Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Twin Flame Love: Soulmate Poetry by N.R.Hart


N.R.Hart's whimsical romantic flair captures the true essence of love in her poetry. She authentically expresses her insight on love as she believes love to be many things, least of all predictable. Love will surprise you when you least expect it. Twin Flame Love is a book of poems about love and romance, passion and longing, loss and heartbreak. Understanding that all these things...are in the name of love. This book is for anyone who has shared a sacred bond, an unexplainable bond, an unbreakable bond, a soulmate or twin flame experience; an ancient bond between souls.

67 Reviews

Best-Selling Author

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Reviewed in the United States  

I was not expecting my Twin Flame Love book got hear early on December, 24th. I am so excited to add it to my collection I read the entire book the same night, I could not put it down, not until I finished it. Even after I finished reading it. I wanted to read it again. I felt this poet's words, seeing myself in the love story. I know it was not written for me, but it sure felt as if it was ~N.R Hart is truly a Romantic if you've ever felt your heart broken, read this love story you will fall in love again as I have, and not give a care where you spill your heart out. What a beautiful, writer she is. Thank you for the love story you brought it back into existence in our hearts, and we, your fans get to keep it forever.

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