Got up at 4:45 am to herd sheep from meadow to
cliff pasture > took Puff for romp in creek > Amesville Peppy Pooches, K9
Kaper’s Kuykendall’s herding demonstration, wiener roast
Got wether in > brought Tina [niece] home
with us from Mansfield, stopped at Frisch’s and Jolly Rogers
Alma Ann and Marshall’s birthday > 5 am to
6:30 pm dewormed sheep, 999 ewes, 639 lambs > Jeff drove wether to slaughter
> packed lunch up to cliff pasture
Tracked Puff on bottom field by hospital sign, 3
tracks, 2 with turns > Tina, P, J, swam at Windy Hills > rode Blaze, Tina
rode Shah, Jessica rode Apple, around thru woods
J L’H puppy class > Tina, P, J, Pete, swam at
Windy Hills
Episcopal Church > lunch Dolen’s > Tina,
J, P, me, raked hay > Pete, Basil, cut/baled/hauled hay > Tina, J, P,
swam at Beasley’s
Frank Johnson shod horses > Jones/Puff
Barry Dickerson here overnight
J’s birthday > ran errands for Pete > J.
P. Tina stayed in town for movie/swimming
Pete, John, walked fence line > worked Puff
Took Pat and motorcycle to B and B Suzuki >
rode Blaze, J Apple, Tina Cricket > Tina, J, painted dog jumps
Puppy class > picked up P, motorcycle >
Tina, J rode Apple, Cricket > went back to town after 3 rolls sharp wire
> took Tina back to Mansfield – cabin
L. Kemmerk, excellent sermon, took Clark DeWitt
to Morrison school > Pete finished round bailing at Browns, worked on lines
with John > JL Adams here overnight
Dropped off books at J Jones > J rode Apple,
Rosemary N rode Shah > picked up packaged hog, lamb at Tri County
Dewormed, dipped sheep – 160 ewes/lambs, 37 rams
> rode Cricket to look for sheep > received horse-print dress from Betty
> put Hamp ram lambs down in pasture > Peppy Pooches, Jackie
Worked Puff > rode Cricket, P rode Blaze, J
Apple, Rosemary Shah, around thru woods
Walked Puff over to auction at Mathew’s >
Pete, Rick, Basil, SEOAV meeting at Marietta
J to Laird’s > cut Pete’s hair
Church of the Good Shepherd > lunch Dolen’s
6 am John here for breakfast – Pete, John walked
fence line in rain > practiced drill team, worked Puff > Heather Wright
here overnight
Pete home 4 am from Kentucky from Charleston
> got ring equipment out of barn, cleaned out shed area > washed ring
equipment > Joyce Nelson worked Shah
Pete 5:30 am take haying equipment to Meigs
County > grain delivered > worked Puff > finished reading “Why Does
Your Dog Do That” > Drill team practice 4H > brought stray dog into
hospital, turned out to be Lucas’
Pete, John, left for Wooster sheepdog 6 am >
herded sheep out of hospital area, patched fence in 2 places > Mr. Monsaratt
called, invited me for another hunt ride > Basil, went after sheep in
Nelsonville > checked over sheep pastures, rode Blaze, J rode Apple, herded
about 50 Western ewes out of horse pasture
Watched large (5 foot or more) black snake on
board fence then climbed huge oak tree > Pete baled hay Meigs
Dog Show Marion > Pete baled hay Meigs >
picked up 2 sheep cradles from Jim Franks in Hayesville >
Put new chain on white gate into woods, took
Dewormed horses, burros, ponies, trimmed burros
feet > 4H
Let dogs run in garden area
Let dogs run, swim in pond > Joyce Nelson
here to polish furniture
J face badly swollen, to doc > 3pm
Fairgrounds, 4H dog practice > Rome Warmke’s party
McDougal Church, homecoming > J rode Apple,
Diane Cricket, Jim Blaze > I worked Song > Pete worked on cattle guard
4H Dog Show > Jr Fair Parade
Thunderstorm, 2 “ rain > tracked Puff up hill
on lamb pasture, misty rain
Flash flood, water over road, washing over
Helped put stray sheep in > Fair > Pete, John here for dinner
> picked up children from fair, rabbit, etc.
Marietta match, J won novice 197 open, 3
trophies, high scoring, 16 ribbons; Puff 185 ½ lbs. sub-novice – Sue
Kuykendall, Heather Wright, watched Henry work Border Collies
Took John, Jim – watched Henry work sheep,
brought Bess back to clinic
Cleared off electric fence on play yard around 2nd
corner > Maria, Jerry Morrison here, watched Landmark Trail Ride film
Put about 75 Western ewes/lambs up in hay
meadow, took Jim [sheepdog] > Land Bank man here, stopped off house, barn
Bess treated for heartworms, infection, temp
103.6 > Puff hit electric fence for 1st time > Pete arrived
back from Charleston 5 am > helped John get ewes at O’Neil’s, brought around
a dozen (ewes and lambs)
Drove around to Lyons to check on bulldozer >
bathe, brushed Puff > worked Puff
John here for breakfast > match at Hilliard,
took K. Foster, left 7 am > J won, but blew broad jump > Puff didn’t
place > dinner Frisch’s/Baskin Robbins
John here for breakfast > herded sheep with
Jim, J, Pete, John – worked on fencing > rode Cricket, J rode Apple, brought
in more sheep
Herded sheep down above cliff pasture with Jim
Helped Pete hang gates, work on corral, etc.,
brought few sheep in from hay meadow, left ewe/lamb by ravine > saw
hummingbird perch on tree
Brought ewes/lambs in from blackberry meadow,
buzzards all on fence row holding wings outstretched
Got up early to work on corral > John/Jill
here > brought ewe/lamb back from Lucas’ > herded sheep out on bottom to
Went to see “Eden on the River” play about Aaron
Burr, Blennerhassett Island
Worked on sheep all day 6 am – 9 pm trimmed
feet, formaldehyde solution, lambs; shots, dewormed
Chagrin Kennel Club > watched whippet racing
> dinner with Gary/Aggie, Mansfield
Worked on sheep all day, lunch DQ
Turned Puff, Bess, in pond pasture, swam
after ducks/ducklings > heavy rain, herded sheep (ewes) out of low spots in
bottom with Jim trip to tip fence
Flash flood, had to go out in by farm track to
get to road
P and I brought 5 ewes, 1 lamb back from Lucas’
with Jim > John, Pete fenced all day
Moved lambs down with Jim
John here for breakfast, lunch, dinner > herded
strays in from hay meadow, 2nd wood meadow > put ewes into hay
meadow by N’s then up to cliff pasture, took Bess
John here for breakfast > moved lambs down
with Jim > dewormed stray ewes, lambs > dewormed, trimmed feet/lambs from
Herded Western ewes from hay meadow to pond
pasture > dewormed ewes > Nathan here overnight, John here for supper
Ran lambs/ewes through formaldehyde solution,
drove them over hill to Phillips’ place – took 1 hr. 45 mins to put them thru
gate on ridge from hospital bottom
Planted blue shrubs
Episcopal Church > Dolen’s lunch > hauled
equipment truck with bulldozer up on ridge for fencing > planted Hemlock
Les Rivers’ birthday
Pete to Charleston > got 4-wheel drive Dodge
power wagon with camper > dewormed my flock, Pete’s Hamps with John >
Pete got home 2 am
Mom, Dad here briefly, brought 2 more Oriental
Jim Smith birthday > took Puff for run, swim
in pond after ducks > SEOAV OU Inn, Humane Society meeting
Carol’s birthday > John here for breakfast
> D. Wright here briefly
Episcopal Church, ate at Hartley’s > took
Puff, Shane with me to chop down thistles in hay meadow
Sailor, Apple shod; Cricket, Maverick, Blaze,
trimmed > showed Cricket, etc., to Jackie Jones
Sheep out, took Jim after them > Pete worked
on fence, John began to mow field by Jan’s > Jan rode Cricket, Jim Apple
> Puff, Bess, Shane, ran in sheep yard > set out cat trap
Took long walk with Pete, took Puff on long line
> Willie LaFollette brought potatoes > lunch with Pete, Oak Room > 1st
ATC > tried to get plates for truck, unsuccessful
Puff, hookworm vaccine (3rd), deworm
Bess, tattooed
Walked Puff with Pete up to bulldozer, work on
trails > picked up Pete on Dutch Creek, truck studs, bulldozer quit
Pat laid out 2 tracks for Puff in hay meadow
> watched sheep > community Communion, Episcopal Church, ate with
Farley’s afterward
Pete, John worked on water, gas lines >
sheepdog trials, Burbank > to Mansfield/Gary, dentist
Drove Dodge to Pomeroy to return subsoil, picked
up 2 bags woodchips, took Bess > went with Pete to get license plates for
Dodge, Pete got new orthopedic shoes > let dogs run in sheep field, washed
Bess, Puff
Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from
vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random