Thursday, September 12, 2024

Stuff & Nonsense by Celeste Parsons: The Tyranny of the Garden

The Tyranny of the Garden

This is the season that I refer to as "The Tyranny of the Garden."  Although things are somewhat late at our house, probably due to the lack of rain, there is now an assortment of produce in the vegetable garden which, if not picked when it is ready, will rapidly become inedible. So, at least every other day, I go out with my picking basket as I did today and return with okra pods, a carrot or two, green beans, lima beans, black-eyed peas, golden zucchini, and scores of tomatoes. As I sat on my couch shelling the limas and black-eyed peas, I watched a hummingbird at the feeder which had decided today (for the first time all summer) to play Keep Away, perching on the wire from which the feeder hangs and chasing off all other hummers who tried to come get a drink. 

I mused about the contrast between the urgency of dealing with the veggies and the waiting for news about a dear friend who is finally losing a lengthy battle with cancer. In the liminal space between "Gotta do it now" and "Can't do anything now," the other activities of life--preparing meals, bicycling, reading--seem somehow unreal. I wonder if the hummingbird is feeling something like that tension in his tiny brain, something between the frantic activity, now over, of raising a brood and the need to fly south. "Not time yet . . . but I need to be ready . . . I'll just guard this food supply and wait."

It's helpful to have something to keep yourself busy.

Celeste Parsons lives in a log house built on a former dairy farm with her husband Jim, her Westie dog, Spook, and a revolving population of deer, turkeys, chipmunks, hummingbirds, and other wildlife. She has written poems, plays, technical documentation, and newspaper articles since childhood, and is the editor of Nelsonville from A to Z. Her first children's book, Wait Until I Grow Up!, released in 2021. Celeste is the also the author of Two on Two Wheels: Adventuring on a Bicycle, released in 2024.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mylee's Corner: Tina's Odd Items, Nelsonville, Ohio


Tina’s Odd Items

    The prices of everyday items have been outrageous recently. Groceries, toiletries, laundry items, buying all of this makes for one expensive trip to the grocery store. I’m glad I discovered Tina's Odd Items. She receives pallets of merchandise from Dollar General, Walmart, etc., and resells it for half of its original price.

    She does live videos on Facebook with her partner, Max Kimmey, on Wednesday and Friday where they show all the new items they get in. People can also claim items on the live and pick it up on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. They’re located at 1 West Columbus Street, Nelsonville, Ohio. People are also free to shop in person. 

    Their lives are enjoyable to watch. They have become familiar with many of their viewers, engaging in jokes and conversations both during their Facebook lives, and when customers come to pick up their purchases. It’s a very friendly place. 

    They sell many things such as laundry detergent, toiletries, food, home decor, lawn decor, and so much more. The store may be small but there’s something in there for everyone. They maintain excellent organization both in-store and during live sales. In the past year and a half of shopping there, I’ve only experienced a mix-up twice. It’s truly one of the best resale shops around!

Photos by Mylee

Mylee is a journalism student at Tri-County Career Center. She resides in Logan, Ohio. Mylee enjoys reading, writing, and crafting. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Milliron Monday: The Journals October - December 1969


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.

The Journals




·        Went on calls with Pete to West Virginia > dinner with G.G. Smith’s, Joan kept J., P., overnight

·        Rode around through woods with J. P., Coolville Horse Show

·        Sunday Church Good Shepherd > Pomeroy Horse Show with J. P. > Rode with J. P., saw deer in cliff meadow

·        Rode around the Phillips place in rain with Horace and Dorothy Karr

·        Rode Starboy around through woods, shot groundhog for Shane > Pat stayed overnight at Richie Koker’s

·        Picked up Chevy truck > 7:30 PTO

·        Ride, Gill Whalen, beautiful day, Gill rode Gigolo; Cricket threw left front shoe; new trail off Scatter Ridge, around high bridle trails at Dow Lake

·        Cleaned tack > Joan’s birthday > Motorcycle races > Trail ride – Porter

·        Sunday Church Bean dinner, J. P., Gill Whalen, Roland Willie, 2 nice rides

·        Rode Starboy up to close gate, rode along motorcycle trail to 50A

·        Gill, trailer to Marietta Run Road, rode up motorcycle trail to 555

·        Trailered to Zaleski bridle trails, Gill - King, Starboy, beautiful day, covered trails up Turner Ridge Road to logging trail before Youth Camp > Joan kept J. and P. after school

·        Herd cattle, returned trailer

·        Left surgical wraps at Mt. St. Mary’s > Took Gill to Columbus, lunch, airport > Took Johnson’s (Charlie) to Zoo, McDonalds, D.Q.

·        Sunday Church Good Shepherd > Pete, J, P, rode around Phillips by Eddy’s > Went to movies, Mrs. Connor babysat

·        Rode Starboy up gas line road above Eddy’s

·        Bad cold, stayed in bed most of the day, brought Starboy, Jiggs down from hay meadow, fed, grained them, put them back

·        Bill brought Alice Frisco back from Humphries

·        Pete home from Charleston 6:30 am

·        10:00 signed mortgage for Phillips place

·        Axles broke on Mercury, Eddie Keirns birthday > Gigolo bad cut, put him in hospital stall > Jim, Ann Hoon, 2 girls, rode thru Browns, Phillips; Pete rode Butch Myers’ horse

·        Skitter returned again, rode Starboy by meadow pastures, shut gates, Pete home for lunch 4:30

·        7:00 Halloween party McDougal Church, Ricky Koker here overnight

·        Wormed horses, floated teeth, flu shots, rode Starboy, led Frisk

·        Cart ride, took Mrs. Reeves; Ellen rode Pepsi

·        No school, Teacher’s Meeting > Jessica went on calls with Pete, Pat played with Denver > Koker’s Halloween Party



·        Columbus short course, muffler came loose, repaired-Russell’s; dropped Pete off in Columbus > to Mansfield

·        Gary prepared tooth > picked up Anne Schaub, flat tire, Everett McWilliams helped change it

·        Took cow to “Snaps” [meat processor], order grain, rode Starboy, led Frisk, then Angel up to hay meadow

·        Voted > rode Starboy, checked Angel, Alice Frisk

·        Took 6 geese, 12 ducks into Millers

·        Rode Starboy up gas line road above Eddy’s, back around, saw quail, hawk, buck, doe – doe almost tame – lovely! > long chat with “Brownie”

·        Picked up trailer; froze ducks, geeze > took breast collar to Hunters for repairs > took J., P. to Hanson’s

·        Drove on calls to Huntington, West Virginia; George, Shirley Seagers; Jill Jones, Greg; stay overnight

·        Stopped at Oak Hill, trail ride to Zaleski, Jim and Ann Hoon, supper there

·        Starboy shod 6 weeks polo plates, Tinker Toy reset > David Boudinot, father, tagged ewes > returned trailer, picked up milk

·        Rode Starboy, 8 pm PTO meeting

·        Went after meat at Nelsonville; Mercury shorted out, took pick up > returned saddle blanket to Hoons > rode Starboy around the woods

·        1st day of rabbit season, 1st snowstorm! > rode Starboy thru fields, woods, feet cold, but woods beautiful!

·        Rode Starboy around the woods, brought Skitter back from above red gates > 2:00 Nellie Green House of Glamour, took Pat, Jessica stayed with Pete

·        Party in Toledo, meet Dr. Akers at 1 pm > Don Knepper, Maumee

·        Dogs yearly vaccinations due, horse flue shots due

·        Got apples at Lad’s Orchard > 8 pm PTO visitation night

·        Rode Starboy, checked spring

·        Drove pick up to Mansfield, dental appointment

·        Met Annie Schaub at Katen’s, rode “Joey”, she rode “Tim” > Jim Brown stayed overnight

·        Denver here, Pat to Denver’s > Rode with Jessica around thru woods, picked up pasteurized milk

·        Sunday Church 4PM met Pete there > Rode with Jessica, Ellen

·        Saw buck, 2 does

·        Put up “No Hunting” signs on Phillips Place

·        Roasted goose, tough! > Betty, Abbott, Jim called, Pete returned call, played chess, Pete won

·        Shopped, watched Santa arrive, dinner BBF

·        Sunday Church McDougal > Pete, J, P, I rode Starboy, rode around thru Phillips Place, cold > tore up floorboards in barn to get Sport out > shut sheep goats up



·        1st day Deer Season, brought burros, ponies down from hay meadow > walked around thru woods, repaired signs > put “Sassy” and babies in hospital stall

·        Cold! 3 ducks frozen in pond > walked around thru woods

·        Rode with J and P – Windy Hills ring > looked for hunters

·        Sunday Church McDougal

·        Drove over to Waterloo, picked up Gill, saw deer

·        Ride with Jill, load Wright’s trailer, Starboy hard to load. Rode Waterloo Wildlife trails and area trails to King Hollow Trail Road, back up 356, around ponds at Waterloo saw wild turkeys

·        1 pm luncheon, Larry Phillips, Martha there

·        Dog obedience meeting, noon, BBF

·        To Mansfield, dog show, vet dinner/dance 6 pm, to Dr. Henson’s after dance

·        Sunday, Gary worked on Pete’s teeth > 7 pm Opera House, Windy Hills, left J., P. with Mrs. Connor

·        Took 2 drakes to Snap Coakley’s, muffler fell off car

·        Sherry Indestadt here, lunch, dinner > PTO Christmas program

·        Put up storm doors on porches > rode Starboy bareback

·        7 pm choir program practice J., P.

·        McDougal Christmas program

·        Sunday Church Episcopal

·        Christmas shopping downtown with kids

·        Christmas Eve service

·        Roast goose, delicious

·        Rode Starboy around thru woods, heard shots > Hayes card party, took J., P.

·        Sunday Church McDougal > Pulled sled with Starboy, rode around thru woods, J rode Silver > Laura, Sam stopped by

·        L. Farley here for lunch > Johnny, Angela stayed overnight

·        Byron Miller here for lunch

·        Took J., P., Angela, John to movies, lunch BBF > Pete home for dinner 10:30, went to bed 11:00



·        Horse Names: Trail Blazer, Touchstone, Banner > Burro Names: Snickers


Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

Stuff & Nonsense by Celeste Parsons: The Tyranny of the Garden

The Tyranny of the Garden This is the season that I refer to as "The Tyranny of the Garden."  Although things are somewhat late at...