Thursday, January 30, 2025

Mylee's Corner: The Art of Scrapbooking


Mylee's Corner: The Art of Scrapbooking

        With the beginning of the New Year, it’s time for me to start my new scrapbook. I started this hobby in the middle of 2024 for me and my boyfriend. We had a lot of plans for the summer and I wanted to record them. I love taking pictures because it keeps memories alive forever and I often sit and reminisce about past events. It’s the best idea I’ve had to date.

        My mom also loves to craft, especially with her Cricut, so she has a lot of cardstock paper. I use that as my base and glue pictures onto it. I write a title at the top and put stickers and gems on the pages. I plan to make a trip to Hobby Lobby sometime soon to gather more supplies so I can have stickers that match each theme. There’s a page for holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day as well as pages of places we’ve visited and events we’ve attended. There’s a page full of movie tickets and a miscellaneous page for events that I didn’t have many pictures of.

        This has become one of my favorite hobbies. Visiting Walmart to print pictures has become a monthly trip for me. I love finding the perfect spot for each picture and remembering the event as I glue them down. It’s a simple hobby that takes some time and creativity. It’s quick and easy, yet the outcome can be beautiful. I highly recommend it, especially if you’re a sentimental person and love capturing memories as much as I do.

        I made many mistakes last year, such as the texture of the scrapbook, the writing utensils I used, my decoration choices, and so much more. I’ve learned from all those mistakes and I know I’ll make a few more with the new book. That’s all part of the process, making mistakes and fixing them as you go. It’s the perfect hobby that I can see myself continuing for a long time.

Photos by Mylee

Mylee is a journalism student at Tri-County Career Center. She resides in Logan, Ohio. Mylee enjoys reading, writing, and crafting. 

EDITOR'S NOTE: Are you a creative? We have FREE CREATIVE PACKS to patrons of the Hocking Hills Book Fair! Follow us on Facebook @ Hocking Hills Book Fair to find a listing of upcoming events! Stop in and receive a FREE Creative Pack, visit with local and regional authors, peruse new titles, and find your favorite genre! 

Let us know what you create with your PACK! We will share your designs. 

Special thanks to our sponsors! 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Milliron Monday: Jody's Journals October - December 1974

 Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: 
April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate 
the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, 
Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.



·        Pete worked on gas line, took Puff for walk up creek bank over hill behind shed in hay meadow > used Jim to bring 50 or so Western ewes/lambs from Lewis Hixon’s (across road) to blackberry meadow

·        Caught rabbit in live trap

·        Got gates for sheep trial course

·        Looked for sheep (with Nick) up on Bryson Sweet Hollow Road > helped Pete set up trial course, tried to herd 4 Suffolk yearling ewes > herded 22, then 10 up to fence line on Smith’s pasture > Jim RV DHL > worked Jim on Suffolk yearling ewes through gates, into pen

·        John here for breakfast > tracking trial, Judge John Good 4th Richard track, off on ground hog trail, failed > let dogs in sheep paddock > planted grass and put down straw, put extra straw in dog houses

·        Took J, P to school, missed bus > got 7 ewes, 3 lambs out of Thompson’s, put in 1st hay meadow in woods

·        Herded sheep from Brown’s, Nellie Smith’s, saw 6 deer > Pete worked on fence > voted on school levy

·        Sheep dog trial Quincy Ohio, took J, P, Puff, Song, Kanga

·        Beginning to catch Pete’s cold > took about 20 ewes and lambs to Jan’s with Jim > tracked Puff after Pat, 2 gloves, past ground hog hole, cross-scent with deer musk

·        J chest x-ray> J Hartley here, sheep on 50A at 680 Chadwell called, worked Bess, Puff 10 minutes every 2 hours, herded sheep up

·        Worked Bess, Puff with whistle > tracked Puff after Pat, 2 gloves

·        Bess donated blood, DHL > worked Jim on 3 lambs > Puff tracked Jan ½ hrs. > Henry worked Jim, Katy, Chuck [all dogs], Henry used Chuck to herd 150 or so sheep up Dutch Creek, put them in Phillips gate

·        Herded 100 or so ewes/lambs out of pasture > tracked Puff to Henry’s truck > herded 150 sheep out of Dutch Creek bottoms again

·        Put duck in sheep pens > caught 3 drakes with Jim > worked Bess/ducks, Puff/whistle

·        Puff 8 months old, 47 pounds, 29” tall

·        Tracking test, Hudson, Ohio, Puff got his T!!! tracked 7th

·        Sheepdog trial New Hampshire, Ohio, took Henry, he ran Him, Chuck, Katy, Jim placed 7th

·        Took Bess down to hospital for NWV > took dog trap over to Rosemary > Drill Team

·        Signing Land Bank loan > worked Bess, Puff/whistle signals > Halloween parade, Drill Team



·        Note: Get out Christmas items > Dave Coen here, Davy Odel here

·        Pete, John fencing > lunch with Farley’s > Puff tracked Pat, 2 gloves

·        Puff tracked Pat, 2 gloves, let Puff play in creek > Rosemary, Nick here

·        Pete worked Jim on Suffolk ewes > took flat tire in for Pete > Puff tracked Jackie, took Jan Crall, Jacob

·        Rode Cricket, Puff went along, kicked by Angel, small scratch on foot

·        Ran rams, lamps, my flock, Western ewes/lambs thru formaldehyde > gave Jim a bath at hospital

·        Bess, 2nd HWV > looked at Puff’s photos at Vere Smith’s, Marie Morrison, shopped > took papers to Jackie from Marge > picked up milk > rode Cricket, took Puff, chased lambs in hay meadow then left them to come with me, used Jim to get 4 lambs on Dutch Creek, 1 hit by car, Nick shot it

·        Put Shane to sleep

·        Early church, Columbus Dog Show, Puff Reserve Winner > Pete turned 2 Hamp rams in with “house sheep” > packaged rabbits

·        Ordered Christmas gifts > Pete, John, home for dinner at 10pm > helped John bring sheep back from Jan’s pasture, rode Blaze who kicked Kanga, John rode Cricket

·        Brought sheep over from Phillips pasture, wet/snowy/windy, rode Blaze, John rode Cricket > Ralph Guthrie here, swabbed well

·        Battery dead, drove vet truck after Pat, took Nathan home > Tupperware Party

·        To Cincinnati, rode with J L’H, Joyce Nelson, Rita Reed, Ted Foster, Bill/Dottie Wright > New ACK rules/regulations > Dog Show, Rachel Paige Elliott, excellent

·        Good Shepherd, lunch at Dolen’s > got ewe/lamb from Smith’s, 3 lambs killed by dogs

·        John brought 16 head of sheep back from Hixon’s > dewormed sheep > picked up Pat, Mike, Bill > saw 2 bucks, doe on Dutch Creek

·        Dewormed sheep

·        To Mansfield > picked up pork, Corning, dewormed horses, burros, ponies, flu shots, except Persimmon > put up chicken wire on sheep paddock



·        Episcopal Church > Little Professor, Frisch’s, napped, let dogs run in paddock, walked Puff up creek, back thru hay meadow, watched slides

·        Rode Cricket in red hood, blanket, J rode Apple, checked sheep, deer hunters > brushed dogs, very-very muddy

·        Pete left for Houston < J saw tiger at barn > ATC graduation

·        Rode Cricket, sheep/hunters, 2 dogs in sheep – German Shepherd mix, Beagle type, 5 ewes, 1 lamb, injured, 1 badly > made up “recipe box” for Betsy

·        Pete home 1 am > Frank Johnson shod Sailor, Apple, trimmed Cricket/Blaze

·        Christmas shopping, J shoes, P socks > J to Laird’s > rode Cricket, rain looked for deer hunters, dogs, sheep > Rome Warmke reception for Betsy/Jim

·        J Pony Club at Laird’s > Church, Joyce Burbank Grow (CSUAAA) introduced herself > Dolen’s lunch > Sculpture show at OU Inn > drove truck, Pete hauled it with bulldozer to get hay up to sheep > took Jim to look for sheep at Lucas’ > Pete work until midnight

·        D Warda, K Russell, R Way, B Jones, looked at sheep > brought 2 ewes down on bulldozer

·        Walked thru woods with 30-30 for sheep, dogs > Athens County Kennel Club Pete spoke on “Christmas Puppies”

·        Walked thru woods, checked lines, had Jim bring sheep down from 2nd meadow > drove to Woolgrowers after formaldehyde

·        Left for Mansfield > Song laid down on long sit, would have had 1st, Puff only Belgian showed in group > watched sheepdog, cat movie

·        Western Reserve, J 3rd, open A 194 1/2, met Danielle Daughterty, Pat Porter

·        Helped Pete with hinged garage door > herded sheep down to hay meadow with Jim

·        Pete to Charleston > had studded tires put on > Middle School PTO

·        More snow > wrapped presents, but sheep in with Jim, Pat fixed small water gap under board fence > wrote Christmas cards > put up stockings, creche, etc.

·        Ran sheep thru formaldehyde, separated lambs > office party

·        Herded ewes, rams to Alice Browns, stayed with them all day, patched up corral, barn > Pete, Pat, John took lambs, ewes to Phillips place > Pete stayed with sheep (in camper) while John, Pat went Christmas shopping

·        Christmas Eve Church service, Lucille Jennings harp, beautiful! > Pat stayed at camper with Kanga > Put lamb, ewe in hospital > Pete, Pat built fence at Alice Brown’s, J watched sheep > got 8 sheep (nice) back from Lucas’, took Puff > hauled dead sheep in with Angel on sled

·        Christmas Day

·        Watched movies/pizza, Balls joined us > John off > J watched sheep, Pete hauled dead sheep with Lolly, Angel

·        Hauled in rest of dead sheep with Angel – Pete buried them with bulldozer > Ralph Guthrie swabbed well > J rode Apple with Rosemary > watched sheep while John went after bottled gas for camper

·        Went to Ferd Hack for part for air compressor > J watched sheep, John off > pumped up tire, but car wouldn’t start 


Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

An Interview with Award-Winning Author, Todd Linder


An Interview with Award-Winning Author, Todd Linder

From Montana, USA, Todd Linder is the award-winning author of three middle grade chapter books: The Big Sky Boys And Life on the Spinnin’ Spur, Achim’s Pocket, and Grandmother’s Fan.

From Todd’s bio: As an elementary educator in years past, Todd spent many hours reading aloud to students in hopes of not just entertaining them, but to instill a love of being lost in a book. As a boy riding horses, Todd often wondered if he had been born a hundred years too late, and what it would have been like to cowboy with the likes of C.M. Russell in Montana, or the hands on the King Ranch in Texas. He’s realized at least part of that dream by living in Montana - The last best place.

Welcome, Todd!

GM: How do you find the balance between crafting intricate plots and developing compelling characters?
TL: I’m not sure whether there’s a right or wrong way to balance the two. I usually imagine a broad storyline and setting. This gives me a springboard to find the main characters that will inhabit it. The supporting cast is brought in as the story develops. In Achim’s Pocket I knew I wanted to write a story set in the region of Western Asia – Armenia, Turkey, etc. I patterned it after folktales that might come from there. Initially I imagined Achim as an older rather foolish man. After some thought he morphed into a young man with a sad vagabond life and great aspirations.

Plot development is one of those things that can vary every time I sit down to write. I often go back months later or longer to change the plot or character if I sense it needs it. Even though there are those that recommend doing a complete rewrite of a story, I rarely start over unless in the first few pages if it’s just not working.

GM: Can you share a pivotal moment in your writing career that significantly influenced your path to success?
TL: I think there was a pivotal moment where after I was rejected by many literary agents and or publishers, as have so many others. I came close to giving up. I eventually decided that I had to continue trying to write stories as a creative outlet for me if nothing else. As well they could be a kind of legacy for my grandchildren and family. It was about that time that I also decided to record them or some of them in audio format which has been great fun.

GM: How do you maintain originality and keep your writing fresh after publishing multiple works?
TL: As soon as I began reading at age five or six, I devoured books. My wife teases me about being an inveterate cereal box reader to this day. From the time I began reading to the present I have read or listened to thousands of books, articles, etc. All that reading has given me an inexhaustible source of ideas for potential stories. New ideas pop up all the time. On a recent plane ride returning from South Carolina, an idea for another one pestered me for hours. The day after I returned home, I grabbed a notebook and began laying out a rough plot and characters. An object or snippet of something will suggest a potential storyline and I jot it in a notebook. I think that habit is something most writers must do.

GM: What personal experiences or beliefs have most shaped your writing style and themes?
TL: I would say that as a Christian there’s a set of values and a worldview that steers me away from stories that reflect “pop” culture or social trends of the day. I want my stories to be fun, wholesome things to read or hear and not trying to influence kids to grow up too quickly. They’ll be exposed to those things all too soon. Let them grow up without all that.

GM: How do you approach the process of revising and editing your work?
TL: Editing and revising is not my favorite thing although necessary. I often read a passage or page to my wife to get her feedback. As I get into a story, I will realize that maybe something pages back in the manuscript needs to be revised for the story to move forward. It could be the addition or modification of a character or plot change.

GM: Are there any recurring motifs or messages in your books that you feel particularly passionate about?
TL: To date my books are each quite unique so they don’t really have a recurring theme or message. If there’s a recurring idea, it’s to promote characters with good character and values. At one time that was a norm in children’s literature and I would like to be part of bringing it back.

GM: Can you describe a scene or passage from Achim's Pocket that you found especially challenging to write, and why?
TL: With Achim's Pocket, the challenge was not so much the text but the images. The artist, Carina Reytblat, lives in Israel, which made communication a serious challenge. There are about nine time zones between Montana and Jerusalem, so we would sometimes be emailing in the middle of the night. The back and forth required to revise aspects of the artwork became challenging at times, but in the end, she produced great images.

GM: How do you handle criticism and feedback from readers and critics?
TL: Well of course feedback is important to a writer. We tend to become very attached to our stories. It can be uncomfortable at times but I think I’ve become less sensitive about corrections that must be made. When I view the change suggestions from other writers or editors objectively it becomes obvious that they’re better than my original wording or structure. Unfortunately, I don’t have a deep pool of beta readers who have time to read my work and offer a critique. The goal is to become a better writer with each book and that means somehow getting an honest, constructive critique.

GM: What advice would you give to aspiring authors who are just starting their writing journey?
TL: I would encourage them to write using their own creativity and not try to write for the “market.” A writer ought to be a voracious reader keeping eyes and ears open for potential story themes and character names. I keep a notebook for that purpose. I record potential story ideas as well as character names by region, quotes, sayings, jingoes, and colloquialisms. It’s fodder/resources for writing.

Connect with Todd Linder…
Facebook & Insta @ Todd B. Linder Author

Monday, January 20, 2025

Milliron Monday: Jody's Journals July - September 1974

 Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: 
April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate 
the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, 
Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.



·        Got up at 4:45 am to herd sheep from meadow to cliff pasture > took Puff for romp in creek > Amesville Peppy Pooches, K9 Kaper’s Kuykendall’s herding demonstration, wiener roast

·        Got wether in > brought Tina [niece] home with us from Mansfield, stopped at Frisch’s and Jolly Rogers

·        Alma Ann and Marshall’s birthday > 5 am to 6:30 pm dewormed sheep, 999 ewes, 639 lambs > Jeff drove wether to slaughter > packed lunch up to cliff pasture

·        Tracked Puff on bottom field by hospital sign, 3 tracks, 2 with turns > Tina, P, J, swam at Windy Hills > rode Blaze, Tina rode Shah, Jessica rode Apple, around thru woods

·        J L’H puppy class > Tina, P, J, Pete, swam at Windy Hills

·        Episcopal Church > lunch Dolen’s > Tina, J, P, me, raked hay > Pete, Basil, cut/baled/hauled hay > Tina, J, P, swam at Beasley’s

·        Frank Johnson shod horses > Jones/Puff tracked

·        Barry Dickerson here overnight

·        J’s birthday > ran errands for Pete > J. P. Tina stayed in town for movie/swimming

·        Pete, John, walked fence line > worked Puff

·        Took Pat and motorcycle to B and B Suzuki > rode Blaze, J Apple, Tina Cricket > Tina, J, painted dog jumps

·        Puppy class > picked up P, motorcycle > Tina, J rode Apple, Cricket > went back to town after 3 rolls sharp wire > took Tina back to Mansfield – cabin

·        L. Kemmerk, excellent sermon, took Clark DeWitt to Morrison school > Pete finished round bailing at Browns, worked on lines with John > JL Adams here overnight

·        Dropped off books at J Jones > J rode Apple, Rosemary N rode Shah > picked up packaged hog, lamb at Tri County

·        Dewormed, dipped sheep – 160 ewes/lambs, 37 rams > rode Cricket to look for sheep > received horse-print dress from Betty > put Hamp ram lambs down in pasture > Peppy Pooches, Jackie demonstration

·        Worked Puff > rode Cricket, P rode Blaze, J Apple, Rosemary Shah, around thru woods

·        Walked Puff over to auction at Mathew’s > Pete, Rick, Basil, SEOAV meeting at Marietta

·        J to Laird’s > cut Pete’s hair

·        Church of the Good Shepherd > lunch Dolen’s

·        6 am John here for breakfast – Pete, John walked fence line in rain > practiced drill team, worked Puff > Heather Wright here overnight

·        Pete home 4 am from Kentucky from Charleston > got ring equipment out of barn, cleaned out shed area > washed ring equipment > Joyce Nelson worked Shah

·        Pete 5:30 am take haying equipment to Meigs County > grain delivered > worked Puff > finished reading “Why Does Your Dog Do That” > Drill team practice 4H > brought stray dog into hospital, turned out to be Lucas’

·        Pete, John, left for Wooster sheepdog 6 am > herded sheep out of hospital area, patched fence in 2 places > Mr. Monsaratt called, invited me for another hunt ride > Basil, went after sheep in Nelsonville > checked over sheep pastures, rode Blaze, J rode Apple, herded about 50 Western ewes out of horse pasture

·        Watched large (5 foot or more) black snake on board fence then climbed huge oak tree > Pete baled hay Meigs

·        Dog Show Marion > Pete baled hay Meigs > picked up 2 sheep cradles from Jim Franks in Hayesville >

·        Put new chain on white gate into woods, took Puff

·        Dewormed horses, burros, ponies, trimmed burros feet > 4H

·        Let dogs run in garden area



·        Let dogs run, swim in pond > Joyce Nelson here to polish furniture

·        J face badly swollen, to doc > 3pm Fairgrounds, 4H dog practice > Rome Warmke’s party

·        McDougal Church, homecoming > J rode Apple, Diane Cricket, Jim Blaze > I worked Song > Pete worked on cattle guard

·        4H Dog Show > Jr Fair Parade

·        Thunderstorm, 2 “ rain > tracked Puff up hill on lamb pasture, misty rain

·        Flash flood, water over road, washing over bridge

·        Helped put stray sheep in  > Fair > Pete, John here for dinner > picked up children from fair, rabbit, etc.

·        Marietta match, J won novice 197 open, 3 trophies, high scoring, 16 ribbons; Puff 185 ½ lbs. sub-novice – Sue Kuykendall, Heather Wright, watched Henry work Border Collies

·        Took John, Jim – watched Henry work sheep, brought Bess back to clinic

·        Cleared off electric fence on play yard around 2nd corner > Maria, Jerry Morrison here, watched Landmark Trail Ride film

·        Put about 75 Western ewes/lambs up in hay meadow, took Jim [sheepdog] > Land Bank man here, stopped off house, barn

·        Bess treated for heartworms, infection, temp 103.6 > Puff hit electric fence for 1st time > Pete arrived back from Charleston 5 am > helped John get ewes at O’Neil’s, brought around a dozen (ewes and lambs)

·        Drove around to Lyons to check on bulldozer > bathe, brushed Puff > worked Puff

·        John here for breakfast > match at Hilliard, took K. Foster, left 7 am > J won, but blew broad jump > Puff didn’t place > dinner Frisch’s/Baskin Robbins

·        John here for breakfast > herded sheep with Jim, J, Pete, John – worked on fencing > rode Cricket, J rode Apple, brought in more sheep

·        Herded sheep down above cliff pasture with Jim

·        Helped Pete hang gates, work on corral, etc., brought few sheep in from hay meadow, left ewe/lamb by ravine > saw hummingbird perch on tree

·        Brought ewes/lambs in from blackberry meadow, buzzards all on fence row holding wings outstretched

·        Got up early to work on corral > John/Jill here > brought ewe/lamb back from Lucas’ > herded sheep out on bottom to graze

·        Went to see “Eden on the River” play about Aaron Burr, Blennerhassett Island

·        Worked on sheep all day 6 am – 9 pm trimmed feet, formaldehyde solution, lambs; shots, dewormed

·        Chagrin Kennel Club > watched whippet racing > dinner with Gary/Aggie, Mansfield

·        Worked on sheep all day, lunch DQ

·        Turned Puff, Bess, in pond pasture, swam after ducks/ducklings > heavy rain, herded sheep (ewes) out of low spots in bottom with Jim trip to tip fence

·        Flash flood, had to go out in by farm track to get to road



·        P and I brought 5 ewes, 1 lamb back from Lucas’ with Jim > John, Pete fenced all day

·        Moved lambs down with Jim

·        John here for breakfast, lunch, dinner > herded strays in from hay meadow, 2nd wood meadow > put ewes into hay meadow by N’s then up to cliff pasture, took Bess

·        John here for breakfast > moved lambs down with Jim > dewormed stray ewes, lambs > dewormed, trimmed feet/lambs from feedlot

·        Herded Western ewes from hay meadow to pond pasture > dewormed ewes > Nathan here overnight, John here for supper

·        Ran lambs/ewes through formaldehyde solution, drove them over hill to Phillips’ place – took 1 hr. 45 mins to put them thru gate on ridge from hospital bottom

·        Planted blue shrubs

·        Episcopal Church > Dolen’s lunch > hauled equipment truck with bulldozer up on ridge for fencing > planted Hemlock tree

·        Les Rivers’ birthday

·        Pete to Charleston > got 4-wheel drive Dodge power wagon with camper > dewormed my flock, Pete’s Hamps with John > Pete got home 2 am

·        Mom, Dad here briefly, brought 2 more Oriental rugs

·        Jim Smith birthday > took Puff for run, swim in pond after ducks > SEOAV OU Inn, Humane Society meeting

·        Carol’s birthday > John here for breakfast > D. Wright here briefly

·        Episcopal Church, ate at Hartley’s > took Puff, Shane with me to chop down thistles in hay meadow

·        Sailor, Apple shod; Cricket, Maverick, Blaze, trimmed > showed Cricket, etc., to Jackie Jones

·        Sheep out, took Jim after them > Pete worked on fence, John began to mow field by Jan’s > Jan rode Cricket, Jim Apple > Puff, Bess, Shane, ran in sheep yard > set out cat trap

·        Took long walk with Pete, took Puff on long line > Willie LaFollette brought potatoes > lunch with Pete, Oak Room > 1st ATC > tried to get plates for truck, unsuccessful

·        Puff, hookworm vaccine (3rd), deworm Bess, tattooed

·        Walked Puff with Pete up to bulldozer, work on trails > picked up Pete on Dutch Creek, truck studs, bulldozer quit

·        Pat laid out 2 tracks for Puff in hay meadow > watched sheep > community Communion, Episcopal Church, ate with Farley’s afterward

·        Pete, John worked on water, gas lines > sheepdog trials, Burbank > to Mansfield/Gary, dentist

·        Drove Dodge to Pomeroy to return subsoil, picked up 2 bags woodchips, took Bess > went with Pete to get license plates for Dodge, Pete got new orthopedic shoes > let dogs run in sheep field, washed Bess, Puff 


Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

This Week @ Monday Creek: A Letter to Brad Pitt

  Winter @ Monday Creek A Letter to Brad Pitt Dear Mr. Pitt, Thank you for your contributions to cinema over the years. In your movie, ...