Miss Dany Hancock has lived in Botswana and worked in the horse safari industry, one way or
another, for 17 years. She lives in Maun on a smallholding with her
boyfriend Ernie, a pilot who also works with her on the technical and social
media side of her company, with their dogs, horses and hens.
When was your
first encounter with a horse?
from the UK, though not from a horsey family background, her wanderlust and
passion for horses led her to the Mecca of horseback safaris: the Okavango
Delta. Working with the horses and leading safaris on horseback progressed
into sales and marketing, creating her own specialized and personalized
horseback safari and adventure travel company: Rides On The Wild Side.
conjunction with the promotion and sales of professional and exciting horse
holiday destinations, Dany is also involved in the popular safari industry at
the very heart of southern Africa’s top safari destinations including:
Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia – and is delighted to
create special, personalized safari industries for those who prefer to be in a
jeep rather than on a horse. Her philosophy is to match the destination
to the client from an independent and unbiased standpoint, which she
believes is as important as matching the rider to the correct horse on a
often accompanies safaris and travels extensively worldwide to promote the
rides and safaris. She and Ernie will be at Equitana Melbourne,
Australia 20th-23rd November, Stand Number: 525, so do feel free to drop by the
stand. Contact Dany rides@ridesonthewildside.com for more info!
Welcome Dany!
can’t remember my first encounter exactly, but I’ve always been “horse
mad” ! I started riding when I was 6.
Do you have a favorite horse breed?
is a very tricky one but if I had to narrow it down to one breed it would
have to be the Thoroughbred. They are incredibly versatile and often
underestimated, in my opinion. They are bright, brave and when given the
right kind of training and input, offer the most incredible ride in terms of
character, comfort as well as a bit of pace. My favorite story to tell is
about 2 THB’s – in 2 different Okavango camps – at 2 different
times.... (Please bear in mind the area of the Okavango Delta is the size
of Switzerland or the US state of Massachusetts!).

then, my motto is “Never underestimate a Thoroughbred” !
How many horses do you currently stable?
How many horses do you currently stable?
personally own 3 horses in a small yard of 6 which I run. The safari
horse herds vary from 20-60+ depending on their location and the type of ride
and experience they offer.
Describe the perfect horse...
Describe the perfect horse...
Another difficult one to answer! In truth there really isn’t such a thing as a perfect horse – much as there isn’t a perfect person or car!!! However, a horse that appeals to me is one which has some character, is keen to learn and enjoys his/her work. Conformation, looks, and breeding are quite low on the list for me!
Where is your
favorite place on Earth to ride?
honestly believe that there is nothing quite like riding in the Okavango Delta
and for me, personally, it will always be “number one” for the variety of
horses to ride, the incredible phenomenon of the Okavango, the excitement and
anticipation of riding in the remote wilderness where all manner of exotic
African animals habituate. From splashing through flooded plains
alongside a herd of red lechwe antelope or Jurassic-like giraffe, to quietly
threading through palm islands silently tracking elephant and buffalo, the
thrill is immense!

Have you
ridden the Marwari horses in India?
I have! I was struck by their majesty and great temperament and how
surprisingly different they are from other breeds that inhabit desert and arid
regions – such as the Arab. They are stockier and whilst they do have a
look at things and are alert, they are very sensible and there is no spookiness
and, of course, their lyre-shaped ears are magic! India is a special
destination: as much about the culture of the people, their love of horses and
how the balance of colonialism and traditionalism through both the British and
Indians’ love of horses, makes certain regions of the country, such as
Rajasthan, so very interesting and special. I am riding to the Pushkar Fair
in November 2015 with a group if you’re interested!!!
I want to go… J].How do you pick riding trails/destinations?
The most important factor is professionalism, I believe, and whilst there are many options available - fortunately, most of them very good, there are, unfortunately, some that really should not be in operation. Priority is that the horses are well cared for and are well mannered and that clients are looked after. Matching the right rider to a ride is as important as matching a rider to a horse and impartiality is important when recommending a ride to a client. Every ride will tell you that they are “the best” but that is subjective, of course! The personalities that run, look after, and guide the rides will make or break a safari experience or riding adventure. As such, I spend a lot of time visiting rides and getting testimonials from clients to ensure that they operate within reasonable constraints and to ensure that we exceed our clients’ expectations.
What should I
pack when on horseback safari?
It depends a little on the time of year, but most important to remember are: khaki/neutral colors (you don’t want to “stand out” when you’re on safari), a little camera, binoculars, your favorite riding kit and a hat with shade. If it’s a cooler time of year then thermals are a great way to keep warm as dressing in layers is recommended and if it’s during rainy season, a good light-weight waterproof!
Do you have a favorite riding anecdote to share?
There are many! The safaris are always great fun as well as interesting, with the potential of an “up-close” encounter with wild game. I was camp manager at the time we had a lovely wedding in camp and for the days before the ceremony (yes, the bride and groom got married on horseback!). We had been searching everywhere for the elusive pack of wild dogs that we knew were in the area. We had tracked and tracked on horseback, then got in vehicles but had no luck and with the excitement of the wedding, the wild dog side of things became less of a priority. But not to them, it seems, as when the ceremony had finished and I was bringing (more) champagne from the kitchen area to the party by the mess tent, I was almost knocked down by an impala being chased down by 3 wild dogs. Needless to say, we all forgot about the champagne and in our fancy non-safari gear, jumped into the vehicle to follow them! We found them and that sighting was the highlight of the safari!
Do you have advice for novice riders?
It depends a little on the time of year, but most important to remember are: khaki/neutral colors (you don’t want to “stand out” when you’re on safari), a little camera, binoculars, your favorite riding kit and a hat with shade. If it’s a cooler time of year then thermals are a great way to keep warm as dressing in layers is recommended and if it’s during rainy season, a good light-weight waterproof!
Do you have a favorite riding anecdote to share?
There are many! The safaris are always great fun as well as interesting, with the potential of an “up-close” encounter with wild game. I was camp manager at the time we had a lovely wedding in camp and for the days before the ceremony (yes, the bride and groom got married on horseback!). We had been searching everywhere for the elusive pack of wild dogs that we knew were in the area. We had tracked and tracked on horseback, then got in vehicles but had no luck and with the excitement of the wedding, the wild dog side of things became less of a priority. But not to them, it seems, as when the ceremony had finished and I was bringing (more) champagne from the kitchen area to the party by the mess tent, I was almost knocked down by an impala being chased down by 3 wild dogs. Needless to say, we all forgot about the champagne and in our fancy non-safari gear, jumped into the vehicle to follow them! We found them and that sighting was the highlight of the safari!
Do you have advice for novice riders?
Yes, absolutely! Being a novice rider is only a stage and we all start off as novices. There are many riders who have taken training to specifically meet the standards required to ride on safari. We are not looking for technical finesse but riders who are competent and confident enough to ride a well-mannered horse at all paces. By this we mean: balanced enough not to fall off easily and understanding enough of a sensible horse to allow him to do his job in partnership with you. Recommended are lessons in an arena, combined with out-rides including canters, perhaps some jumping/games to really ensure that you are used to the feel of a horse moving beneath you and maintaining your own balance in harmony. As much time in the saddle will only benefit. This also applies to competent or experienced riders – do take time to get riding fit before your adventure. It will be so much more fun.
What does
horsemanship mean to you?
with the horse: that is to say: Having the humility to know that as a rider or
horse owner you don’t know it all, whilst working on broadening your equestrian
knowledge from all available sources to increase your experience and maximize
on the relationship you have with your horse or horse in the most positive and
fun way possible.
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