Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ride Without Fear Clinic

Jo Belasco announces her 2014 Ride Without Fear Clinic!
Experience Jo's equine expertise as she brings you the essential information you need to enjoy your horse! 

“Jo will be traveling around the country to help people learn about mindfulness and how this technique can help with  fear and feel when it comes to horses.  By attending one of her How To Ride Without Fear clinics, you can learn from Jo first-hand the tools necessary to handle fear, including mindfulness, which helps you quiet your mind and be centered.  Jo encourages those who cannot ride for any reason to attend her seminars and clinics as auditors because they can still learn mindfulness even if they aren’t riding.  Jo is an engaging and informational clinician, whose non-judgmental and supportive seminars and clinics have helped people handle fear and improved their relationship with horses in amazing ways."

A great Clinic for 4-H groups, Pony & Equestrian Clubs, or anyone who would like to overcome their fear of riding! Contact Jo today to schedule your 2014 Clinic! 

Call 720-442-1343 or email Jo for more information

Read testimonials and connect with Jo...

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