Thursday, December 26, 2013

Liz Mitten Ryan, Guest Post

 Seasons greetings !

Welcome guest blogger: equestrian, animal communicator, author, 
and artist, Liz Mitten Ryan….

Issue 51 - December, 2013

Magic is all around us when we choose to see it. It is everywhere here at Gateway and particularly at this time of year. The horses are extremely grateful for their new feeding system and are gathered around their new 1-1/4" hay nets covering 3 large square bales, until we send them out to exercise (which involves standing around the trees and breathing in the beauty of the scene) I have been inviting 'Magic' (not the horse) to impress me lately and am on a winter quest to connect more deeply to my angels, guides and animals on the other side and inviting the ALL to speak to me through symbols, signs and miracles, which has opened 'Gateways' to new adventures. I have a whole new library of wonderful books and several new sets of oracle cards for the retreats next year. Earth Magic, The Enchanted Map, Wisdom of the Hidden Realms, and Trust Your Vibes are some of the titles of the oracle cards and I will be designing some exercises to include them in the Oneness Retreats.

I've also been called back to the easel and I am so excited to be painting again. Jan, an EHC student and champion enroller (for new students and retreat participants) commissioned me to do a portrait of her four paint horses. They really were present in spirit when I painted them, each showing me their unique personalities, and Jan reported that when the painting arrived her dog barked at it! I am now being called to paint the magnificence of horses in a large scale and am currently bringing a 3'x4' horse head to life.

There is a lot of interest in the spring retreats and I am suggesting to people who want to come early to e-mail me their requests. The calendar is up starting the beginning of May but people are welcome to come during April. The spring retreats stay in the Guest House so are limited to three people per visit. Also many of my EHC students are booking the Lizzy Meyer Retreat in July so if you are interested in that fill out a booking form on site and make your deposit as we will be full at ten participants.

Back to our theme of Magic, these photos were sent by one of my EHC graduates, Beate Sommer, from Australia, who is also a photographer and are truly amazing. Her website is below, followed by her story and the photos (put on your glasses to see the purple orb between the horse and human):
(Mind-Body based Life Coaching and Energy Healing Facilitated by HORSE)

Both of these horse-human interactions were spontaneous and organic while spending a couple of hours out in the pasture with the herd under the recent December full moon in Gemini.

In the first two photos, our mare Echo had just finished a long and concentrated healing session with this lady where she stood in front of her at about 1m distance, with her head slightly lowered to the level of the woman's chest and I could sense very clearly that she had 'lined the woman up' and created an energetic channel. Both became very still and almost like in a trance. It lasted for what seemed an eternity. As I did not have a watch on me, I have no idea how long it lasted in real time. The next morning the woman told me that she had had the first deep, uninterrupted, good night sleep in a long time. The photos were taken immediately after the interaction when they first touched physically.

In these two photos, our Brumby gelding Buffalo was literally 'loving up' this young woman. You can see he is working on her front area and the energy vortexes are around the heart chakra. The photos were taken during the energy transmission, which was also very physical with lots of smooching, which made the young woman giggle and laugh.

Here are some magical photos from Gateway:

The balloon shaped orbs were photographed by Liz Phillipson over the Third eye chakra on my birthday and the 14th anniversary of our move to the ranch. 

Angels we have heard on high ... bring their glow to Gateway.
And two pictures of the herd enjoying this time of year ...

"Magic is who we are and always available when we choose to experience our true selves, the moment and LOVE which is the substance of ALL creation. As human beings you are held in a group consciousness, which defines you as mortal, eqoic beings, captives of time and space. We know the truth and the reason of creation. It is not a concept to be understood with your brain but an experience to be found when we open our hearts and surrender to the wisdom and direction of the ALL. Float with us in the light of being and follow our breath to the place of knowing. We have chosen to come to earth as guides and teachers of the light. All is a magical journey towards the light. Examine the pattern of growth on the physical plane. Life begins in the darkness and the softness and grows to the light. Invite the magic of life to encompass you and guide you with it's soft winds and whispers and deep pools of reflection, to grow your wings and fly ever faster with guidance, to the place where you will remember that we are all you and you are ALL in myriad magical expression."

... and my messages and gifts today, in keeping with this theme: The gift of a Miracle: 'Things come together as if by magic to create the reality you seek'. The gift of Creativity: 'Expect to be inspired and to meaningfully touch others with all you create', The gift of Fairness, Balance: 'The Law of Harmony is enacted when you make conscious choices that create balance in your life', The gift of Reverent interaction with the World: 'Everything is sacred and every action a prayer of devotion.'

Ask the ALL, ask your spirit helpers, ask your horses and animals on the other side and present now ... They Love to help and will.
Blessings from,
~ Liz and The Herd

Our Journey to Enlightenment Video is on YouTube, visit and be sure to rate it! You can also buy the full 35 minute meditation DVD at
Attending the ultimate life-illuminating retreat just became so much more accessible. To begin your journey, visit
To learn more about all of the books or to order, visit
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