Monday, September 30, 2024

Milliron Monday: The Journals July - September 1971


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.

Jody’s Journals

July – September 1971


·        Debbie’s birthday

·        Alma Ann’s, Marshall’s birthday

·        Class of ’56 Gotto Hall reunion

·        Hartley’s – Sea World, Cedar Point, Blue Hole

·        J birthday

·        4-H camp, proactive demonstrations, activities night J gave demonstration

·        Picnic Hoon’s barn

·        Baked oatmeal cookies

·        4-H picnic

·        4-H painted barrel, Hensley’s

·        Ralph Guthrie reset Preak, Shah

·        Pat shot BB in finger

·        Horse sale, sold Misty $27.00

·        Breakfast with Mom, Dad at Perkins

·        Dinner, OU Inn, Mom, Dad

·        Abbott’s birthday, called Abbott

·        Cassy Hoon here, Pat at Hoon’s

·        Swam at Windy Hills

·        Rode Preak, worked on side-pass

·        4-H practice show, grandstand, J L’Heureux judge

·        Cassy back, Pat here

·        Pete reset Shah’s front feet


·        Went to Mifflin to see Jessie, Mom, Dad

·        Worm horses

·        Marshall Adams, Rita Shasta, Ariel

·        McDougal Homecoming

·        Rode around thru woods

·        Dinner – Dolen’s

·        Rich Feldman here

·        Took 4-H books in, ran errands, out to Scotts

·        Sherrie Indestadt’ s birthday

·        Rode Preak, J rode Silver, Leslie rode Misty, Mrs. Sands rode Shah

·        3 pm meet at Dolen’s; 4 pm dog judging; 6 pm Jr Fair parade

·        Worked at fair booth, 7-9 pm

·        Picked up Pete’s western saddle – Laura Theiss; watched part of fair horse show, watched end of harness races

·        Dog show

·        Picked up Tina, left Pat

·        Tramp > bred Libbie

·        Tina went on calls with Pete

·        Jerry Hartley, Jan, Chris Worthington, Gloria Adams, J, me, rode from Logan fairgrounds to Girl Scout Camp

·        Marshall, family here

·        Rode Preak, drove Silver around Eddy’s, etc.; Gave Adams, Booth children cart rides

·        Dog practice > Pam Brooks

·        Hensley’s, picked up Tramp

·        Gary, Aggie here; Gary rode Shah

·        Went to see The Odd Couple with Hartley’s, Booths

·        Gary Franklin, Pat to Dow Lake; rode Preak, led Silver around by Eddy’s

·        Pat’s to Fritz, haircut

·        To Mansfield, Gary filled two teeth

·        Jan Worthington, Gary rode; me sick/flu

·        Ride at Logan; Jon, Gary Worthington, Jeff Wagoner, Bea Booth

·        Rode Preak, P rode Shah with Calvary saddle, J rode Silver, saw three deer in the blackberry meadow


·        Sherry picked up Val

·        12th Wedding Anniversary to Ohio State Fair, 4-H J novice class

·        Rode Preak, Pete, J and P looked for cows

·        Daddy’s birthday

·        Rode Preak, J rode Silver, P rode bike 7.5 miles

·        Rode Shah looking for caws until dark

·        1st day of school

·        Rode Preak, led Silver around woods, 3 hills, looked for cows on 690, Baker boy helped

·        Attempted to herd yearlings out of corn, Bea, Jerry

·        Pete rode Preak, I rode Cricket, Bob L. rode Shah

·        Turned 7 geese on pond

·        3:15 left for Auburn > Lake City Farm overnight

·        Arrived Auburn 3:00 pm, attended Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

·        Dr. Morgan showed us the vet hospital

·        Watched short movie Blue Water, White Death

·        Balance car ties, left front out of round

·        Uncle Arthur Rhonemus birthday, 84

·        Wrote letters

·        Catfish dinner

·        Gary’s birthday

·        Finished Pete’s braided reins

·        Toured Tuskegee Vet School, Dr. Adams, dinner

·        Less River’s birthday

·        Finished my braided reins

·        Dinner with Buckley’s

·        Jim Smith’s birthday

·        Write letter to AKC

·        Carol’s birthday

·        Clipped Silver

·        Fritz, reset Silver and Preak, Pete, flu booster VEE

·        Simmy’s birthday

·        Cleaned tack

·        Logan ride, 40 miles

·        Tina, Helen Connor

·        Opened clover pasture

·        Rode Preak, J rode Shah, saw deer and large fawns in hay meadow

·        Chris’ birthday 5 years old

·        Made cherry pudding cake


Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

J.A. Hall: My Mother's Poetry "Cows"


My mother, Clare Oxley, was born in Standerton, South Africa. She and her brother, Michael, lived on her maternal grandfather's plantation. On the plantation they grew beautiful flowers which would be cut and sold to people in the cities. When mother was four years old, she started her formal education. Mother was sent to Saint Ursula’s boarding school in England.  It was at Saint Ursula's that mother wrote her poem booklet. 

When mother finished her formal education at Saint Ursula’s School, she enrolled at the Victoria School of Nursing. Mother's nursing duties sent her to the 7505th United States Air Force Hospital, which was located at the Royal Air Force Station, Burderop Park, Wroughton. My father was stationed at this USAF Hospital and when he saw my mother for the first time, he knew she was the one. They married and has three children.


From Athens County, Ohio, USA, J.A. Hall is an award-winning children's literature author. She earned her Ph.D. in Communication Studies from Ohio University in 2013. A retiree of Ohio University, Hall spends her time as the proprietor of Little Meadow Farm, an animal sanctuary, where all types of animals find their forever home. She is a member of the ASPCA as well as an active supporter of animal charities. Follow Hall on Facebook @ Little Meadow Farm.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

J.A. Hall: My Mother's Poetry "Mousie Cot"


My mother, Clare Oxley, was born in Standerton, South Africa. She and her brother, Michael, lived on her maternal grandfather's plantation. On the plantation they grew beautiful flowers which would be cut and sold to people in the cities. When mother was four years old, she started her formal education. Mother was sent to Saint Ursula’s boarding school in England.  It was at Saint Ursula's that mother wrote her poem booklet. 

When mother finished her formal education at Saint Ursula’s School, she enrolled at the Victoria School of Nursing. Mother's nursing duties sent her to the 7505th United States Air Force Hospital, which was located at the Royal Air Force Station, Burderop Park, Wroughton. My father was stationed at this USAF Hospital and when he saw my mother for the first time, he knew she was the one. They married and had three children. 

From Athens County, Ohio, USA, J.A. Hall is an award-winning children's literature author. She earned her Ph.D. in Communication Studies from Ohio University in 2013. A retiree of Ohio University, Hall spends her time as the proprietor of Little Meadow Farm, an animal sanctuary, where all types of animals find their forever home. She is a member of the ASPCA as well as an active supporter of animal charities. Follow Hall on Facebook @ Little Meadow Farm.


Monday, September 23, 2024

Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1971

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.

Jody’s Journals

April - June 1971

APRIL 1971

  • ATC 1st class; surprise birthday party for J L’Heureux
  • Horses and sheep due to be wormed
  • Betty, Abbott arrived
  • 4-H Meeting 7:30 here
  • Pat Cub Scouts
  • Birthday dinner
  • Rode Preak, led Dee around thru woods and back
  • 4-H Leader’s meeting, Grange Hall
  • Lunch, Perkins Pancake House with Jerry Hartley
  • Went after oxygen tanks
  • Baked and decorated ‘fastball’ cake
  • Pearsall Clinic, two-day, took Pooh Bear, Song
  • Parkersburg, Jackie Jones
  • Rode Dee, Annie rode Preak, packed dogs chased us on high road at Phillip’s place
  • Rode Dee, Dow Lake, Jessica rode Preak, Jerry Hartley road his new mare “Missy”
  • Dog Show Hebron, J 2nd leg
  • Rode thru Phillip’s place, Fritz, Pete, Pat rode Silver Dollar
  • Pete home 5 am
  • Rode Dee, led Preak
  • Fritz reset Dee, Preak
  • Annie, ride to Dow Lake around the long way
  • Bottom sown to oats, alfalfa, etc.
  • Corn shelled, shopped, groceries
  • Pat Cub Scout Olympics
  • Rode to Dow Lake, JoAnne rode Preak, J Silver Dollar, I rode Dee
  • Jerry, David Hartley here, wormed colts, horses; trimmed colts first; wormed sheet, goat; castrated lambs
  • Pete left for Columbus airport 1:30 am
  • Brushed colts
  • I rode Preak, Dee, down 50A, up Lavelle Lane, around thru gas line road, down Hooper Ridge, around thru our woods
  • Went to Chester after fertilizer
  • Pat overnight – Danny


  • Pete home 4:30 am
  • Leave for relay ride; Fritz, Carolyn – Bad Boy 3rd leg; Jerry Hartley, JD – Missy 2nd leg; Pete Preak, Me Dee, 4th leg
  • Twila, new filly, small white star
  • Wrote up Pete’s log sheets from pink slips
  • Napped
  • Churned butter
  • To Charleston, Pete overnight, trailer at Colonel
  • Mother’s Day, Church Good Shepherd; Motorcycle Run, Lunch Nelsonville, Izor’s worked with Karen’s dog, Shane, Mel
  • Pete treated Twila, filly
  • Marie due
  • 4-H Officers and Advisors meeting
  • Cricket foal born, bay, glass eye, white blaze, white hind stocking [Apple]
  • Carolyn Bookman birthday
  • Led Apple after castration
  • Alice Frisco, dead colt
  • Sherrie Indestadt here for lunch
  • Betty’s bd, sent “mushroom” candles
  • Rode Dee, J rode Angel, C. Hoon rode Silver, J. L’Heureux rode Preak, Jerry Hartley rode Misty thru Phillip’s place, lead Apple
  • Sunday McDougal Church, Pete on calls, lunch at Dolen’s
  • Signed up for swimming lessons
  • Pete spayed, tattooed, removed tonsils – Song
  • Mike Cuckler stayed overnight with Pat
  • Rode Cricket, Jerry rode Misty around thru woods
  • Memorial Day parade
  • Made chocolate pudding
  • J, P swam in pond
  • Cats shots due

  • ATC practice, meet at barn
  • Last day of school
  • Paula rode Angel, I rode Cricket, J rode Misty around thru woods
  • ATC graduation
  • Paula Brown here overnight; Pt at Brown’s
  • Rode to Phillip’s, checked cattle, horses, Paula rode Angel, I rode Cricket, J rode Misty
  • Posse Horse Show
  • Rock Mill Farm HJ Show, J L’Heureux drove, show cancelled, rained out
  • 7:00 Booths – Hoons kept J, P
  • Put up more screens
  • Went to West’s to look at ½ Arab, brought him home, “Shah Rah”
  • Rode Shah, J. P. rode ponies
  • House phone installed
  • Rode Shah up to Dwyer’s, J rode Angel, P rode Silver Dollar
  • Fritz shoe “Shah”, reset Silver and Preak
  • Ride to Dow Lake – Jerry Hartley, Booth, Welling, Worthington, Willis; Carlos rode Dee, I rode Shah, Pete Preak, J Angel, P Silver
  • Took Alice to Brandt’s, picked up Marie and a filly
  • Rode Preak, J rode Shah
  • Rode Preak, J rode Shah, P Silver, up gas line road by Eddy’s back around Hooper Ridge
  • Pete’s birthday, party here for Pete with Hansons, Izor’s, L’Heureux, Sturbois, Hartley’s, Bookman’s
  • Fritz – correct Shah
  • Pearsall Instructor’s Clinic
  • Watched polo match, Atwood Lake Small Animal Conference thru Tuesday noon
  • Went to see Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid at the drive-in
  • Went to shopping mall
  • ATC banquet
  • Swimming
  • Stopped to see Penny M
  • Took horse back to Brandt’s, picked up Alice
  • Rode Preak, J rode Angel, P rode Shah
  • Took J. P. to Crystal Pool
  • Stopped to see Homer Sayres in hospital
  • Friendly town
  • Buckeye Mart


Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

Call for Authors: Hocking Hills Book Fair 2025

  Welcome to the Hocking Hills Book Fair! Visit with Authors, peruse new titles, and much more! Facebook @ Hocking Hills Book Fair 2025 Upco...

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