Friday, March 30, 2018

Meet Author L.E. Hutchinson

The peace and beauty of the Ohio countryside became still when the real presence of the war came knocking. Thousands of young Ohio men eagerly enlisted and abandoned their families and everyday lives. There would be no contentment for a long time to come. Discover how one family struggled through hard times, love and despair during the Civil War. Let not the passage of time erase their memories and may their footprints in the dust never fade away.

Follow L.E. Hutchinson's Blog

Thursday, March 29, 2018



Guest Post
Are we becoming a world without bookshelves?

Books are the carriers of civilization.

Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.

Without books, the development of civilization would have been impossible. 

They are engines of change, windows on the world, and lighthouses erected in the sea of time.

They are companions, teachers, magicians, bankers of the treasure of the mind. Books are humanity in print.

Are we really becoming a world without bookshelves?

Well the answer is - yes, we are!

In this modern era of electrical devices and gadgets, the world does not have a place for bookshelves because we have eliminated the objects that go on them. 

Even if there exists a bookshelf; in 1 out of 10 houses but there are no books on them so let’s call it just a shelf, it doesn’t fit the requirements of being a bookshelf.

In the past, reading books was considered to be the best hobby as books were supposed to be your best friends.

Did you know that ShowFlipper Inc. provides a publishing and selling platform for emerging writers and poets?

But now we have made gadgets just like our oxygen, we are not able to survive without them even for a day. We humans have become so lazy and machine dependent that we want everything in the virtual form.

A growing number of individuals don’t have books. After all, who wants those heavy, clunky volumes when you can store an endless library on a gadget that weighs not more than a single paperback?

We can’t say that people have totally stopped reading because e-books have now replaced the printed books and obviously e-books do not need a bookshelf.
But, there do exist some people who are still interested in the printed books. 

Well, if you do not like going to the bookstores in a market and spending time there searching for the perfect book and come back tired. Then the only solution to your problem is definitely the e-books. Even if you are not a regular reader, you should now start reading books whether in printed form or e-books.

“E-books are fun to read everywhere.”

Most of the teenagers today would love reading books on their tablets, iPad, etc. So, there exist online book stores for them where they can spend time searching for their favorite books and purchasing them in seconds by just a few clicks.

After all, that’s what they love to do, right? These online book stores sell all genres of books and also provide the book lovers with the benefit of typing the name of their favorite book in the search bar, just press enter and the book is displayed on the screen.Who wouldn’t love doing things the easy way?

Become a premium member of ShowFlipper and get access to writer's training material worth $1000.

Also, the online bookstore will provide you the easiest way to check for the popular books, best-selling novels, best new books, best authors, etc. all on one page as they categorize them into different tabs. Whether you are a romantic book lover, science fiction lover or you have germs of a detective you can find the best books just by clicking on the tab. You may click on the best science fiction book tab or best romantic book and buy what the world loved.
Those who read books are lucky. You might be thinking why lucky? Well the answer is because they gain many benefits from reading books. Let’s take a look on a few:

Reading reduces stress as when we are reading we are still and in a comfortable manner and a relaxed mood. We imagine ourselves in a world that the words of the book describe therefore we cannot think of any other tasks or worries. So, reading reduces stress.

Reading helps us build a better vocabulary. The studies have proved that those who read books have a richer vocabulary then those who do not. And what can be better to know the words that can best describe your feelings?

Reading increases our knowledge as books are definitely the treasure chest of knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the wiser you become.

Reading stimulates imagination. Humans are limited to the extent to which their imagination is limited. When we read about unknown places and thing our mind automatically creates the imaginative images which strengthen the creativity of our mind.

Reading improves focus and concentration as we focus on the content of the book while reading and there are no other thoughts running in parallel. Learning requires concentration and reading books increase this ability and we learn new thing easily.

These were just a few benefits of reading books, there are a lot more.

“A world without books would be like a world without colors.”

So, if you are not a book reader, start buying e-books from ShowFlipper. You will surely get the best books and have a good experience here. And if you are a good writer you can write your books and sell them online to share knowledge. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom 3 28 18

Monday Creek Publishing
Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom
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Monday Creek Publishing
Quotes, Quips, and Wisdom
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Closing the Educational Gap with Rocketship Education Charter Schools

Closing the Educational Gap with 
Rocketship Education Charter Schools

There has been a question in the education center on ways to narrow the widening educational gap. The gap is significant especially for low-income communities that in turn widens the achievement gap between them and those well-endowed financially. In a bid to address achievement gaps between students, Rocketship Education traces reason to family incomes and nearness to stellar schools.

The parent-teacher relationship is treasured at Rocketship Education as it provides shared awareness between the two about the maximum student potential. Teachers and instructors teach keeping in mind the bonds between a parent and a student. Parents and teaching professionals share vital information on child’s experience in the classroom. For students experiencing social or academic difficulties, Rocketship notifies the parent, and together they find a student-tailored solution. To this end, teachers and leaders at Rocketship schools visit students’ homes at the start of each year which enables them to understand environmental and family situation, shaping student's classroom performance.

Family stability is a vital factor in bringing in parent-experience which contributes much to students’ success by allowing a fulfilling academic experience. Rocketship Education involves communities and parents in the naming of local schools and to develop their enrichment programs in critical thinking, teamwork, art, and music.

They feel that, with globalization, communities understand better issues affecting them hence they only can forge the right solutions. Rocketship value collaborative networks of students, teachers, and parents. Their aim is to create engaged families that can go through community complexities and challenges, showcasing the need for such efforts as well as attention to classroom material.

Parents are being kept aware of the syllabus and projects to integrate learning even at home where the child continues being educated. Parents at Rocketship meet and share strategies and ideas on how to get the best out of their children. They believe that each child has potential and that is why they intentionally place their schools in disadvantaged low-economic locations. Their efforts have resulted in Rocketship students’ performing better than other students in wealthy schools and districts in ELA and Math testing.

In bridging the educational gap, Rocketship Education works by engaging homes and neighborhoods in their students learning environments and come up with curricula that address community challenges and opportunities. With time, the economic difference in education will be narrowed down when the effects of strong educational communities empower families and neighborhoods.

Rocketship played an essential role in helping San Jose residents when Coyote Creek broke its banks flooding the surrounding areas. Rocketship raised $62,000 to assist 30 Rocketship affected families from nine of their Bay Area Schools with furniture, clothing, food and other household appliances.

Rocketship Education is a nationwide nonprofit public charter schools network that helps low-economic communities. It was founded in 2006 by John Danner and Preston Smith in Redwood City, California. Their education model in teacher-led and personalized learning is technology-assisted and specializes in critical studies (i.e., STEM: sciences, technology, engineering, and math) as well as humanities. They operate over 20 schools in 3 states and Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


From Author Chris Dyer
Book Three
The Rocket Series

Connect with Chris…

“I could not bear to put it down!”

Available in Paperback 
Adult Fiction

Monday Creek Publishing LLC

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Equestrian Romance Author Tim Truelan

Visit Tim Truelan's Amazon Author Page here!

Amazon's Top Ten Equestrian Best Seller!

Bareback: An Equestrian Romance  

by Tim Truelan
My review
Author Truelan writes of love, horses, and the thrill of riding. Harry, an event rider, falls for another event rider, Tomasey. The story takes Harry to London where he rides the bridle paths with Sam, his trusty horse, and then finally to Badminton. Along the way, Harry encounters a lot of equestrians and their horses. One who, on Harry's morning ride through Richmond, declared her horse as 'dead' only to have the lazy horse miraculously revived by a nearby policeman. But, the story is about Harry's journey to Tomasey, with lots of riding in between. Engaging and entertaining.

Available in paperback and eBook here!

Horseback: Sequel to Bareback  

by Tim Truelan
My review
Harry Hunter is back in the saddle, on the path to finding life's purpose, true love, and a way out of the hospital! Harry's event horse, Sam, is in this sequel, helping Harry along life's way. An intriguing sequel to author Truelan's first book in this series Bareback. Filled with horses, spills, equestrians, and more horses Horseback is true to horsemanship and the equestrian lifestyle.
Available in paperback and eBook here!

VisitTim Truelan's Amazon Author Page here!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Ruslan Khais Art Studio

About Ruslan Khais
I have been a full-time artist based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for more than 20 years. Professionally trained, I hold a four-year certificate from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art — America's oldest museum and art school. I have also spent three years working in-studio with renowned artist Osvaldo Romberg.

For the last ten years, I have worked predominantly in the genre of abstract landscape. Generally, my paintings skirt the boundary between representation and pure abstraction. In my work, color, form, gesture, and the physical characteristics of paint are all of great interest and importance. Almost all of my paintings have been inspired by the natural landscape, which means behind every abstraction is a particular place, time and specific atmospheric condition.

I often use the pallet knife as a tool of applying paint as it offers a certain amount of control over the process. Along with the technical reasons, I take significant pleasure in spreading, scraping, applying and reapplying, then molding and transforming this into a painting. Oil and cold encaustic over acrylic is a technique personally developed and, I believe, best suited to my artistic goals and temperament.

It is very difficult to create an abstract painting that is not an imitation of the often-glorified imagery of drips, pours, stains and other visual clichés. Instead, it requires developing a personal and individual painting style, which is a never-ending process.

Works on Paper
All figurative paintings were done at live-model drawing sessions and only high-quality art supplies and materials used.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Security System by Clyde Hoch

Security System
by Clyde Hoch

A couple of years ago I purchased a security system. It weighed about 12 pounds, it was quite pricey. I had my choice of black or brown. I thought black looked better and would not be seen at night.

The system probably cost me about $50 a month, everything in consideration. I am pleased with it. It lets me know when someone comes near my yard. It lets me know when something is not quite right in my yard. Most people that see it are usually very afraid of it until they get used to it.

The system has gained about 100 pounds, has large teeth and runs very fast. The system is a 110-pound Doberman. He is with me almost all the time. He loves chasing squirrels, cats and kids. He never caught a squirrel, I don’t know what he would do if he did.

I saw a young boy playing in my yard, my Doberman saw him and ran towards him. The poor kid looked back as he was running and had a look on his face like he was a goner. I let it go until the Doberman was about 100 feet from the kid when I called him back. I never saw the kid in my yard again.

My Doberman has become my best friend. No matter what the price, he is worth it. He and I went to school one day a week for over a year, so he could be my service dog.

I used to take him to a meeting when he was young, and people got angry because he was bored and whined. I was told not to bring him to that meeting again. I told them neither he or I would attend the meeting again.

He is over two years old now and when I take him to meetings he is very good. At times I ask if anyone would mind if I took his service dog vest off. Most people look forward to it. Once his vest is off he is free to do almost what he wants. Usually he runs around the room greeting everyone. Once I called him back and put the vest on he settles down and is quiet.

I had him in classes that were eight hours long. When we got our first break I took him out to a field to run. As we were walking out I heard several people say they didn’t even know a dog was in the room. The only time he got up was when a person in a desk behind us accidentally bumped him with his foot.

People can not believe the difference with the vest-on vest-off thing. People say it’s like a light switch, he is a totally different dog.

As a veteran with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) it is very hard to trust people. I totally trust my buddy. I sleep better at night knowing he is nearby and would wake me if anything happened. I can not stand being in large groups of people. It is much better with my buddy. I don’t know what I would do without him. I don’t think he would know what to do without me.

In Vietnam we all worked together and had each other’s back. I know my buddy has my back. It is a very comfortable feeling.

The drawback to having him is people who would normally walk right by me, now want to pet him or talk about him. Do not pet or talk to a dog with a service dog vest on. A service dog is not a therapy dog. A service dog must go through extensive training. A therapy dog does not. A therapy dog is trained so people can pet him and feel better. A service dog must be admitted into any establishment. A therapy dog does not.

A service dog is trained to do specific tasks for their teammate. For instance, when I’m driving he sits on the back seat. When I get road rage he puts his head on my shoulder and no matter how angry I am he calms me down. I have already banged my fist on my desk. He got up, came to me and licked my arm. In meetings when I get to something very sensitive to me, he nudges me. When he nudges me, I know it’s time to think about something else. Once I had him laying about 30 feet from me. I got to something that was very sensitive to me and he got up and came to me. People in the audience noticed it.

I know people do not understand the bond between a veteran and his service dog.

Connect with Clyde…

Read Clyde's childhood story about Spike, a cherished Clydesdale...

Books by Clyde Hoch:

Tracks Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran This is Clyde’s military experience as a tank commander in Vietnam.

A Tribute to Tankers has a short description on a type of tank and follows with stories of people who served in that type of tank in combat, starting with WWI and ends with Iraq.

B. A. R. Man Browning Automatic Rifle Man is the story of a young man who does some amazing things in the Korean War until he is wounded and captured by the Chinese. He is forced to march 200 miles with no medical attention. He is held as a POW for two and a half years.

A Man Down is the story of four young men who gave their lives for their country. This book won a bronze medal from Readers Favorite.

Albion is Clyde’s first work of fiction. It has eight chapters. Each chapter is a different story and different period in time.

God Help Me! Cause No One Else Will is Clyde’s sixth book. It is about post-traumatic stress disorder and veteran's suicides and how to prevent them. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Ginny's Horse Product Review


Welcome Ginny, the proprietor of Ginny’s Horse Product Review!

Ginny writes… “I’m totally addicted to shopping for my horses! I'm always scouring the internet for reviews and talking to my local horse buddies to get the 411 on the latest and greatest stuff. From supplements and bits, to saddle pads and hoof boots, I'm always on the lookout for the best products for my horses. My horse friends know that I'm always onto the latest horse products, and I've been sharing my reviews by word of mouth for years. I've recently started sharing videos and blogs about my experiences with various horse products!”

Visit Ginny’s website to read the latest horse product reviews!

Subscribe to Ginny’s YouTube channel for the latest videos!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...

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