Thursday, January 23, 2014

Love Horses Webinar!

You’re invited to join Melisa Pearce and Anna Twinney for a Free Webinar!

Post by Anna Twinney

Move From Fear and Towards Love
with Anna Twinney & Melisa Pearce


Thursday, January 23rd, 2014
6:00pm MT (8:00 pm EST, 5:00 pm PST) USA

Discover how to move away from fear and towards love... through horses.  

The Webinar format allows for live interaction and discussion with Q&A throughout. 

Melisa and Anna met through our participation as contributing authors in the book Horse as Teacher, a Path to Authenticity. Discovering the commonality in their interpretation of horses and humans they have begun to work more closely together and today collaborate on several projects.

During this webinar Melisa and Anna will discuss and share how horses interpret our fear, their natural response and how they lead humans away from it when understood. Melisa will share about her experiences with horses claire-sentient abilities that she sees everyday as she partners with horses who emotionally heal humans through her Equine Gestalt tm process. Anna will be sharing as a Natural horse trainer who has traveled the world working with and studying horses' behavior. Anna will share how they are affected in ways you may not even be aware of when you are working with them and what you can watch for with your horse.   

The opposite of love is not hate, but fear.  How do we move toward love through our horses?  How do we move toward love and away from fear while working with our horses?   And most importantly, why is it so important and how does it impact our lives and our relationship with our horses?

Listen to these two TOP professionals as we openly discuss our unique processes and share our vast experience and understanding of these emotions and partnering with horses.   

The webinar is FREE and ALL are welcome. . . feel free to give the number & link out to your friends!  AND both Melisa and Anna will answer a few listeners'/viewers' questions, too!

Please remember to preregister and then log on a few minutes early to secure your spot :)

The webinar is presented via your computer and you will be able to listen to it over your computer speakers. You also have the option to call in on the phone number that is included in the reminder email that you will get the day of the webinar.
Great (Equine) Expectations

February 23, 2014 - 11am (Mountain Time) USA

Anna will be returning to Horse Conscious next month to share her experience about the do's and don'ts of handling horses and what horses must go through in the world of humans and how you can best support your horse!  There is much controversy around this subject and she is ready to dispel myths, reveal her secrets and share her almost 2 decades of experience as an International Clinician and Horsewoman.

Details on how to join us are coming soon so mark your calendar and STAY TUNED!!!

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