Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M. June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 |
Gina McKnight, Monday Creek Publishing Author, Freelance Writer, Equestrian, Blogger, and Poet! Welcome to my international blog about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses. As seen in #FloridaEquineAthlete, #ArabianFinishLine, #HorseGirlTV, #LivingRuralTV, #AmericanHorsePublications, #trueCOWBOYmagazine, #HayNetUK, and
Monday, July 26, 2021
Milliron Monday: Remembering Gussie Anderson
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Haydenville: A Small Town with a Big Story by Patty Carr Horn
Haydenville: A Small Town with a Big Story
by Patty Carr Horn
The history of the Last Company Owned Town in Ohio is fascinating.
I lived in Newark, Ohio most of my life before moving to the unique little
town of Haydenville. When I married Larry Horn, (this was his hometown), we would
sit for hours and reminisce about the community and spend hours researching
and working on different projects that would eventually end up in his book Haydenville: The Company Owned Ohio Town that Outlived the Company. He
talked about writing a book for years and I am proud that his book is almost
This may be a small town but there are still things to do in
Haydenville, Ohio, that is from the past and still happening today. People are
still coming here for different reasons. This is my story:
After moving here, it took me awhile to get use to traveling
distances just to get food, gas, etc. Before I moved, every place I wanted to go to was
within a 5-minute drive, my work was a ½ mile away. It reminds me of people who lived here. They would travel on a canal boat being pulled by horses
or mules, or take the stagecoach to get to Hopperville, then find another way
to come the rest of the way. I just cannot
imagine that I would have the patience to go somewhere and it seemed like forever to
get there. It’s bad enough driving or riding for two to three hours and wonder
if we will ever get there.
But this was their lifestyle years ago, things have changed over
the years, but the memories live on inside each one of us. Deciding on where to
live: what town, what neighborhood, what school, what’s it close to. Living in
Haydenville people did move from one house to another, but they had everything
they needed close by and Mr. Matheny made sure of that.
When immigrants came looking for jobs, they showed their paperwork
and was hired. No family members came to the United States with them, being
their choice to come to America. Each of them worked alongside other factory
men and had a job to do in Haydenville. They only knew each other by their nickname and not their last name.
Anyone who worked in the coal mines, you have my deepest
admiration. There is no way you are going to get me underground willingly,
being in a hole for an undetermined amount of time working and going deeper
into the hills to bring the coal out. My heart races just thinking about it.
These fine men were able to bring the coal out of the ground the hard way and
not by all the modern machines they have today. Most everyone used coal to heat
their homes.
The men who labored over the hot iron ore every day, was
unbelievable and you did not hear them complain like they do now days. These
fine men were skilled professionals and if something needed done they would do it
and not complain, making about as much as you would pay your kids an allowance.
Listening to the stories about people’s life experiences and
stories makes you feel a part of this community. I do not mind when people stop
by to take pictures of our homes or talk to you about their parents or a family
member that lived somewhere in Haydenville and would reminisce what they could
remember about Haydenville.
The annual Nelsonville Brick Fest that is held in July brings in
several out of state visitors into Haydenville to check out the antique bricks
that we have on the homes as well as having several different bricks on our
beautiful church. They offer tours of bricks (and homes when available in
Haydenville) that are in the Nelsonville, Haydenville, and the Athens area. Be sure
to check out their website for more details. I was surprised that more children
are learning more about the bricks and making books from all the antique bricks
that they are collecting as well. Occasionally, they find a real jewel brick
that they want to trade.
The Haydenville United Methodist Church continues to have church services
every Sunday and will provide tours inside the church with reservations. Feel
free to stop in on a Sunday morning.
I own the old museum now and in the process of remodeling the five-room unique house, one room at a
time. There is a picture on the wall that Wib Sparks painted in 1971 (while he
still lived in Haydenville). It is a large picture of the Haydenville Company
store that he painted directly on the wall that is the length of one wall
alone, which is now my bedroom. This picture will remain there as part of
history and I will eventually put a shadow box around it, wanting to preserve it
as much as possible.
This is the first time this house has had an indoor bathroom. The
outhouse was torn down and I planted a buckeye tree in the spot (donated by
Larry). The kitchen is almost ready to use for family meals, where we can sit
together for meals and not in front of the TV. When you visit my house, you
will not find a TV, there are other things in life that are more important.
Spending quality time with the family is important to me.
I want to preserve the Haydenville nine-way brick tile, they are
aged and falling apart outside, hopefully I can find a way to make
them useful and preserve them at the same time. That is my next project. This
is my way of preserving the history of this house that is on the National Registry of Historical Places.
In the front yard of this old museum was a Haydenville marker. But
when the museum was sold the marker was moved to the Haydenville Park that is
right beside the Haydenville United Methodist Church. I did not realize that
there was so much interest in finding these markers. They search for the
longitude and latitude of the markers, putting the information in their GPS
to find their location. Several people who have come to see the marker are from out of state and find as many as they
can. While others are on their phones looking for pokey men and dinosaurs from
some game they have on their cell phones. Either I am getting older or times
are changing faster than me getting older. Nonetheless, I am happy to see people out and about
enjoying themselves.
One of my favorite things about Haydenville is the Hocking Valley Scenic Railroad located in Nelsonville, Ohio. The train runs on the weekends and on special
occasions, like the train robbery just outside Haydenville with
Smoke Rise Ranch providing the horses and riders. It is fun to watch the kid’s
expressions when the bandits board and rob the train. The robbery takes place
by the sawmill in Haydenville.
One of my favorites is when I hear the restored steam engine coming, listening to the sound of the engine and seeing the smokestack above the trees coming down the track, and watching people pulling their cars over to the side of the road to take pictures of the steam engine. The train will go down the track and then come back on the same track which makes the smokestack going the opposite direction. The sad thing was when the Haydenville Train Depot was taken down this year.
During my time in Haydenville, Ohio, I went to Hocking College to
receive my Associates Degree in Accounting and Business. I was on the Dean’s
List. I started tutoring other students
when they were having trouble with Accounting classes, which reinforced my
knowledge and understanding. It is a pleasure to help other people learn
something new.
Currently I am working at the United States Post Office, which I
really enjoy. I am a traveling clerk, which means I am stationed at the Sugar Grove
Post Office now, but I can help other local communities. Our Haydenville Post
Office is currently opened two hours a day, six days a week. The lobby remains open
twenty-four hours a day.
Before I started working at the United States Post Office, I ran
for Hocking County Commissioner. When I ran, I was against a two-term component,
losing by 47 votes. I know that some people did not like me because I was new
and not one of the good old boys. But, I never let that stop me from trying.
Our community is ATV friendly, there is a riding trail through town to get to the different Wayne National Forest trail heads. The riders travel long distances to be able to ride on trails at the edge of Haydenville. These trails are monitored by the Wayne National Forestry. I would just love to own one of the campers that comes by the house, several cost more than my house. But again if I had one I would have to travel. Family time is so important, and everyone needs times just to get away and have FUN.
I am the founder and president of the Haydenville Improvement
Committee, Inc. that was formed in 2011, which is the only organization left in
Haydenville. The others are no longer in business. Everyone in my
organization are all volunteers with no administration fees. A big thank you to
all of you.
One of the projects we used to do is community cleanups, but we are unable to do that anymore because of the cost that we were
encountering, and the money for the clean-ups is getting harder to find. An
average cleanup costs between $2,000-$3,000 a year. Also, we felt that more
people should have personal dumpsters and not wait till cleanup day.
My daughter Lauren and her four sons (Ryan, Nathaniel, Christopher,
Zachary) moved in next door to me. They moved here from Newark also. The boys
are adjusting to the move and the smaller classrooms. Interaction between
them and the teachers was worth the move. Their grades have improved. Thanks to the Hocking County teachers, for all that you do.
Of course, one of the things that happened was CoVID and all the restrictions that the governor put in place, wearing of masks, social distancing and not allowed to be in groups. Some people had to talk on the phone or use the internet, Facebook or other type of communication to interact. This has been challenging for everyone especially for those that enjoyed the company of others. Kids were being homeschooled, with most of the classes being online that required every house to have internet. Each boy has a separate chrome book to do all their homework and do the live classroom with the teachers. Some classes used internet games to advance in math and English levels. Times are changing, using all the resources necessary to teach the children that were being homeschooled. It has only been recently that they were able to start school again, having a better respect for the teachers. Some days the boys had difficulty in different subjects and when you have four boys asking different questions, it was difficult for my daughter Lauren to help them figure out without giving them the answers. Lauren has been a great mom not only helping her sons out but helping other students when the parents had difficulty understanding the assignments. Lauren has understanding, love for her boys and has the gift to be a patient loving mom.
The Haydenville Reunion was put on hold, it was a time when everyone
past and present would come together and reminisce and see all the changes that
had taken place. Let’s not forget all the great cooks that made all the
delicious food, trying out new and old recipes. Selling tickets for the
Chinese auction to win a prize was our way to help cover the cost of the
building rent for the event. Hopefully, we can have another one
One of the things I made that I did not think would go over very
well was pawpaw muffins. I picked the pawpaws at the Haydenville/Wolfe
Cemetery to make them and I was totally surprised after four batches they were
all gone within an hour. Who knew? If you would have known what they were,
would you eat one?
My favorite was when Larry and I went up Pickett Hill to pick
blackberries. I had an ice cream bucket full of blackberries when a snake
wrapped his body around my leg and scared the living daylights out of me. I
must have been stepping on its neck because when I lifted my boot up a little it
started moving away from me. My heart was racing about 50 miles an hour at that
point. GOOD news is I saved my blackberries and did not drop one of them. The
pies were extra special that I made with them.
Haydenville is a never-ending story. When you think it is almost done, someone adds to it and the story continues. What is your story………….?
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
One Week of Winter: A short story by Author John Williams
Today is an unusually warm January day with winds blowing at
a pace greater than normal. Large puffy white clouds are also moving at a speed
that is quicker than they have been for a while. The pine and spruce trees that
border my home are flexing this way and that as the wind whistles through the
branches. The broom grass that occupies the nearby fields is waving in the
breeze, while the nearby pond also is riffled by the ever persistent wind. As
I’m observing the movement of nature the rain has appeared from nowhere. It
means change is in the air. It means winter is just beyond the hills. It also
means the balmy days of spring are not here yet. I’ve never considered myself
as living in the north; I’ve always deemed people from Maine or North Dakota as
northerners but my home state does border Canada so I guess being from the
north does apply. If you’re from the latitudes where cold persists you’re
probably tuned to the effects of a north wind and even relish at what it
brings. If you’re from the south you may be missing out on great moments that
make living in the north special.
The leaves have disappeared from their high loft and have
moved to a place of resting. What little sun that penetrates the grayness above
now filters through the exposed branches. It’s winter and the comfort of a warm
gentle breeze has given way to a more robust feel. The time has passed of the
leaves dancing their way across a blue sunlit sky to the grass covered earth
below, its winter and now a time to reequip for the days of spring when stored
energy is released again. It’s a time of wonder, a time of what could have
been, or maybe what will be. The feel of a warm fire with flames flickering
above a burning log can be felt, best, on a cold winter day. An embrace by a
loved one seems to mean more. Winter is here, as it comes every year, but it’s
a time of reflection and a time to readjust for the days ahead. Winter
encompasses what has been but also what will be.
Change has occurred and after the howling winds that blew through the night, the temperature has plummeted and a light snow is starting to fall. It’s the kind of change that makes a person want to be a part of what’s happening in nature. Animals sense this and move with a livelier gate of activity. Horses run in open fields, dogs come alive with motion and a person gets an euphoric feeling from what’s around him. It’s still in the 20’s so the cold can be kept at bay. Yet, too much clothing can bog one down and limit movement. Yesterday and today are different but both can be enjoyed. We will see what tomorrow brings.
A light snow has covered the creation its whiteness is more
than my eyes can take in. I squint against the rays of winter. The grayness has
given way to a sun drenched canopy above. It’s a moment to be relished. Moments
in time is fleeting, but each of our days revealing what nature shows us. The
green pine needles seem greener when peeking from under a blanket of white
snow. The red leaves shimmer when exposed by a breeze. The frozen flakes of
moisture from the heavens will linger to replenish the thirst of the earth. As
the natural world has reason, we also should look at each day as wisdom for
tomorrow. Yesterday has passed like autumn’s give way to winter. The leaves
have fallen but even then they’re a protection and nourishment for the growth
of tomorrows. Today has been a blur to what could have been and shields what
the future may have.
The cold has settled in today. It’s winter. A cappuccino,
latte, just a cup of coffee, or maybe some hot tea would start this day off
just right. It’s especially good shared with the love of your life. If that is
not possible, family or friends warms the soul when the temperature drops as
much as it has today. The week is winding down but so has the thermometer. The
negative side of the scale is dominating the readings. If you have seen more
than the usual amount of vapor rising from the smoke stacks of home or business
on a super cold morning then you’re in tune with this type of a winter day. The
air becomes still. The earth becomes silent. Frozen particles appear in the air
from nothing. A winter day like today is not to be taken lightly. Wrong turns
today can be deadly, but it brings an awareness of your surroundings that have
more meaning. Its winter: it’s cold, but it’s also wonderful.
The temperature has dropped even more. The animals have
moved to more sheltered locations. The stove is tended to with more regularity;
its warmth feels especially good today. It’s not an outside day, but a day to
wrap yourself in something warm and plan for days when the temperature rises
and the fields turn green. It’s a day to look back and note the good moments
you have had. The flames flicker and the heat feels good. I pour another cup of
coffee and break out the paper and pencil. Letters are welcomed by about anyone
on a cold winter day. I set to write but my eyes seem heavy. Maybe a little
later I think, but I’m like most people and the later seems to slip away. Tomorrow
will be a better my mind tells me as I drift off into a dream world of the past
and futures.
I’m woken to the sound of wind whistling through the evergreens while wrapped in my down blanket. The sun is peeking just above the hills and turning the clouds that have appeared a crimson red. Change is in the air. The cold is noticed as I slip from underneath my cover to check my stove for any leftover embers. The wind is from the south so relief is beyond the horizon, but winter is still here. A day of plus degrees will feel wonderful. Winter is all about the next day. Today is good, but tomorrow will be better. We always hope for better but today’s needs should be addressed first. Each day is better than the last, as it should be. That means spring is going to be beyond comprehension. It’s cold. It’s wonderful. It's winter.
If you are looking for the author, John Williams, you won't find him in the office writing. He may be trekking a nearby hiking trail or floating in his canoe or kayak on one of the beautiful lakes that surround his Appalachian foothills home. If not there, jump on your bicycle and find a nearby trail, he may be wrapped around a tree somewhere and in need of your help. Teddi, his wife of 50 years, will tell you to take your time. Four children, all grown, made a break for it and put roots in different parts of our beautiful country. The seven grandkids don't know what he looks like. Go to the nearest locally owned coffee shop and just by chance he may be there. He will be the only one with a pencil and paper.
Worth Going Back: A Memoir of Alaska by John Williams
Available in Hardcover from Amazon
Monday, July 19, 2021
Milliron Monday: Safetytown
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The Athens Messenger June 22, 1989
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021). Pete, a well-known veterinarian in southeast Ohio, and Jody lived life to the fullest. They continue to motivate and inspire. Dr. Smith and Jody were often asked to make appearances at community events, including Safetytown, a local event sponsored by "civic organizations and businesses in cooperation with Athens City Schools, city administration and area police, fire and natural resource organizations." Safetytown (sometimes spelled Safety Town) is basic safety awareness for kids. I remember sending my son to Safetytown at nearby Hocking College. He learned a lot about traffic patterns as he pedaled his tricycle through a maze of orange cones, stop signs, and crosswalks. But his favorite Safetytown event was learning about snakes and turtles from Dave Sagan. June 16, 1988, Dr. Smith talked to Safetytown kids about "dangerous and sick animals", a topic Dr. Smith new very well. June 22, 1989, Jody brought her cat (in photo) to share with Safetytown kids. The caption, "The cat... is a 'retired' blood donor for her husband's veterinary clinic, and now comforts clients who are grieving for sick pets." Both Dr. Smith and Jody enjoyed taking time out of their busy schedules to volunteer for this annual community service. Safetytown is an important part of growing up. I highly recommend sending your kid(s) every summer. Volunteers, like the Smith family, make Safetytown memorable for many. I am sure the kids remember hearing Dr. Smith and Jody talk about animal safety. Connect with Gina... Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. |
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Write a Story: It's a Great Big World Coloring Book
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Seasons on the Farm Starring Horse Casey & Friends Coloring Book
Follow horse Casey and friends through the seasons in this adorable coloring book for all ages. A companion to NC Matheny's memoir Hard Way to Go: The Horse of a Lifetime, this coloring book will become one of your favorites! Learn about horse tack, gaits, and things in the barn. There is space to color and design your own horse, too! A word search, crossword puzzle, and maze add to the fun.
Available from
For updates, stories, and more, follow NC Matheny's blog @
Monday, July 12, 2021
Milliron Monday: Girl, 10, Writes Contest a Story of Smart Horse
Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M. June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 |
Sunday, July 11, 2021
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Monday, July 5, 2021
Milliron Monday: Apple
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January 1983 - Pete, Apple, Colonial, and Streak |
Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M. June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 |
Thursday, July 1, 2021
The Western Novelist: An Interview with Anna Elizabeth Judd
by Gina McKnight
Archived from the June 2021 Issue of Florida Equine Athlete
No duplication without permission.
LM: I was nine years old when I got my first horse. His name was Kennedy, he was about 25 years old. If I remember right, he lived for about six months after we got him. My mom wanted to get me a horse, she grew up with them. So, he was delivered on my ninth birthday and we put him in the backyard until we could find somewhere to board him.
LM: The best part of my life is spending every day with a horse. I am truly blessed. Many people might think I am crazy, but one of my favorite things is cleaning stalls. It’s very relaxing. But for the most part, when you train horses, it gives you the chance to have a lot of horses and get paid at the same time. One of the most rewarding aspects of training is when you get a horse, especially a wild one to come in the middle of the round pen on their own and let you touch them for the first time. It gives me chills every time. They are definitely magical creatures.
LM: Yes, all my books are based on personal horse-related stories. My children’s book “The
Boy Who Couldn’t Talk” is based on a young boy with Autism. Adam was a young boy when I was just a kid who would enter the horse shows in a group we called Unique. My mom started it for children with disabilities.
LM: I don’t know about anecdotes, but several of my children’s books are learning how to read. I love to write poems and rhymes, so one of my favorites, is “Taffy tussled the thistles tangled in her tail trying to taste the timothy.” I don’t know, it's fun sitting with the dictionary coming up with the words to rhyme.
LM: I train using the horse’s natural instincts. A great book to read is Xenophon. He was a Greek general in 355 BC. My first book “The Handbook of Horsemanship” has several references that talk about his training style.
LM: Many years ago, I was given a rodeo bronc to train. She had quit bucking and was of no use to the contractor, so he gave her to me. Her name was Libby, to this day thinking about her brings tears to my eyes. She had a heart; unlike any horse I have ever been around. I used to work with girls that had been abused and Libby had a way of bringing them out of their shells. I miss you very much… Below is the poem she inspired me to write.
The Brilliance of Your Stature
Creates an Image of Perfection
Floating Throughout the
Free to Roam
In the Face of Adversity
Your Strength Shines Through
From Every Fiber of Your
With a Heart of Fire
Passion to Survive the
Existence of Time
Your Chi Flows In a Glow
Infecting Life’s Energy
To the Beings in Your
Through Evolution You
Became Extinct
Your Image Silenced from
Although the Essence of
Your Soul
Placed In the Ground to
Once Again. Recognized as
“The Grass Remembers
The Horse
What advice do you have for novice riders and those looking to purchase their
first horse?
LM: Buying your first horse, can be exciting but you must also beware. The best advice is to trust your instincts. When you go to the place and see the horse; look at how the person keeps their barn, tack, and feed room. Are they clean will organized, or messing and cluttered? A good horseman will always have good clean tack and know where things are. Then, how does the horse react to you and the owner? Are they calm and well-behaved? Do they run all over the owner, get pushy or bite? That is the sign of a spoiled horse. Or….. are they nervous and fidgety? That can be a sign of abuse. Trust your instincts, no matter how much you want to buy a horse, take your time. The horse will pick you when it's right. So, if you are not a trainer with experience, be careful.
What does horsemanship mean to you?
LM: Great question… a horseman is someone with a passion in their heart for animals. The only way to train or handle a horse is with love, respect, and natural instinct training. You never break a horse, you train them.
with Lizzy…
Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976
Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.: June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - M...

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