. Bending down he took Esther’s hand, kissed it, and then lightly brushed his lips against hers.
          Esther’s head spun with excitement, she felt she might faint dead away. He was freshly bathed and smelled of lavender. His kiss was her first. Soon there would be more and her insides knotted in anticipation.
          “Esther, welcome to my table. We shall be served directly.”
          Releasing her hand he took his place on the golden couch.
          She avoided his eyes. Her heart continued to race, and color, which she felt heating her face, he surely would notice.
          “You may look at me. Were you told to lower your eyes, and not speak unless asked a question?”
          “I am releasing you from those instructions. I wish to have a conversation, not one word answers. Is that fair?”
          The king chuckled. “No more one word answers—that is now my command.”
          “Yes, my lord.”
          “Oh, now you speak three words and still you lower your eyes. You are frightened. Is that it?”
          Esther brought her eyes to meet his. “I am but a common girl from Susa,” she said softly. “You are the great King of Kings. If I were not frightened, you would have thought me stupid or arrogant, I know my place.”
          The king’s brow furrowed in thought. He remembered their encounter in the court. This young woman showed intelligence. She spoke her mind regardless of her fear.
          “You are an intelligent one! You do not pretend, do you?”
          Esther’s eyes remained on the king. “Lie? No, I do not. I shall always tell you the truth.”

Connect with Jim...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mahakali Ashwa Mela

The Mahakali Ashwa Mela is an annual event held in the riverbeds of AMBOD village near Gandhinagar (Gujarat), India.
 This is a platform created for interaction of animal lovers who gather for a fortnight to show, trade and compete with their horses, camels and cattle. 

In addition, this Mela also hosts entertainment activities and adventure sports with people visiting from far and wide. 

The dates for the Ambod Fair 2014 are from 9 to 18 February.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sending my angel...

Sending my angel to you
To help your angel for awhile
You may need the extra wings
Flying in, reaping dreams

To guide you along the way
Anchor your feet while on this sphere
Scare your fears, bless your heart
I am keeping you always near

Inside my heart you are never lost
Good wishes to you, loving thoughts
You are part of me, me of you
Auras reside in perfect hues

Someday we will reminisce
Of the things we never knew
Things that seem so far
Things that make you you

Sending my angel to you
Only for a little while...

© gmcknight 1/14

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fernando Noailles

Emotion Coaching with Horses!

Fernando Noailles does not teach a technique,
but a philosophy of life…

Sign up for Fernando’s Conference today!
Attendees will be able to identify their own vital to that,
from that moment, they can learn to control and can manage emotions, as an essential part of developing your
Emotional  Intelligence Energy.

To participate in this conference,
you do not need any knowledge of horse riding or horse.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Love Horses Webinar!

You’re invited to join Melisa Pearce and Anna Twinney for a Free Webinar!

Post by Anna Twinney

Move From Fear and Towards Love
with Anna Twinney & Melisa Pearce


Thursday, January 23rd, 2014
6:00pm MT (8:00 pm EST, 5:00 pm PST) USA

Discover how to move away from fear and towards love... through horses.  

The Webinar format allows for live interaction and discussion with Q&A throughout. 

Melisa and Anna met through our participation as contributing authors in the book Horse as Teacher, a Path to Authenticity. Discovering the commonality in their interpretation of horses and humans they have begun to work more closely together and today collaborate on several projects.

During this webinar Melisa and Anna will discuss and share how horses interpret our fear, their natural response and how they lead humans away from it when understood. Melisa will share about her experiences with horses claire-sentient abilities that she sees everyday as she partners with horses who emotionally heal humans through her Equine Gestalt tm process. Anna will be sharing as a Natural horse trainer who has traveled the world working with and studying horses' behavior. Anna will share how they are affected in ways you may not even be aware of when you are working with them and what you can watch for with your horse.   

The opposite of love is not hate, but fear.  How do we move toward love through our horses?  How do we move toward love and away from fear while working with our horses?   And most importantly, why is it so important and how does it impact our lives and our relationship with our horses?

Listen to these two TOP professionals as we openly discuss our unique processes and share our vast experience and understanding of these emotions and partnering with horses.   

The webinar is FREE and ALL are welcome. . . feel free to give the number & link out to your friends!  AND both Melisa and Anna will answer a few listeners'/viewers' questions, too!

Please remember to preregister and then log on a few minutes early to secure your spot :)

The webinar is presented via your computer and you will be able to listen to it over your computer speakers. You also have the option to call in on the phone number that is included in the reminder email that you will get the day of the webinar.
Great (Equine) Expectations

February 23, 2014 - 11am (Mountain Time) USA

Anna will be returning to Horse Conscious next month to share her experience about the do's and don'ts of handling horses and what horses must go through in the world of humans and how you can best support your horse!  There is much controversy around this subject and she is ready to dispel myths, reveal her secrets and share her almost 2 decades of experience as an International Clinician and Horsewoman.

Details on how to join us are coming soon so mark your calendar and STAY TUNED!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Vanessa Admiral, Artist

From Auckland, New Zealand, Welcome Vanessa Admiral!

Vanessa creates hand-crafted new and reworked jewelry designed to suit any attire. Necklaces, earrings, rings, charm bracelets and more – Vanessa creates stunning jewelry using vintage pieces, charms and clockwork components, all designed and assembled in Auckland. 

Vanessa’s Game of Thrones bracelet caught my attention! It is lovely and beautiful crafted! Vanessa creates unique pieces to compliment any outfit!

Vanessa Admiral comes from the creative mind of Vanessa Buchanan. Always having a keen interest in steampunk, vintage and victoriana, Vanessa decided to share her love of design and make unique, high quality jewelry incorporating these elements.  

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Alps by Horseback!

A fascinating journey on horseback, crossing the Alps!
Thank you Ana Cláudia Mairhofer and Agro Maripá for sharing your amazing journey!

(c) Story & Photos copyright by : Agro Maripá  

! ALPS One more time we set ourselves in another adventure with our horses Patek and Urano de Maripá. This time we crossed the Alps with our friends Astrid Oberniedermayr and Dieter Mader, both riding Ourofino El Far.Since the horses are based in Morlenbach, Germany, taking part on the Vitrine of the Mangalarga Marchador Project, and due to the exceptional performance of Patek’s and Urano’s on the Santiago Way, in Spain, in May last year, we have decided to test them again.

We left Lechbruck, Bavaria, South of Germany, on a rainy and cold, (around 9oC) morning, May 13th 2012. Seven days and 240km later we arrived in Castel Juval, Northern Italy, where we ended our trip. We rode through Oberammergau, Lermoos, Imst, Lafairs, Reschen, Laas. Once more our horses bet themselves proving all their resilience, courage, docility, providing us with great pleasure during the whole trip. They have not only improved our repertoire but also enriched our genetics knowledge.

On the first day, Sunday, May 13th, after leaving Lechbruck, we rode to Wieskirsche, The Pilgrimage Church of the Scourged Saviour, at the foot of the Alps, considered one of the most perfect examples of Bavarian rococo architecture. At the end of the day and 27km later we arrived at Oberammergau, little village famous for its production of a Passion Play performed every ten years, as well as for its wood carves. The Oberammergau Passion Play was first performed in 1634 and is the result of a vow made by the inhabitants of the village that if God spared them from the effects of the bubonic plague then sweeping the region they would perform a passion play every ten years.

Second day, Monday May 14th, we left at around 9 in the morning and from Oberammergau we rode to Lermoos, Austrian village in the Tirol area, 35km away. On this day, during the whole ride we had a privileged view of the Zugspitze, the highest mountain in Germany. Gorgeous trail, on valleys in the midst of the mountains, crossing thaw lakes and rivers and yellow flowered meadows. Breathtaking landscapes! Horses in great shape!

From Lermoos, on the third day we rode to Imst, 27km away. This one a rather difficult trail, on “Via Claudia”, a Roman Way that passes through the most beautiful places, one of them the Fernstein Lake and its turquoise waters, located in the midst of the Wetterstein Mountains.

Fourth day dawned extremely cold, snowy, windy. We then opted to send the horses on the truck to the next destination, Lafairs, 40km away, where the weather was milder. We drove there, had lunch at the hotel, and then rode around 18km in the afternoon in the surroundings of the hotel.

Fifth day, ride from Lafairs to Reschen, about 30km away. Gorgeous sunny day, although very cold. Beautiful trip! Again stunning landscapes during the whole tour, passing by Altfinstermünz, a castle literally squeezed between the mountain and the river. We crossed the border with Italy and then rode through Vinschgau Valley, the valley around the river Adige, South Tirol. We arrived at the end of the day to a little hotel by Reschen Lake, run by a family. We had a delicious and fun dinner overlooking a beautiful sunset in front of us at the other side of the lake, remembering the stories of the day! Good food and beautiful photos “catch of the day”made by our friend Sabine Stuewer!

Sixth day, 35km ride from Reschen to Laas. We rode through Vinschgau Valley, crossing apple plantations and little villages. Beautiful day, much warmer, beautiful mountains on the left and on the right sides, the Ötztal Alps. Our horses keeping their excellent condition so far! They are really in great shape, forward and without any symptom of stress!

On this seventh and last day of ride, Saturday, May 19th, we rode 28km from Laas to Castel Juval, our final destination. Warm sunny day, around 20oC. This was a “flat ride” as we kept riding on the Vinschgau Valley, crossing many apple plantations. We stopped for lunch on a typical Tyrolean restaurant on the mountains, rode back down to the valley and kept our track to Castle Juval. This one was quite a climb, the ride uphill to access to the Castle! Narrow trail, full of loose stones, and really steep. I am not comfortable in steep places like that one, so I didn’t dare look down one single moment. But my horse Urano, who was not disturbed at all by that, had a memorable performance. So did Patek. They both got up there at the castle 20 minutes later as if nothing different had happened. Evidence of this is a little movie our friend Tiziana Ricci made with her cell phone of our horses climbing up another little track to get upper hill on a nice spot in front of the entrance of the castle and pose for Sabine’s cameras!

Our friends, Astrid Oberniedermayr, president of the European Association of Mangalarga Marchador - EAMM - and Dieter Mader, director of sports and training, coordinated the entire project providing the necessary logistics. This structure was essential to the success of our Ride in the Alps. Unforgettable trip!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Seventeen Stud

Looking for an outstanding Spanish Pre Andalusian, also known as the Pure Spanish Horse or PRE (Pura Raza Española)?

Introducing Yeguada Diecisiete (Seventeen Stud)!

Purebred Spanish line from the Military Stud, located in the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

Welcome Juan Benavente

We are glad to introduce ourselves as a Spanish Pure Race (PRE) Studfarm, located in Madrid,Spain.

Our bloodline belongs to Yeguada Militar de Jerez ( Jerez's Military Studfarm.)
The main characteristics of this line are the following:

Strength, resistance, function-ability, nobility, and adapts for any kind of level, from elementary to the most exigent.

We suggest our horses (stallions, mares, and foals) for commercialization worldwide.

We do have competitive prices. We are looking for a dealer/partner. If interested, please contact us via e-mail and we will provide you detailed information.

Juan Benavente
0034 620 21 94 42( English)
0034 670 22 06 68 ( Spanish) 

Thursday, January 16, 2014


When I look in the mirror
Your face slides in view
My eyes are not mine
They're not the usual blue

They're untamed, carefree
Sowing wild oats
Traveling the world
Reining down slopes

Galloping in corridors
Different and new
Searching lost venues
Taking your cues

The terrain gets steeper
The path is unsure
Faster and deeper
A quick changing tour

Now a wild wavy river
The territory divides
A quaint pressing shower
A scar you can’t hide

Catching your gaze
Through the high mountain pass
But the mirror’s too small
Please, a bigger glass…

(c) gmcknight 1/14

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Nicole Drumheller Gargus, Author

Welcome author Nicole Drumheller Gargus! Nicole is a freelance writer and the author of Shane’s Mane, a children’s book based upon Nicole’s first horse, her Grandpa, and her love for horses.

Nicole’s passions include writing, travel, horses, dance, swimming, Tudor history, Jerusalem, and character costumes.

Where in the world are you?
I currently live in Canton, Massachusetts, USA; however I'm from rural Pennsylvania originally.
Who is Shane?
Shane is a foundation Quarter Horse - he is a flea bitten gray. When he was younger he barrel raced and also competed in English dressage and jumping. We currently enjoy trail rides and give equine therapy at nursing homes and veteran centers.

Tell me more about your riding/horse history....
My Grandpa was a jockey when he was young and later he was into western sports. He was my first riding instructor - I was riding solo by age four! I have studied English and Western disciplines with various instructors over the years. I enjoy both; however western pleasure and trail riding are my favorites.

What are you currently writing?
I write for two papers - The Canton Journal in Massachusetts and Montgomery Media's Ticket in Pennsylvania.

Where do you like to write?
Usually on a desktop computer in our quiet guest room. My habits are simple - a cup of tea and a quiet space.

Do you travel a lot to promote your books?
I love to travel! For book promotions I mostly traveled around Pennsylvania and to Ireland!

What is 'Voices from the Wall'?
Voices From The Wall is an anthology about the shared experiences of people visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC. My first piece Regarding Sean, which is about a veteran visiting the Wall, was published in that book.

What other books have you written?
No others yet. Mostly I currently write articles and short pieces.

Game of Thrones is one of my favorite series, I know it is one of yours, too! Who is your favorite character? Why?
Khaleesi! I relate to her suffering. I'm deeply inspired by her strong spirit, tenacious will, and secret kind heart.

Who are your inspirations?
Quite a few writers inspire me! Including Alice Walker, Phillipa Gregory, Jhumpa Lahiri, John Steinbeck, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Alison Weir. I also love the classics - Dante and Homer.

Connect with Nicole….

Nicole in character costume as

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ride Without Fear Clinic

Jo Belasco announces her 2014 Ride Without Fear Clinic!
Experience Jo's equine expertise as she brings you the essential information you need to enjoy your horse! 

“Jo will be traveling around the country to help people learn about mindfulness and how this technique can help with  fear and feel when it comes to horses.  By attending one of her How To Ride Without Fear clinics, you can learn from Jo first-hand the tools necessary to handle fear, including mindfulness, which helps you quiet your mind and be centered.  Jo encourages those who cannot ride for any reason to attend her seminars and clinics as auditors because they can still learn mindfulness even if they aren’t riding.  Jo is an engaging and informational clinician, whose non-judgmental and supportive seminars and clinics have helped people handle fear and improved their relationship with horses in amazing ways."

A great Clinic for 4-H groups, Pony & Equestrian Clubs, or anyone who would like to overcome their fear of riding! Contact Jo today to schedule your 2014 Clinic! 

Call 720-442-1343 or email Jo for more information

Read testimonials and connect with Jo...

Monday, January 6, 2014


The baby is expected
In early morning March,
Late in the month
On Thursday's watch;
Arriving along with
A harbinger thought

So the days know no boundaries,
They joyride and sneer;
They break off their colloquy
And stare over there

The baby is expected
In early morning March,
Late in the month
As Scorpio plots;
Arriving along with
A gibbous cough

So the days chauffeur moments,
They rejoice and retort;
They banter about feelings
And things over there

Come now sweet baby
Rest in my arms,
Late in the month
As the moon waves to Libra;
Arriving Altair...
And finally you're here

(c)gmcknight 1/14

Milliron Monday: The Journals July - September 1972

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May ...