Monday, January 6, 2025

Milliron Monday: The Journals January - March 1974

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.



·        Henry here for dinner, watched move “Trinity”

·        Pete and I walked around through hay meadow, woods, saw fox (?); took Kanga, Shane, Song, carried Song most of the way

·        Rode Cricket over to deliver message to Henry

·        Thanked Mom for “stained glass angels”

·        Helped J work Song, took Kanga, Shane

·        Freezing rain, very icy, no school

·        Pete fixed top of roll top desk

·        Fed early, carried bales of hay to pond pasture shed for burro, finished Doris Lessing’s “Particularly Cats

·        Rome Warmke here for lunch

·        Wrote letters

·        Kept horses tied up overnight, burros pond shed

·        No school – ice

·        Hill – sheet of ice, took Pete’s truck to town

·        Ordered pasteurizer from Central Mill Sales

·        Lunch, BBF, Pat

·        “Lollypop” brought groceries up hill in pack saddle

·        Ordered matching Christmas ornaments for Pete

·        Worked at desk, correspondence

·        Fixed Dutch door latch, cleaned out desk drawers

·        Pete, lunch w/Rome, Oak Room

·        Rome moved into Peck hose

·        Sunday Church, Good Shepherd

·        Lunch, Dolen’s, finished Margaret Cabell Self “In Ireland

·        Sheep, LaFollette’s meadow, drove up, but already out

·        Worked on “excess” from desk

·        Cut Pete’s hair

·        No school, icy roads

·        Listened to wolf record

·        Furnace off in the night, 50 deg inside, 12 deg outside

·        Put geese down comforters on children’s beds, Dottie Wright brought doe rabbit to buck “Beethoven”

·        No school, rain/ice

·         Fed extra hay, made lemon meringue pie, backed oatmeal cookies, took cookies to Rome, Henry, Jessie, made cheese grits

·        Made up recipe box for Gayetta

·        Pete graded ice on lane with bulldozer, drove car up the hill

·        Took J, P, Bill Wright, Mike Cuckler, Terry Collins to basketball game, Pat played at half time

·        Stopped to see Gayetta, gave her recipe box , Gary worked on J’s teeth, visited Jessie, took her mints, sweater, cookies > Pat won basketball game

·        Pete vaccinated sheep at Alice Browns all day/evening > McDougal church Jessie and I > Betty, Abbott called > pasteurized milk with new pasteurizer > ewe #1 ill with pregnancy disease, Pete treated her

·        Put down blue carpet from Jessie in upstairs bathroom

·        Dyed Pat’s bedspread dark brown

·        Pete, treated ewe #1 > rode thru Browns, Hixon’s, looking for sheep, rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor

·        Church, Episcopal > picked up Pat’s new motorcycle

·        Ewe #1, dead twins

·        Took corn to be mixed > Janet’s birthday > worked Apple, drove her around field behind clinic barn, rode Cricket, J rode Shah, took Shane, Kanga, looked for sheep on Philip’s place

·        Pete – Columbus horse clinic

·        Church, Episcopal, word leather suede outfit, lunch Dolen’s > rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor, Pat rode Blaze, J rode Shah, Wrights, Heather rode along, Shane had diabetes attack, carried him back to Jan’s on Cricket, Jan drove him home, I rode Cricket, Heather rode Shah, led pony > Apple, ulcer on eye

·        Got insulin for Shane at Medical Center

·        3 new lambs, half sheep in hay meadow, drove Apple, Pat pulled cart

·        Ground drove Apple with snaffle > J.P. stayed for basketball game, rode home with friends > trimmed Angel’s feet > Rome here, fed lamb on bottle, treated Apple’s eye

·        Bottle fed lamb, bedded down sheep shed, 3 bales straw > J.P. Church class > put lamb #17 in lamb pen > ground drove Apple, let him graze in halter

·        Hitched Apple to cart, exploded – ran off, tore up harness, bent wheel, cart shaft, cut leg

·        Rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor, found dying sheep over at Alice Brown’s > 4H drill team practice

·        McDougal Church oyster supper > Pat overnight at Harley’s

·        Pete – Chillicothe calls, pasteurized milk, put 2nd lamb crate in barn, curried Apple, sheep in alfalfa meadow by way of under water gap in small creek, told Henry sheep were in our hay meadow

·        Episcopal Church, Dolen’s, curried/vacuumed Apple > Sherry, Mike Jones, etc., picked up ewe, Apple > Pete rode Sailor after sheep in blackberry meadow (300), rode Cricket, J rode Shah, gathered 32 sheep from cliff pasture, 20 2nd woods meadow, put them in Phillips valley, led “Joe” Sherry’s horse down to old homesite above Dutch Creek Road

·        Jerry Hartley here, worked on pump > 2 new lambs/twins > rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor, Forester (Armond) rode Shah, looked over woods, here for lunch > saw sheep by back trail > Jim Farley, Rome Warmke here for dinner, Jim overnight

·        Drove around to tell Henry about 100 sheep at the sheep gate at end of alfalfa meadow > Pete finished, put up 3rd lambing pen

·        Moved dog jumps to clinic barn from brick garage, began Song on broad jump; put hardware cloth on broad jump, J worked Song

·        Beautiful warm weather, Lester Brown/wife here, picked up tie-down > J.P. Communion Class

·        Phone man buried line > beautiful day, sunny, 60s > PTO Open House

·        Betsy here for lunch, rode Shah, I rode Cricket, took her collie and Shane > deer in blackberry meadow > I rode Cricket, Betsy rode Shah after school > Jim Farley here overnight fishing/basketball


·        New lambs, 1 dead, tube fed > ran errands, picked up Pete’s boots at Hoon’s office > Heather Wright here, watched TV

·        Did chores early, Pet pulled camper out with bulldozer, lunch at Root’s/Lancaster, to Columbus Power Show > Pete, 2 cavities filled, Gary [brother/dentist] worked on J’s braces, visited Jessie, dinner at Gary and Aggie’s, watched snowmobile slides

·        New lamb > J Farley here for dinner

·        Fed early > Pete, Rome looked at more sheep land all day > bought “Jim” Border Collie, left him with herders > Pete bought “Cindy” Border Collie, called Sherry

·        Tattooed “Cindy” > Sailor, sheep out of pasture > icy rain > Henry K. here briefly > worked J., P. with dogs

·        Rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor, helped move Sheep across road to Frank N.’s farm > began working with Cindy on down, come > wrote letters > Bill Wright here overnight

·        Rode Cricket, took Kanga thru blackberry meadow, Phillips’ Place, logging road

·        Plumber here, couldn’t fix pump > Rome Warmke here for lunch > PTO Square Dance

·        Thompsons here to see lambs > J. P. bowling > Movie “The Way We Were” > beautiful snowfall

·        Rome Warmke here for lunch, wrote letters

·        Lunch at Oak Room > Typed letter for Pete > John (Sheppard) here for dinner

·        Pete to PCA meeting with Rome > Pete counted sheep, 7 missing

·        Pete examined Cindy’s eyes, blind left, Collie eye anomaly

·        Called Henry about Cindy, read late

·        Stray female Beagle here > J. Hartley here for breakfast, got water to the barn !!!!!! > crocus, hyacinths up > took Maverick [horse] to Laird’s, J went along > finished reading “15 Sessions with Kathleen Bremer”

·        Dottie, Heather Wright here > cattleguard being repaired > Pete drove over on boards > 4H Drill Team pictures, 6 kids, 6 dogs in car!

·        Henry took Cindy [Collie], brought “Milliron Bess”

·        J – rabbit farm, Lancaster with Dottie Wright > John Hanson here > made butter > Pat play Athens, basketball > got collar for Bess > detailed lambs > Pat to motorcycle races

·        McDougal Church > Rome Warmke, K Light here for lunch > rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor, took Kanga, hauled 3 dead sheep off trail into brush

·        Pete fixed hoe > rode Apple at Sherry’s > stopped at C&E Hardware

·        Rome here for lunch > Pete went after sheep > Kwiawan’s pancake supper > Wind Ensemble, Classical Saxophone

·        Jerry Hartley, picked up Apple, put hay (from sheep shed – dumped in horse shed) in sheep angers > curried Apple > wrote letters

·        Frank Johnson reset Cricket, Sailer new shoes behind > 4H dog drill team picture

·        Willie LaFollette birthday, got eggs at LaFollette’s > J. P. went to McNeil’s for weekend

·        Mom’s birthday > Columbus OVMA, checked in, went to paramedical lectures > Lunch, Pete at Neil House > organ music, Trinity Episcopal Church > cocktails Akins room, OSU class reunion dinner, Neil House, Pete, Phil Karnes, dance

·        Puff the Magic Dragon birthday > shopped at Lazarus downtown > dinner at Jax Roast Beef > Pete, seminar

·        Toured Ohio Capital building, shopped, lunch “Wendy’s”, Irish Art Exhibit at Met Museum, woolgrowers

·        Rode Apple around thru woods > Marvin Lawrence here overnight

·        Susie’s birthday > Rode Apple in pasture, walked, trotted > J rode Maverick in long line at Laird’s > 4H Drill Team, stopped briefly at Seaman’s > took Bill Wright > worked Bess


·        Rode Apple in bottom around thru woods, J rode Cricket > cleaned > rode Apple around pasture

·        Vacuumed dogs, house > rode Apple around thru woods, J rode Cricket > schooled Apple in field by hospital sign, J rode Cricket

·        Church, Dolen’s, schooled Apple > Pete, Rome, Jim Warmke, ?, rode our horses to look over sheep pasture

·        Rode Apple, J Cricket, P Blaze, took Shane, Kanga; walked over jumps, around thru woods > schooled Apple

·        Pete tranquilized, x-rayed Apple, pulled cart around him > worked dogs, Bess briefly

·        Guest here for dinner – John Hopkins

·        Picked up Citroën at Russell’s > Pete to Charleston > 4H Drill Team practice at barn > calf out, Don Norman helped but him in

·        Movie “Jeremiah Johnson” took P., Jim Farley, J., Betsy > rode Apple, Betsy rode Cricket

·        Doug Hensley here > to Mansfield, visited Jessie, Gary worked on J’s braces > party at Rome Warmke’s

·        Episcopal Church, Dolen’s lunch > rode Apple, J rode Cricket, Pete rode Sailor, Pat rode Blaze > Dewormed horses, RV, VEE, pulled sprung shoe on Apple

·        Called for ATC class, worked Bess on heeling > 4H Drill team, took Pete’s truck, stopped at Woolworth’s

·        Took J to Laird’s, flat tire on truck

·        Episcopal Church, ate at Baker Center > herded sheep from Lucas’ rode Apple, Pete rode Sailor, marked fence line with spray cans

·        Checked fence repairs, walked pasture fence line

·        J. Hartley here > Pete to Oak Hill > picked up J at Booth’s showed dog’s tattoos, wrote letters

·        Pete to Charleston > 4H Drill, Armory > lunch BBF

·        Took Pat and motorcycle down to Marvin’s with Pete’s truck

·        Pat, Parkersburg, 191+ , 3rd place, 3 trophies > Pete, Warmke’s, tagged, painted lambs > movie “Son of Flubber”

·        McDougal Church, Pat went home with Farley’s, dyed leads green for Drill Team > rode Cricket barefoot to check on sheep

·        Deworm sheep > Dottie gave demonstration with “Dog” > called about “Haflingers”

·        Vacuumed house and dogs > R. Guthrie swabbed well > bee inspector here

·        Rode Haflinger mare, Edwina, at Robert Monsarrat’s > Jessie died

·        Saw 3 deer in alfalfa meadow

·        Jackie took Apple, Shaha up to herd sheep > 4H on Parade, Dog Drill Team > Town House dinner > Pete moving sheep

·        Episcopal Church, Dolen’s lunch > rode Cricket, Pat rode motorcycle over to motorcycle club and back > dinner at BBF > movie “The Sting”

Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 


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