Monday, January 27, 2025

Milliron Monday: Jody's Journals October - December 1974

 Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: 
April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate 
the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, 
Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.



·        Pete worked on gas line, took Puff for walk up creek bank over hill behind shed in hay meadow > used Jim to bring 50 or so Western ewes/lambs from Lewis Hixon’s (across road) to blackberry meadow

·        Caught rabbit in live trap

·        Got gates for sheep trial course

·        Looked for sheep (with Nick) up on Bryson Sweet Hollow Road > helped Pete set up trial course, tried to herd 4 Suffolk yearling ewes > herded 22, then 10 up to fence line on Smith’s pasture > Jim RV DHL > worked Jim on Suffolk yearling ewes through gates, into pen

·        John here for breakfast > tracking trial, Judge John Good 4th Richard track, off on ground hog trail, failed > let dogs in sheep paddock > planted grass and put down straw, put extra straw in dog houses

·        Took J, P to school, missed bus > got 7 ewes, 3 lambs out of Thompson’s, put in 1st hay meadow in woods

·        Herded sheep from Brown’s, Nellie Smith’s, saw 6 deer > Pete worked on fence > voted on school levy

·        Sheep dog trial Quincy Ohio, took J, P, Puff, Song, Kanga

·        Beginning to catch Pete’s cold > took about 20 ewes and lambs to Jan’s with Jim > tracked Puff after Pat, 2 gloves, past ground hog hole, cross-scent with deer musk

·        J chest x-ray> J Hartley here, sheep on 50A at 680 Chadwell called, worked Bess, Puff 10 minutes every 2 hours, herded sheep up

·        Worked Bess, Puff with whistle > tracked Puff after Pat, 2 gloves

·        Bess donated blood, DHL > worked Jim on 3 lambs > Puff tracked Jan ½ hrs. > Henry worked Jim, Katy, Chuck [all dogs], Henry used Chuck to herd 150 or so sheep up Dutch Creek, put them in Phillips gate

·        Herded 100 or so ewes/lambs out of pasture > tracked Puff to Henry’s truck > herded 150 sheep out of Dutch Creek bottoms again

·        Put duck in sheep pens > caught 3 drakes with Jim > worked Bess/ducks, Puff/whistle

·        Puff 8 months old, 47 pounds, 29” tall

·        Tracking test, Hudson, Ohio, Puff got his T!!! tracked 7th

·        Sheepdog trial New Hampshire, Ohio, took Henry, he ran Him, Chuck, Katy, Jim placed 7th

·        Took Bess down to hospital for NWV > took dog trap over to Rosemary > Drill Team

·        Signing Land Bank loan > worked Bess, Puff/whistle signals > Halloween parade, Drill Team



·        Note: Get out Christmas items > Dave Coen here, Davy Odel here

·        Pete, John fencing > lunch with Farley’s > Puff tracked Pat, 2 gloves

·        Puff tracked Pat, 2 gloves, let Puff play in creek > Rosemary, Nick here

·        Pete worked Jim on Suffolk ewes > took flat tire in for Pete > Puff tracked Jackie, took Jan Crall, Jacob

·        Rode Cricket, Puff went along, kicked by Angel, small scratch on foot

·        Ran rams, lamps, my flock, Western ewes/lambs thru formaldehyde > gave Jim a bath at hospital

·        Bess, 2nd HWV > looked at Puff’s photos at Vere Smith’s, Marie Morrison, shopped > took papers to Jackie from Marge > picked up milk > rode Cricket, took Puff, chased lambs in hay meadow then left them to come with me, used Jim to get 4 lambs on Dutch Creek, 1 hit by car, Nick shot it

·        Put Shane to sleep

·        Early church, Columbus Dog Show, Puff Reserve Winner > Pete turned 2 Hamp rams in with “house sheep” > packaged rabbits

·        Ordered Christmas gifts > Pete, John, home for dinner at 10pm > helped John bring sheep back from Jan’s pasture, rode Blaze who kicked Kanga, John rode Cricket

·        Brought sheep over from Phillips pasture, wet/snowy/windy, rode Blaze, John rode Cricket > Ralph Guthrie here, swabbed well

·        Battery dead, drove vet truck after Pat, took Nathan home > Tupperware Party

·        To Cincinnati, rode with J L’H, Joyce Nelson, Rita Reed, Ted Foster, Bill/Dottie Wright > New ACK rules/regulations > Dog Show, Rachel Paige Elliott, excellent

·        Good Shepherd, lunch at Dolen’s > got ewe/lamb from Smith’s, 3 lambs killed by dogs

·        John brought 16 head of sheep back from Hixon’s > dewormed sheep > picked up Pat, Mike, Bill > saw 2 bucks, doe on Dutch Creek

·        Dewormed sheep

·        To Mansfield > picked up pork, Corning, dewormed horses, burros, ponies, flu shots, except Persimmon > put up chicken wire on sheep paddock



·        Episcopal Church > Little Professor, Frisch’s, napped, let dogs run in paddock, walked Puff up creek, back thru hay meadow, watched slides

·        Rode Cricket in red hood, blanket, J rode Apple, checked sheep, deer hunters > brushed dogs, very-very muddy

·        Pete left for Houston < J saw tiger at barn > ATC graduation

·        Rode Cricket, sheep/hunters, 2 dogs in sheep – German Shepherd mix, Beagle type, 5 ewes, 1 lamb, injured, 1 badly > made up “recipe box” for Betsy

·        Pete home 1 am > Frank Johnson shod Sailor, Apple, trimmed Cricket/Blaze

·        Christmas shopping, J shoes, P socks > J to Laird’s > rode Cricket, rain looked for deer hunters, dogs, sheep > Rome Warmke reception for Betsy/Jim

·        J Pony Club at Laird’s > Church, Joyce Burbank Grow (CSUAAA) introduced herself > Dolen’s lunch > Sculpture show at OU Inn > drove truck, Pete hauled it with bulldozer to get hay up to sheep > took Jim to look for sheep at Lucas’ > Pete work until midnight

·        D Warda, K Russell, R Way, B Jones, looked at sheep > brought 2 ewes down on bulldozer

·        Walked thru woods with 30-30 for sheep, dogs > Athens County Kennel Club Pete spoke on “Christmas Puppies”

·        Walked thru woods, checked lines, had Jim bring sheep down from 2nd meadow > drove to Woolgrowers after formaldehyde

·        Left for Mansfield > Song laid down on long sit, would have had 1st, Puff only Belgian showed in group > watched sheepdog, cat movie

·        Western Reserve, J 3rd, open A 194 1/2, met Danielle Daughterty, Pat Porter

·        Helped Pete with hinged garage door > herded sheep down to hay meadow with Jim

·        Pete to Charleston > had studded tires put on > Middle School PTO

·        More snow > wrapped presents, but sheep in with Jim, Pat fixed small water gap under board fence > wrote Christmas cards > put up stockings, creche, etc.

·        Ran sheep thru formaldehyde, separated lambs > office party

·        Herded ewes, rams to Alice Browns, stayed with them all day, patched up corral, barn > Pete, Pat, John took lambs, ewes to Phillips place > Pete stayed with sheep (in camper) while John, Pat went Christmas shopping

·        Christmas Eve Church service, Lucille Jennings harp, beautiful! > Pat stayed at camper with Kanga > Put lamb, ewe in hospital > Pete, Pat built fence at Alice Brown’s, J watched sheep > got 8 sheep (nice) back from Lucas’, took Puff > hauled dead sheep in with Angel on sled

·        Christmas Day

·        Watched movies/pizza, Balls joined us > John off > J watched sheep, Pete hauled dead sheep with Lolly, Angel

·        Hauled in rest of dead sheep with Angel – Pete buried them with bulldozer > Ralph Guthrie swabbed well > J rode Apple with Rosemary > watched sheep while John went after bottled gas for camper

·        Went to Ferd Hack for part for air compressor > J watched sheep, John off > pumped up tire, but car wouldn’t start 


Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

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