Thursday, January 31, 2019

Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom 1 31 19

Monday Creek Publishing
Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom
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Monday Creek Publishing
Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom
Follow us on fb Monday Creek Publishing

Divine Feminine: The Spiritual Awakening of the Soul Balanced by Carey Harris

Available in eBook and Paperback here!

By Carey Harris

The power of the divine feminine remains untapped – its formidable strength remains hidden under the cloak of an unequal society. Carey Harris’ book, Divine Feminine - The Spiritual Awakening of The Soul BALANCED attempts to unravel the divine feminine force that is part of divine spirituality.

Carey Harris explains that the divine feminine archetypes display life’s truths in full form. There’s a connection between the material and spiritual world that’s only enabled by the divine feminine forms.

The world has lost touch with the truth that the divine feminine is and thus has lost touch with the real nature of the universe and the supreme. Divine Feminine - The Spiritual Awakening of The Soul BALANCED reconnects the forgotten forges.

In this book, Carey Harris defines the feminine as divine and indispensable. By the writing of this book, it’s Carey Harris’ way to assert what the divine feminine is capable of in bringing a much spiritual wake up call, consolidating the soul.

About the Author
“For the love for writing.”

Carey Harris is the co-founder of a body that helps promote budding Indie projects.  Carey Harris has made his mark as a 3 times published author, Hauser Publishing publishes his work. In the spirit of independence Carey Harris will self- publish Divine Feminine – The Spiritual Awakening of the Soul BALANCED.  It can be found at all online book retailers and

Media Contact:
Tausha Matt

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Author Donnovan Campbell: From One Filling Cup to Another

Author Donnovan Campbell

String Cheese: To the Cheese with the String
Action & Adventure for Young Adult (December 2018)
Available here

When Gary uses all of his brother Taylor’s special string from his box, to complete his final school project of the year, it leads to recrimination from his younger brother and a promise that the summer vacation wouldn’t be a happy one.Knowing that he will have to retrieve the precious string if he is to have anything like a fun summer, Gary determines to track down his teacher, Mr. Pushintol. But there’s a problem. Mr. Pushintol has moved away, to Wisconsin. And Gary lives in Florida.Undeterred, the plucky kid sets off on an adventure to recover the string for his younger sibling, embarking on a momentous journey of a lifetime where he will encounter danger and new experiences as he travels by bus and boat towards his ultimate goal.And all the while Gary’s dad and brother are hot on his heels, assisted by the Secret Detective Agency. But will they catch up with him before he gets to Wisconsin? Or is Gary more resourceful than his family had ever imagined?

The Chronicles of Mother Earth Book One: The Elven Uprising (January 2019)
Available here

It is a time for war. It is also a time to fight for peace. Mother Earth, inhabited by both humans and mystical beings of all sorts, is being fought over by all for her power and resources. And now, vile humans, brave Elves, frightening Golems and dangerous Neanderthals all battle for absolute power and control over her. As the Mystics struggle to survive and defend Mother Earth, more and more humans close in on them one by one, threatening to eradicate them all and take that power and control for themselves. Amethyst, a Siren, is destined to lead the Elves and her people to both victory and prosperity. But first, she must learn to fight as a Siren soldier, and how to survive brutal war, period. In The Chronicles of Mother Earth, Book 1: The Elven Uprising, the war for Mother Earth begins. And the time for Elves to rise is at hand.

Unlocking the Future’s Past: Book One
Sci Fi Fantasy Young Adult (January 2019) eBook 
Available here

Shelby's fascinating life has been one of love, loss and heartbreak from the tragedy of his best Kindergarten friend’s family, to losing his new best friend Amy due to a mob gunfight. Through dark humor and painful recollection, Shelby lives his final years telling and reliving his sorrow with his daughter. Will he overcome the deep sense of loss he feels, and will he ever forgive himself?

A Newport News, Virginia native, Donnovan Campbell is a writer and author of the new novel series The Chronicles of Mother Earth Book One: The Elven Uprising. A highly skilled accountant and financial professional, Donnovan has spent many years reading sports articles and writing young adult fiction and fantasy novels, crediting his characters with unique positive perspectives in the darkest of times. He shows that no matter who you are or what you have done, you can positively add value to others. Donnovan otherwise enjoys a great cup of tea in the morning, spreadsheets, and running on ellipticals.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Another Man's Treasure by Natasha Lockhart

Available in eBook

By Natasha Lockhart

Laptop? Check.
Lip gloss? Check.
Goldfish crackers? Check.

Life after divorce is a tightrope walk for Nicole Davenport. Add a hunky new co-worker, a meddling ex-husband, and three curious kids and Nicole’s balancing act suddenly becomes a juggling act.

Harrison Groban is clawing his way out of his own personal hell, but he’s more than willing to join forces with Nicole to defeat the obstacles between them and their happily ever after. When the past and present collide, will they stay afloat or sink under the weight of life’s demands?

Natasha Lockhart is the pen name for a former primary school teacher. After completing eleven years as an educator, she decided to pursue her dream of being a writer. Her love of historical novels began in fourth grade when she was introduced to the books of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Since then, Natasha has been time travelling through literature and enjoying every minute of it. Her obsession with romance novels came years later after a couple of less-than-satisfying relationships. Books detailing the happily ever afters of fictional characters were like an oasis in the desert during her single years.

Natasha is now happily married and the mother of two precocious daughters and one laid-back son. When she's not writing or tending to her husband's demands, she works as an on-call chauffeur, personal assistant, and cheerleader for her three children.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Milliron Monday: Milliron Brand 1 28 2019

Abbott "Pete" Smith, D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017). A graduate of Colorado State University and a well-known veterinarian in southeast, Ohio, Dr. Smith continues to motivate and inspire. 

On July 28, 1959, Pete applied for his own brand - the Milliron brand. Living in Ft. Collins, Colorado, attending Colorado State University's (then Colorado A&M) Veterinarian College, Pete kept his own herd of (mostly Angus) cattle to help pay for his schooling and living expenses. Most of his stock had been maimed or disabled. Pete vetted and nursed the cattle back to health. A skilled surgeon, he practiced while increasing his herd. 

If a cow had cancer of the eye, Pete would purchase the cow at a reduced cost, surgically remove the cancer, and resell the cow for profit. With his new Milliron brand and growing herd, he became the owner of the Milliron Land and Cattle Company.

Years later, Pete would have his brand transferred from Colorado to Ohio. The Milliron brand, along with Pete's original branding irons, hung proudly on Pete's clinic wall - Milliron Clinic - where he became the premier veterinarian in southeast Ohio and the Tri-State area. 

Document of Transfer from Colorado to Ohio, January 3, 1966.

At (former) Milliron Clinic - in the waiting room.
Pete's Milliron brands on the wall. 

Read more in Pete's biography Milliron.
Share your stories and photos of Dr. Smith. 
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Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Ellie Everlasting by Isabel Scheck

Available in Hardcover
Young Adult/New Adult
Fantasy Adventure!
By Isabel Scheck

What would you do if you discovered your favourite fairy tale was based on reality?

During the last year of high school, an unexpected tragedy tears Ellie Parker away from her family, and her girlfriend, Olivia. While the survivors struggle to cope with the trauma of losing someone so young and full of promise, Ellie finds herself wrapped up in the adventure of a lifetime… on the other side of the grave.

Neverland is real.

Peter Pan is real.

The Lost Boys and Girls are real.

But something sinister lurks in the shadows, threatening both worlds. Will Ellie and her new friends be able to save Earth and Neverland before it’s too late?

My name is Isabel and I am 21 years old. I come from England, but I’ve lived in Switzerland my whole life.

I love writing and my first self-published book on sale was published in March, 2018. It is called “When Daisies and Thunderstorms Collide”.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Milliron Monday: O'Brion 1 21 2019

Pete in his youth, riding in Maine.
Abbott "Pete" Smith, D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017). A graduate of Colorado State University and a well-known veterinarian in southeast, Ohio, Dr. Smith continues to motivate and inspire. 

In the beginning of writing Pete's biography, I learned early on that Pete's father, Abbott P. Smith II, was born Abbott P. O'Brion II. An intriguing story of status and change was relayed to me by Pete's siblings, it is retold in the first chapter, Strong Bow...

      Pete told the story of how, in 1929, his father Abbott arrived home from then Choate School, a private college-preparatory board­ing school in Wallingford, Connecticut, for Thanksgiving holiday. As was customary, the butler announced Abbott to a roomful of guests. But the butler called him Master Smith rather than Master O’Brion. Abbott dismissed the butler’s announcement as senility. The following morning when he came down to breakfast, the same butler announced him as Master Abbott Smith.

      Abbott asked his maternal grandfather (Pete’s great-grandfa­ther), who was eating his oatmeal, “What’s this Smith bit?” His grandfather replied without looking up, “Your name has been changed.” Grandfather Smith had enough substance to do what he pleased; not only did he own the local bank, A&P, local warehouse, and whaling business, he also had influence with local judges. So, Abbott was no longer an O’Brion. His mother (Pete’s grandmother) Ruth Smith O’Brion, had divorced her estranged northern Irish Protestant husband, Rand O’Brion, and changed the family name to her maiden name of Smith. Mr. O’Brion was off selling tractors in the Soviet Union rather than raising his children, which was a dis­appointment to Grandfather Smith. This all happened one month after the great stock market crash of October 1929. Grandfather Smith had visited Choate for Father’s Day weekend the Saturday after the crash. Walking on campus with his son Abbott, Grandfather Smith closed his black book and said, “I lost $15 million this week, which leaves only $1 million.”  

Read more in Pete's biography Milliron.
Share your stories and photos of Dr. Smith. 
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Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Prepping For Success: 10 Keys for Making it in Life by Anmol Singh

10 Keys for Making it in Life...

Prepping for success is a guided journey that equips you with the principles you need in order to take advantage of your innate inner talents to achieve true success.

The 10 keys allow you to not just understand yourself, but they also teach you how to express your best self to others. This enables you to be the best version of yourself.

This book is an inspirational, light-hearted guide to help you put your plans into action. It offers an understandable and relatable step by step approach to discovering yourself and achieving your own personal true success.

In a world where there are so many choices and distractions, this book is dedicated to helping you find a balance through it all.

Are you ready to begin your Journey towards true success?

Click here

Anmol made his name as a High paid consultant in the Trading and Investing Industry. He launched LiveTraders in 2015 which is now voted the #1 Trading Education Firm for three years in a row. He has coached and Trained over 1000+ Traders and Investors. Some of whom have now gone on to run their Own Hedge funds.

He is considered the leading expert in the Trading Psychology space having helped thousands of traders all over the world dealing with Psychological and Behavioural issues that arise when high stakes on are on the line.  He brings a unique view on Success and shows how the same concepts that he has used to Help Million dollar traders are applicable to our day to day lives, irrespective of the industry or career they are in. This is not a business book and this sure isn't a trading book. This book is about achieving Success in Each and EVERY area of your Life.

Currently, he remains an avid Stock Market and Forex trader and spends his day working with Students of his Trading firm Livetraders and continues to Financially back them. He also involved with other Entrepreneurial Ventures and Franchise Stores in Addition to Maintaining a Real Estate Portfolio.

"With this book, I hope to bring to the readers the main key concept that's have helped me in my life and have made me a better and a more productive person; as I too Prep for Success. I am writing a book that I wish someone gave me 10 years ago, Would have made life so much easier." - Anmol Singh

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Monday, January 14, 2019

Milliron Monday: Sunshine 1 14 2019

Monday Creek Stables - Mac & Zubie waiting for hugs.

Abbott "Pete" Smith, D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017). A graduate of Colorado State University and a well-known veterinarian in southeast, Ohio, Dr. Smith continues to motivate and inspire. 

Today at the barn early, two amazing people (of many) stopped by. First, Peggy Jo, a former client of Dr. Smith's, drove through the snow into the barnyard. Peggy Jo, an avid equestrian, rode many miles on horseback with Dr. Smith and his family. She attended the famous annual Milliron Clinic Trail Ride and BBQ, riding along with the rest of the guests through miles of Milliron farmland to the cabin where roast beast was the prize. Peggy likes to ride mules. She often talks about their stamina, intelligence, and Dr. Smith's passion for mules. She has fond memories of Dr. Smith and will be submitting one of her Dr. Smith anecdotes for Tails of a Country Vet Volume II

While Peggy Jo and I had a cup of cowgirl coffee, petted the horses, and loved on the cats, Kelly arrived. Kelly is an exceptional artist, attending art school in New York, then settling in the Ohio Valley. She worked for Dr. Smith as an assistant, as well as rode horseback with the Smith family. Peggy Jo and Kelly go way back, and, as forever friends, they enjoyed seeing each other today. Kelly created the art for two of Dr. Smith's books - Tails of a Country Vet and The South High Horseman.

Hanging with fellow horse-lovers is so much fun. Hanging with "Milliron" folks puts the sun in sunshine. After catching up, we jumped in Kelly's Jeep and headed to Logan for lunch. I'm sure the waitress at the restaurant was wondering when we were leaving. We laughed too loud, giggled too much, and argued over who was going to pay the bill (thanks, Kelly, for lunch). We had so much to talk about; Dr. Smith, horses, writing, art, creative ideas, surviving the holidays, family scenarios, etc. Four hours later, we headed back to the barn, promising to get together more often. 

Dr. Smith has brought a lot of amazing people into my life, for which I will be eternally grateful. I'm sure he was smiling on us today. 

If you have a memory to share about Dr. Smith or have a hankering for cowgirl coffee, send an email to We would love to hear from you. Enjoy the week ahead.

Read more in Pete's biography Milliron.
Share your stories and photos of Dr. Smith. 
Email to 
Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

19 Claws by Iraida Sosa

Available in Paperback and eBook!

19 Claws
By Iraida Sosa

In the midst of this turmoil appears an ordinary, declawed house cat named Bobo, who may turn out to be the bravest cat of them all. Join Bobo along with Laila on a journey full of wonder, adventure, and danger, as the pair comes face to face with the unfamiliar. Their choices shape each of their days, and ultimately their lives, into what they will be. Only an act of tremendous courage can set him free.

Iraida Sosa is a freelance writer and creator of the children’s adventure book 19 Claws. Born in Pennsylvania, Iraida now resides in the suburbs of Illinois with her husband and three children. She is the mother of two sons and a daughter. Iraida worked in the pharmaceutical field for over fifteen years and is now living her dream of writing children’s books. She is a creative person who loves to make costumes for kids and cats, weird food combinations, and more.

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