Friday, September 1, 2023

Equestrian Inspiration: An Interview with Jenna Knudsen

Jenna Knudsen and Royal Viking

Equestrian Inspiration: An Interview with Jenna Knudsen

by Gina McKnight
Archived from the August 2023 Issued of Florida Equine Athlete
No Duplication without Permission

Several years ago, I purchased a S.M.A.R.T. Equestrian Planner. It has become my go-to planner for recording important events, appointments, writing lists/goals, keeping track of my horse and barn – basically keeping me on task every day of the year. Impressed with the planner, I searched for the author, Jenna Knudsen. In December 2018, I interviewed Jenna for my column. I was thrilled to connect with her recently to catch up.

Welcome, Jenna!

GM: It’s great to connect once again. Thank you for collaborating! What’s new since we last talked?

JK: It’s been quite a while since we last spoke, and I have so much to update you on! Since the world shut down, we have all had a chance to reflect on what truly matters in our lives. For me, my focus has been on coaching, planning, and community building with equestrians. 
The Smart Equestrian Planner is now entering its ninth year of publication, in combination with our support of Facebook community. “Smarties” or “Smartieville” as we call it, is an online community of worldwide equestrian who gather in our cyber barn to support one another in planning lives we love. 
Our approach is to help equestrians create a life vision, and a daily guide map to overcome obstacles, create goals, and discover how to create a positive mindset. This is a free online community with extraordinary engagement, and the only requirement is to have The Smart Equestrian Planner. 
I am also excited to have Leg Up Coaching which is in its third year. Leg Up Coaching is a private online Coaching Community exclusively for equestrians interested in personal growth and development. This is a more personalized question community where we engage at a deeper level of commitment to our goals; whether equestrian, financial, spiritual, relationships…whatever is needed to improve our lives. Accountability is key here. We also enjoy fun times with guest speakers, bookclub, and ongoing motivation and inspiration. 
I also perform private coaching for women who are going through life transformation. This could be moving to a new career, significant relationship issues, financial stress, and whatever is needed in a one on one client relationship. 
Last, but certainly not least, I’ve been taking riders to Ireland. It’s been an incredible experience, like a camp for Equestrian women! Our time in Ireland has been nothing short of amazing, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share this experience with others. 
GM: I adore your S.M.A.R.T. Equestrian Planner!. I've used it through the years and find it engaging, fun, and inspiring. Has the pandemic made an impact on your business and social networking? 
JK: The pandemic has had a profound impact on our world, but for The Smart Equestrian Planner, it has brought about some unexpected positive changes. In fact, more equestrians than ever before are now engaging with our platform and joining our Smarties online community. This is especially important for those who may feel isolated on their farms or within their equestrian circles. Our cyber barn provides a welcome space for them to connect, share, and discuss their hopes and dreams in a safe and supportive environment.

As someone who values meaningful connections over mindless scrolling, I am thrilled to see the growth of our devoted online community. Witnessing the friendships, support, and transformations that have taken place within our cyber barn has been nothing short of inspiring. In my 13 years of coaching, I have never felt more energized or motivated than I do now.

GM: How can we purchase a 2024 Smart Equestrian Planner?

JK: The 2024 Smart Equestrian Planner will be available to purchase in September at

GM:As a Life Coach, what do you suggest to help post-pandemic anxiety and social fears?

JK: It's important to acknowledge that everyone's experience of the pandemic has been unique, and there is no right or wrong way to approach the new reality we are now living in. As we emerge from this challenging time, it's worth taking a moment to reflect on what truly matters in our lives. The pandemic has reminded us that life is precious and that we cannot take our days for granted. Rather than being morbid, this realization can help us to prioritize what is truly meaningful and avoid living on autopilot.

Instead of constantly pressuring ourselves to live up to certain expectations or "shoulds," I encourage everyone to bravely embrace the life they love, one day at a time. Planning can be an incredibly useful tool in this process, helping us to live more intentionally and thoughtfully. By taking the time to plan and prioritize, we can create a sense of calm and purpose in our lives, even in the face of uncertainty. So, let's all take a deep breath, reflect on what matters most to us, and approach each day with courage and intention.

GM: I love the idea of taking a trip to Ireland with like-minded riders! Tell us more about the itinerary, who is eligible to go, what to expect, and how to sign up...

JK: Our Smarties horseback holiday in Ireland is an unforgettable experience that will leave you with aching cheeks from laughing so much. Imagine a horse camp for adults, where everything is taken care of and all you have to do is show up, ride, and have fun. That's exactly what our six-day itinerary offers. Cait, the incredible woman who runs the show in Ireland, surprises us every year with new itinerary items that keep the trip fresh and exciting, even for repeat visitors like us.

We explore Ireland on horseback, visit quaint villages, savor delicious meals, take in breathtaking sights, and enjoy a non-stop slumber party vibe. It's an adventure that truly embodies the spirit of our Smarties community. You can learn more about the trip at, and use code SMARTIES2024 for a $250.00 discount. We still have a few spots left for our June 2024 trip, so don't hesitate to reach out if you're interested in joining the shenanigans. Trust us, it's an experience you won't want to miss!

GM: For women who are looking for strategies to overcome obstacles, private coaching can be so important. As you say, accountability is key. What advice do you have for women who are interested in private coaching, but afraid to commit?

JK: As an equestrian life coach who offers both group and private coaching, I'm passionate about helping riders achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Whether you prefer the support and accountability of a group setting or the personalized attention of one-on-one coaching, I'm here to help you navigate the obstacles and challenges that come with pursuing your equestrian dreams.

Through group coaching with my Leg Up Coaching program, you'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded equestrians, learn valuable strategies for success, and expand your knowledge of personal development. Private coaching, on the other hand, allows us to work together on a more personalized level, tailoring our approach to your unique needs and goals.

At the end of the day, it's all about finding the approach that works best for you. Whether you're looking to build your confidence in the saddle, improve your skills, or overcome personal obstacles holding you back, I'm here to provide the support and guidance you need to succeed. So, if you're ready to take the next step in your equestrian journey, let's connect and see how we can work together to make your dreams a reality!

GM: Of course, we want to know more about you -  your horse(s), where you ride, and how horses have made an impact on your life...

JK: I've been riding horses since I was four years old, and it's fair to say that horses are in my DNA. My grandfather, Sven, and my father, Paul, were both equestrians, and I spent my youth in the show ring riding hunter/jumper. However, despite my years of experience, I struggled with anxiety and a lack of confidence in the saddle.

Through hard work and determination, I was able to overcome these obstacles and become a more confident rider. This journey inspired me to become a confidence coach, drawing on my own experiences to help others overcome their own challenges.

Today, I have two children, Katie and Liam. Katie shares my love of horses and is an excellent horsewoman in her own right. I currently have one horse, Royal Viking, who is a Clydesdale/Hackney cross and loves to Hunter Pace. While my goals have shifted over the years, particularly after experiencing several traumatic back injuries, my passion for horses has only deepened. I'm now more interested in developing my connection to horses and building communication skills that strengthen the bond between horse and rider.

I firmly believe that personal development is an essential aspect of being an outstanding horse person. That's why I help equestrians become the person their horse longs for them to be, coaching them to overcome their fears and challenges and become the best rider and partner they can be.

GM: You certainly look forward to the future with anticipation and enthusiasm. What are your future goals?

JK:  I'm excited to share that I'm currently working on a book that will inspire equestrians everywhere. This is a passion project that's been on my mind for some time, and I'm thrilled to finally be bringing it to fruition. My goal is to create a book that speaks to equestrians of all backgrounds and experiences, sharing insights that will resonate with readers and inspire them to pursue their own equestrian dreams.

Once the book is complete, I plan to embark on a barn book tour, traveling from barn to barn to connect with like-minded equestrians around the world. The thought of meeting fellow horse lovers and sharing my passion with others fills me with a sense of excitement that's hard to put into words. It's a dream come true, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.

This book and barn book tour are my "holy grail" goals at the moment, and I'm pouring my heart and soul into making them a reality. I hope that my book and tour will not only inspire others but also serve as a testament to the power of pursuing your passions and following your dreams.

GM: List 10 things your fans may not know about you...


1.   I hail from Denmark.

2.   I initially pursued a path to become a nun, but horses eventually took over my heart.

3.   My dad was a bookie, and my young life in Rye, New York, was reminiscent of The Sopranos.

4.   I firmly believe in the magic and miracles that exist in the world.

5.   I gave birth at home during a snowstorm with no midwife present because she was unable to arrive in time.

6.   I'm known to cry easily due to my emotional nature.

7.   I have a deep love for writing letters, particularly through snail mail.

8.   Secretly, I dream of becoming a stand-up comedian.

9.   I'm addicted to watching stand-up comedy and always looking for new material to enjoy.

10.  I am a Swiftie, wholeheartedly embracing my love for Taylor Swift and her music.

Connect with Jenna…

Creator & Coach at  The S.M.A.R.T. Equestrian


Jenna in Ireland

Jenna and Royal Viking

Jenna and Royal Viking

Jenna and Royal Viking

Jenna and Royal Viking

Jenna and Royal Viking


Anne M Beggs said...

I enjoyed this so much, and I learned lots about Jenna that I didn't know. I have had the Planner for four years and have been part of the fb SMARTIES group for three. I love it all. Jenna has created the best cyber-barn and I hope to meet her at a Book Barn Tour in California. Ty for doing this I will share it far and wide =---->

wilsonsamuel said...

Excellent read! The examples you provided really helped to illustrate your points.
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