Saturday, November 25, 2023

This Week @ Monday Creek: Long in the Tooth


Jody Briggs, Equine Dentist with Zubedia @ Monday Creek Stables

Long in the Tooth

When my Quarter Paint mare, Zubedia, started drooling and dropping grain while eating, I knew she needed a float. A small bump on the left side of her jaw indicated she was long in the tooth and possibly growing a few hooks. Every horse owner knows you need to watch for signs of dental issues as they can lead to other health problems (just like in people), especially as they get older. Now at 20, Zubie was due for her dental exam.

Usually, Dr. Reiswig from Granville is my equine dentist, but he is several hours from my barn and scheduling can be far out. Upon the advice of my (fabulous!) farrier, Marc Setzer of Setzer Forge (you know, the History Channel’s Forged in Fire twice-contestant: learn more @ WOUB Emily Votaw's article here), recommended Jody Briggs.

Jody arrived with all the right equipment and was quick to her task. Zubie, not the perfect patient, was fidgety and anxious. After a bit of sedation, she settled and Jody went to work, rasping and grinding hooks and long teeth. It’s normal for a horse of Zubie’s age to have sharp hooks that cause issues when she eats. Hooks can press into gums and cause pain, which require rasping. In less than 20 minutes, Jody was finished. Zubie, still a little sedated, relaxed into her stall.

Last week was a horsey week at Monday Creek. On November 17, I visited John Hutchison’s farm. I interviewed John for my column at Florida Equine Athlete. His interview will run in the December 2023 issue. In January, the interview will be archived here on my blog. I posted a few photos on my insta page. You can view John’s upcoming Christmas Season Horse Wagon Ride schedule here. If you live in SE Ohio and you haven’t met John or his beautiful Percheron’s, you don’t want to miss a Christmas ride! The wagon rides are free to the public. Make sure you take photos! 

Moose, Bill and John Hutchison @ John's Farm in Albany Ohio USA

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