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Photo Courtesy Manu Sharma (c) 2012 |
Congratulations to Manak and Manu!
Gina McKnight is a freelance writer from USA. http://gmcknight.com
Feb 2,
Gina McKnight, Monday Creek Publishing Author, Freelance Writer, Equestrian, Blogger, and Poet! Welcome to my international blog about horses, writers, authors, books, cowboys, equestrians, photographers, artists, poets, poems, and more horses. As seen in #FloridaEquineAthlete, #ArabianFinishLine, #HorseGirlTV, #LivingRuralTV, #AmericanHorsePublications, #trueCOWBOYmagazine, #HayNetUK, and #GirlGab.com...
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Photo Courtesy Manu Sharma (c) 2012 |
Congratulations to Manak and Manu!
Gina McKnight is a freelance writer from USA. http://gmcknight.com
Feb 2,
For Immediate Release
Ohio Author Releases New Children’s Book
Creek Publishing is thrilled to announce the release of a new children’s book
by award-winning Ohio author and storyteller, Mark M. Dean. Dean's latest
masterpiece, Bedtime for Bigfoot: Book 1, BFF Big Foot Forever,
transports readers into an enchanting evening filled with giggles,
storytelling, and cherished memories.
this delightful adventure, the Bigfoot children eagerly await the magical tale
of how their grandparents met at the Parade of the Holler festival. Grandma
Harriett's story of young love, shyness, and a heart-stealing wink unfolds,
leaving the kids wide-eyed and brimming with questions.
ready for laughter, awe, and a sprinkle of familial charm as the grandkids
uncover their family's whimsical scientific name, "Extremus-Shynus
Ginormous," and the hilarious escapades that follow. Perfect for bedtime,
this enchanting tale will have you and your little ones eagerly chanting,
"Story! Story! Story!"
M. Dean is also the author of six additional titles, including a collection of
short stories Hands Over Time, a poetry collection Poetic Justice,
and four other children’s books: Charlie the Catfish, Doggie Deck
Day, Fancy Flowers by Faye, and Good Habits Rabbits.
connected and follow Mark M. Dean on Facebook and Instagram @MarkMDean.
Join the BIGFOOT Craze!
Bess blood count good heartworms neg., shots
> helped Pete run rams thru footbath, moved them to new pasture > put hot
wire along bottom of board fence > went to movies
Took bank deposit, left book at Michael Nolan’s
office, got milk > worked Puff, Bess > rode Blaze, J rode Apple, checked
on burros, sheep, dead ewe beyond salt feeder > Maverick in hay meadow, put
him down in barn > John Hanson here overnight
Worked Puff, Bess > Pat worked on creek,
rechanneling it > Jim DHL > Pete butchered rabbits, ran over my ewe, put
latch on wooden gate
John B, friend here for breakfast > Church of
the Good Shepherd > Little Professor > Kanga killed fox > rode Blaze,
took Kanga, checked gates and sheep, pruned brush on trail below turtle shell
spring > read, Pete watched TV
Pete, lovely walk over to maple tree behind pond
> rode Apple, checked meadows in woods, gathered up Western ewes from hay
meadow, put in horses paddock, ran my ewes, Hamps, thru footbath, nearly dark,
left in hill paddock
Walked Sassy thru footbath, ran Western ewes
thru footbath, cut out marked ewes, ran my ewes Hamps, back thru footbath, put
ewes up thru white gate > rode Blaze, let Puff run over pasture, took Bess
> let sheep out of hill paddock
Picked up another oxygen machine > Pete
checked gates
Dewormed horses, ponies, flu shots; Angel, feet
trimmed > Pete, Ralph Gutherie put barrel gas well to collect oil >
worked Jim in bottom with Western ewes, used tracking flags for gate
J Horseshow, Granville > helped Pete clean
stalls in clinic barn > Ford truck to haul hay from Meigs county, Pete drove
logging truck, trailer > Sherry picked up two injured ewes #19, #6
Herded sheep back from Lucas’ pasture, patched
fence with sticker bushes > worked on wire fencing to keep Boo in >
filled salt feeder for Western ewes > Puff tracked Pat, started with scent
from hat, tracked well, let him run a little
Kanga 4 years old > rode Blaze, saw 4 deer,
then 3 deer, checked gates, sheep, picked apples on ridge
Kanga killed another fox by pond > ATC >
rams out 550
Herded sheep out of bottom with Jim, flooding,
water over road
Pat laid trail in bottom, Susan Nolan brought
puppy over > went to movies
Church > Spence Rutter took plot > herded
sheep back from Warmke’s with Jim, Pete, Pat, I repaired fence torn out by high
water > I put extra wire on water gap in pasture bottom > rode Blaze,
checked salt, burro, sheep, hay
Rode Blaze up in woods, heard shot > Pete
lunch with Rome Warmke, ate at DQ with Pat and I
Took 2 wether lambs to butchers in back of
station wagon > brought hides back, salted them down > took Kanga down
for “itch shots” > ATC
Pete, John got rest of hay hauled from Meigs
County > planted 24 daffodils, 12 narcissus bulbs in ravine above hospital
> put Jake on track laid by Jan
Went to Logan after tire for long trailer,
helped Pete put tires on, brought 6 bales, bulldozer, tractor back from Meigs
Episcopal Church > Pete, Pat unloaded hay,
got bales from fields, etc. > rode Blaze, checked salt, sheep
Pete got ewes back from Lucas’ > dewormed my
sheep, Hamps, cut out wethers, put ewes down to graze in hospital bottom >
rode Blaze, Pete rode Sailor, got 15 ewes, lamb back from Lewis Hixon; tree
uprooted on fence line > herded Western ewes down to alleyway, dewormed them
> took Pat to Amesville
J Pony Club > Episcopal Church, excellent
Kemmerle sermon > stopped at drug store for cough remedies, picked up
chicken for lunch > dewormed sheep at Phillip’s Place > tires shot out on
big tractor > Ruffian wet on the bed, washed all the bedding again
Pat fed 5 bales hay, horses, sheep > cut gate
into fence between hill paddock and tree planting area, put Western ewes into
hill paddock > Pete operated on Sassy, rectum > J set up Boo in brick
garage > worked Puff
Ran Western ewes thru footbath, counted, marked
them, sorted out wethers, J’s ram lamb, moved Western ewes over to Phillip’s
Place, left some lambs behind on 1st meadow, 1 on Connor property,
rode Blaze, Pete rode Sailor > I watched sheep, checked fence > voted,
ate at Grange Hall > Pete worked on bulldozer
ATC showed movie
Watched sheep by 690, put out salt, stapled
fence > tracking, took cookies, laid track for Mr. Thorne, tracked Puff
after Jan, using Mr. Thorne’s, my tracks for cross-track
Migraine headache > let sheep out into hay
Sheep out, watched them on Phillip’s bottom,
Pete moved round bales into paddock, stapled fence, Pete hung 2 gates, trimmed
a couple sheep’s feet, turned rest into paddock
Church > man here to cruise timber with Pete
> turned sheep out to graze, put up electric fence at Phillips’ Place
corner, 690 > chased Lucas’ dog out of hospital bottom
Medium sized white dog, black head; dark gray
fading to light gray, killed Western lamb, bit another ewe, walked thru pasture
looking for dogs, took Jim > drove around looking for dogs > patched hole
in fence, put out sponges, picked up dog traps
Checked sponges, all three; Jim, Kanga killed
possum in dog trap > gathered sheep, ewe/lamb bitten by dogs; put my sheep,
Hamps in clinic bottom, took 2 Western ewes, several lambs down to Phillip’s
Place in horse trailer > watched Western ewes, lambs in bottom
Herded my sheep out of clinic pasture >
brought lamb down hill to barn > took Ad to Messenger, ran errands > ATC
Checked sponges, dog traps, took Kanga, Boo .30
.30 > Pete fed rams, washed Kanga in mange dip > let sheep out to graze
on bottom > Tracking – Puff found shoe buried in leaves; took crockpot with
hot spiced cider, Jan brought Sinner home (bull terrier)
Bathed Puff, blew him dry with vacuum cleaner
reversed > Pete, Stan Richards, J, marked timber > made fudge
Took boards off corral fence, herded sheep out to
small pasture > brought lamb (weighed about 10 lbs.) back to hospital >
put up storm doors > Pat 4H meeting > J riding lessons > picked up
Pete after he drove logging truck in > party for Jan at Betsy’s
Central Ohio Kennel Club Show, took J, J
To school, visitation > picked up Pat’s
motorcycle tire
Put out 2 more sponges, checked baited dog
traps, took Kanga, drove around ridge looking for dogs > took Pete to Dr.
for physical for insurance; dropped him off at Motyre to pick up logging truck,
took Puff
Checked sponges, dog traps; Kanga chased fox
> tracking, took J, Boo, Song, Puff, Bess; Puff 2 short tracks
Had studded tires put on
Up at 3 am, Jan overslept, got her out of bed,
left for Pittsburgh 4:45, arrived (airport/Sheraton) 8:15; Off Lead’s Tracking
Seminar: Johnson
2nd Seminar day – field work, dinner
in Marietta
Ram out > took Jim to look for missing rams,
7 on Hanson’s
J Croxford brought picture of Puff, took Puff up
to barn > dyed bedspread darker blue > made peanut butter crème pie >
Joan Vance, McKinstry girl “Delilah” came out to practice
Sheep out at Chadwell’s > Boo over at
Hanson’s > sheep out again
Sheep out at Chadwell’s again, climbed over hay
bales, jumped down over fence > fed horses, Pat fed hay, fixed dog traps,
let Puff/Kanga run in hay meadow > Judy Shields, Joan Vance, McKinstry girl
worked dogs
J Lipizzaner Show > Pat overnight Chadwell’s,
basketball game
Pete ate breakfast at Perkins > Church >
mailed letters, got milk > took rams, 3 trips in horse trailer, down to
Phillip’s Place, 3 dead lambs, put a dozen ewes in with Jim, fed sheep, horses
at red barn > Pete, Pat went after load of grain
Rode Blaze, looked for deer hunters, saw 4 deer
on Phillip’s Place, thru drift fence, saw grouse, red tails, and huge squirrel
> strange, frozen ice, like ribbon candy
Pete found dead doe > rode Blaze over most
farm trails, saw 3 deer > found Hunter by fence rocks, called Game Warden,
put up No Hunting signs > picked up Pat, Mike Cuckler at school
Drove around, checked car licenses’ >
Columbus, State Office Lung Assoc. Mary Lou Rose, Non-Smokers Rights Meeting
> ATC graduation
8 am, drove around; 9 am rode around, saw 3
deer, two pileated woodpeckers near turtle shell pond, hunter up near Hixon
line, had permission to hunt on Brown’s
8 am, drove around; 9:30 am rode Blaze over most
of the trails, saw 6 deer, saw owl, hawk, many squirrels > walked over
pasture looking for 2 hunters
Puff sick, ate barn chips; 8:30 am drove around,
checked license plates > rode Blaze, rain, saw 2 deer near turtle shell
pond, 4 deer on Phillip’s Place, checked pastures, foam at base of several
trees from rain (?)
Pete left for Florida, classes > took J,
Heather to Booth’s, wreath-making party > swept out troughs; Pat, David fed
> cleaned tack, watched TV
Took barrel, grain up to barn, dipped oil into 2nd
barrel, took Kanga, fed horses/sheep > Ralph Guthrie swabbed well >
picked up Pat, Mike Cuckler, Jack Howard > saw 2 deer at Dutch Creek
Ran errands, picked up Church projector >
ACKC meeting, Purina film
Let dogs run in paddock, picked up yard, got 2
lambs out of cliff pasture with Jim, let Puff/Kanga run in hay meadow, Puff
chased beautiful big buck, came back on whistle, finally > walked down after
mail/paper > watched John Denver TV Special, called Pete > J babysat for
Let dogs run in paddock, fed at barn, took Puff,
worked on bank account, took bank deposit, got groceries > watched Pat’s
basketball game at Athens > sheep out on 550
Put sheep in with Jim, shut them up on hill
paddock, got some sheep out of bales > Pete home late, flat tire at airport
Ran errands with Pete’s truck, got plywood,
etc., > J Pony Club with Jan, Pat ballgame
Watched part of Morgan County Coon Hunters drag
races, took Puff, Bess > Pete, Pat, fed sheep, worked on hay rack >
rounded up all sheep from house pasture, trucked lambs, Hamps to Phillip’s
Place > lambs vaccinated, deworming shots > put my ewes back in pasture,
28 head (including J’s Suffolks) > watched TV, Dean Martin show, Peggy
Raining, herded 3 lambs (Western) down to clinic
with Jim > wrote Christmas cards
Scrubbed hospital refrigerator, cleaned copper
teakettle > Picked up Pat at Amesville, backed car down hill, bad ruts >
worked on Christmas cards
Took 2 Hamps, one Western lamb down to hospital
paddock with Jim, fed, took Puff, let him run on bottom, walked up to white
gates and back > shoveled, worked red dog into ruts > made New England
Apple Bake > picked up Pat, Tracey, Mike from bus
Gas low, 40 in house; 11 outside > red dog
delivered up to barn > PCA man here, signed 2 papers > Pat and I fed,
took Puff > Pete finally got feed mill defroster
Fed early, took Puff > J made candles, all
over kitchen > took Pat to Chadwell’s, got sheep, about 15 or so, in with
Jim > Pete got load of corn from Hayes
Episcopal Church > Lamppost lunch > built
fire in fireplace, Pete/Pat played chess, roasted marshmallows, played
Christmas records
Took Pat down to Phillip’s Place, couldn’t get
tractor started, came back for more fuel, still wouldn’t start, took hay on
truck to lambs > took truck in for tires, J haircut, shopped > wrapped
gifts, wrote Christmas cards
Pete/Pat fed sheep > Pete to Charleston on
calls > tracked Puff/Song > went to movie “So Dear to My Heart”
Ralph Guthrie swabbed well > fed
horses/sheep, took Puff > J Croxford, picture of Puff for shirt > tracked
Puff, got dark before Song’s turn > made peanut brittle > Church,
midnight service
Christmas Day – fed at barn, took Puff/dogs >
Took lambs to Mansfield, dinner with Gary/Aggie; Christmas gifts – P, sweater;
J, shirt; Pete, flashlight
Church > dewormed sheep at Phillip’s Place >
brought lambs, one ram back
· Puff/Song tracking > J Croxford took pictures of Puff (rain) > red dog into ruts on road > played hearts
Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from
vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random
Winter @ Monday Creek A Letter to Brad Pitt Dear Mr. Pitt, Thank you for your contributions to cinema over the years. In your movie, ...