Monday, February 27, 2023

Milliron Monday: Words of Wisdom

A letter from Jody to someone unmentioned. March 23, 2003

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"In essentials, unity,
In non-essentials, liberty,
But in all things, love."
― The Moravian Creed

Do you remember the framed print of The Moravian Creed in Dr. Smith's waiting room? It was a reminder that " all things, love."

Jody references these words in a handwritten letter from March 23, 2003. During this time, Pete and Jody were reconciling from a brief separation. The letter is a photocopy and I don't know if Jody actually mailed the letter or wrote it just to get emotions on paper. She did that often through journaling, notes, and letters. There are papers on top of papers... all with thoughts and quotes, all profound, all noteworthy. 

The letter begins...

"This assurance of oneself being right and the other person wrong is the essential basis of what I described as the domestic attitude of the problem adult. It's the rock on which most unsuccessful marital relations are currently wrecked." Dr. Abraham Lowe

Dear "--------",

When my husband and I were going through a particularly rough time in our marriage, I did a lot of reading - particularly the New Testament, but other sources, C.S. Lewis, etc. I was soon convinced that as a Christian women that what "God has joined together, let no one put asunder" applied to me.

Some of my favorite quotes:

"Time plus pain plus insight brings change."

"Anger - one letter short of Danger."

"A good marriage is based on two forgivers - never on feelings which ebb and flow."

"Changing partners is only changing troubles." (Adolph Coors, IV)

We are still working on our relationship (as will probably be necessary continually for the foreseeable future) but it's better than before and continuing to improve, definitely worth the considerable time and effort.


Jody Smith

* * *

It is my hope that someone reading this finds inspiration from Jody's letter. It is a reminder that we must focus on what's before us and reel in stray emotions; hard work in any circumstance is paramount, even in marriage. 

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Monday, February 20, 2023

Milliron Monday: In Memory Sylvia Snabl

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend's life also, in our own, to the world."
—Henry David Thoreau, Author

We send sincere condolences to the family of Sylvia Snabl. She was a very good friend of the Smith family. Connie Anderholm DVM, recently messaged about Sylvia's passing in October. I searched the web for Sylvia's obituary, but her son, Eric, writes, "I never wrote an obituary. I couldn't bring myself to do it." 

Sylvia was a seasoned equestrian, visiting the Milliron Farm trails often, as well as traveling with Pete and Jody to professional meetings. 

Dr. Anderholm shares a memory...

"I was thinking about a story Pete told me about Jody and Sylvia. Pete and Bud [Strouss] were attending the AAEP [American Association of Equine Practitioners] meeting in Philadelphia. One day, while they were attending classes, Jody and Sylvia decided to go the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Both women were dressed in jeans, boots, and flannel shirts. In other words, barn clothes. As they purchased their passes, the gentleman at the desk looked them over and asked, "Are you from Ohio?"

In a future post, I will revisit archived recordings from luncheons with Jody and Sylvia, sharing their witty banter and (mostly) talk about trail riding and horses. As we send blessings to Sylvia's family and friends, we remember the laughter and joy of long ago conversations, and Sylvia's love of horses.

* * *

Wednesday, February 22, marks the 13th year of Dr. Smith's passing. 


Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Thursday, February 16, 2023

An Interview with Ohio Author & Historian Jacob L. Bapst

An Interview with Ohio Author and Historian Jacob L. Bapst

Writing of Ohio’s cultural history, Jacob L. Bapst has an extensive resume of researching, collecting and archiving facts. I had the great opportunity to meet Jacob at the 2022 Monday Creek Book Festival, Stuart’s Opera House, Nelsonville, Ohio. Here’s Jacob’s bio…

Jacob Lamar Bapst, the oldest of the six children of Jacob and Janet Bapst, was born in the Chillicothe (Ohio) Hospital on September 13, 1953. Two days later he was taken to the family home in Beaver (Pike), Ohio. Jake attended Beaver Elementary School and graduated from the Eastern(Pike) Local Schools in 1971. In the fall of 1971, Jake enrolled in Rio Grande College. In 1973, he married Joann Snyder, a native of Mansfield, Ohio, (a girl he met during a theater production at Rio Grande,) Jake and Josie graduated from Rio Grande College in 1975 and soon began their long careers in education. In 1983, their daughter Suzanna was born. Jake is retired from the University of Rio Grande/ Rio Grande Community College. Jake has also taught for Marshall University (he received his master’s degree there in 1989), Ohio University, and Morehead State. He also served as the Director of The Ohio Appalachian Center for Higher Education. Since 2016, he has served as the volunteer archivist/historian at the University of Rio Grande. He has co-authored four books with his close friend and colleague Ivan Tribe. Currently he is working on a new book and  preparing to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary. 

Welcome, Jacob!

GM: What books have you written?
JB: I have four -West Virginia's Traditional Country Music, The University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College, Beryl Halley: The Life and Follies of a Ziegfeld Beauty 1897 - 1988, and The Jamboree in Wheeling. I co-authored them with Ivan Tribe. Two are centered on music and musicians. The Rio Grande book is a history of the school. Beryl Halley was a Rio Grande student who became a member of the Ziegfeld Follies.

GM: As a writer, what do you find more difficult - research, content writing, or editing?
JB: I love the research aspect of writing. My content writing is difficult because I write in spurts. Editing is my least favorite aspect of the process - it reminds me of grading papers!

GM: When writing storylines and characters, how do you maintain thoughts and ideas?
JB: Almost all of my material is chronological in nature, so it is easy to maintain thoughts.

GM: What would you like readers to take away from your book?
JB:I want the reader to walk away with new information and wanting more.

GM: What are you currently writing?
JB: I began work on Rio Grande College between 1935 and 1955. That was the time when Rio had a farm, a self-help program much like Berea College, almost closed, lost its affiliation with the Baptist Church, and Bevo Francis became a college basketball legend, I am well into the research stage of the project and am plotting my approach.

GM: What are you currently reading?
JB: I am reading lots and lots of newspaper articles from the period of 1935-1955, and beside my computer is a copy of  Deciphering a Memory: Pontius Pilate.

GM: Who is your favorite author and genre?
JB: I absolutely love the works of Allan Eckert. I actually got to meet him and have about an hour long conversation!

GM: Do you have advice for novice writers?
JB: Write about things you are passionate about and let that passion grow!

GM: List 10 things your fans may not know about you...
JB: 1. I am a graduate of Rio Grande College and retired from the University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College.
2. I was the director of The Ohio Appalachian Center for Higher Education.
3. I was the head baseball coach and an assistant football coach at Kyger Creek High School for four years,
4. My wife is a retired teacher.
5. My daughter lives in New York City.
6. For the last seven years I have been the volunteer archivist and historian at Rio Grande.
7. In 1973, I turned down an offer to go to New York City and take a job as a stagehand on Broadway.
8. When I was in high school I worked as an aide to a geologist and turned down an offer to spend a summer in Antarctica,
9. I wanted to be a pilot.
10. I was a pretty good baseball player once upon a time.

Jacob's books are available from ArcadiaPublishing, McFarland Publishing, Amazon, and the Rio Grande Bookstore.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Milliron Monday: Valentine's Day

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"Love is a driver, bitter and fierce..."
― Ovid, The Loves 

In a dusty cardboard box there is an aged Valentine's Day gift to Pete from Jody - In Praise of Love, a beautifully illustrated volume of musings by the world's greatest writers (Smithmark Publishers).  Here are a few verses...

Life has taught us that love
does not consist in gazing at each other
but looking outward together
in the same direction.
Antoine de Saint Exupery
Wind, Sand, and Stars

To live is to love -
all reason is against it,
and all healthy instinct for it.
Samuel Butler
Life and Love

Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety; other women cloy
The appetites they feed; but she makes hungry
Where most she satisfies.
William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra

Love is a driver, bitter and fierce
if you resist and fight him.
Easy-going enough once you
acknowledge his power.
The Lover

Happy Valentine's Day.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Monday, February 6, 2023

Milliron Monday: Tinker's Broken Leg


X-ray of Tinker's broken leg. Tinker at the barn with Zubie

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"It's too far from your heart to hurt you."
― Dr. Pete Smith

It would be nice if my cat could talk, then he could tell me how he broke his leg! Did he jump from the haymow? Did my mare step on him? Did he get caught in something? I've no clue. After a trip to the nearest veterinarian and X-rays, Tinker was diagnosed with a break of the ulnas and radius. What's the treatment? I was given these options: Ohio State University Vet Hospital (there are two in Columbus), or amputate the leg (!). Of course, an orthopedic vet can plate the break, but I would never consider amputating Tinker's leg unless it was absolutely necessary, and I am a little concerned that amputating the leg was an option. 

Where's a country vet when you need one? I asked why the leg couldn't be reset and cast. Makes sense to me. Isn't that what Dr. Smith would do? I was told that there are no vets in our area (or the State of Ohio) that can do orthopedic surgery on cats except at OSU. Don't you think this is a little strange that we don't have an orthopedic animal surgeon in our area? Or anywhere else in Ohio besides Columbus? Someone, please dial the Universe and let them know that we need a Dr. Smith!

After Dr. Abfall retired, my mare acquired an abscess. I called Foggy Ridge, Dr. Rutter came to the barn. I was impressed with the care and glad that I now have a quality vet for Zubie. I also recommend Dr. Stacy Rourke, Guardian Animal Clinic and Dr. Groah, Morgan Vet Clinic. But, what to do if a cat breaks a leg? 

My animals are part of my family. The vet I took Tinker to assumed I could drive to OSU that same day, which I could not. They gave me three days of medicine to help with Tinker's pain and to keep him comfortable. In the meantime, I had to come up with a plan to get Tinker better quick. He's an inside/outside cat, mostly a barn cat, but we let him in the house when it's cold. He's a sweet, smart, snuggly cat that deserves only the best.

Checking with my farm friends, they, too, were amazed that I was told to go to OSU. Without hesitation, they recommended Dr. Elaine Whalin, Wolf Creek Animal Care, Stockport

Driving State Route 550, past the former Milliron Clinic and Farm, I talked out loud to Dr. Smith and told him where I was going. I am sure he heard... somehow. The country roads to Wolf Creek are windy, but an easy route to follow. Upon arrival, I walked up the steps to the two-story clinic and signed in. We were second in line to see the doctor. 

We were placed in the blue-walled exam room with a window overlooking a working farm. Dr. Whalin came in and gave Tinker a thorough check. Tinker stayed overnight while Dr. Whalin fixed his bones and cast his leg. It was that easy. Expert care should never be taken for granted. 

Bottom line, I love my animals. If you need any veterinarian care, I highly recommend Dr. Whalin and her staff. I will keep you posted on Tinker's progress. Thank goodness I found a country vet! 

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Friday, February 3, 2023

The Barrel Horse Life: An Interview with Amy Davenport

Amy Davenport
Photo by Rodney Davis

The Barrel Horse Life: An Interview with Amy Davenport
by Gina McKnight
From the January 2023 Issue of Florida Equine Athlete
No duplication without permission

Amy Davenport is a horse girl, award-winning barrel racer, and a new puppy owner! She doesn’t have much down time. When not running the barrels, she is the proprietor of The Barrel Horse Life, an online store “shirts, hoodies, stickers and clothing for men, women, and children.” Amy is also the host of The Barrel Horse Life Podcast, interviewing talented and intriguing riders that will keep you engaged and entertained. With thoughtful persistence, intentional hard work, and a passion for everything barrel racing, Amy motivates and inspires all those in her path.

Welcome, Amy!

GM: Congratulations on your success! I enjoy connecting with you on social media and seeing what you’re up to, listening to your podcasts, and hearing what’s new in the barrel horse world. When did you meet your first horse?

AD: I’m not your typical horse girl that grew up with horses her whole life. I didn’t get my first horse, Remmy, until I was 24. I grew up showing my family’s Poland China show pigs until I got into college. Although I always had a love for horses I had no idea how to take care of one. I bought Remmy as a barely broke 4yo, around Thanksgiving in 2009. It was love at first sight! She was a reject cutting horse that didn’t make the cut. We spent a long time just learning each other and having fun. I didn’t even start barrel racing her until I went to a Charmayne James Clinic in 2010, starting slow and steady.

GM: What horse(s) do you currently stable?
AD: My husband Chris and I own 15 acres that we call Double Dee Acres. At our place we have:  Remmy (aka Sister Remmy or MARE!) is a 17yo sorrel mare. She was born a cutting horse and boy can you tell it. Her attitude is your typical mare; very opinionated, impatient and as gritty as they come. Sis (as I call her) doesn’t like kids, change or any other horses in her stall. She LOVES to work, it helps her mind as well as her body. Being the first horse I ever owned she has won me my first belt buckle along with many other awards and earnings. She has the same run every run (as long as I do my job). Remmy will be with us the rest of her life. 
    Jules Solo Sawyer (aka Sawyer or Sawyer Boi) is a 15yo sorrel gelding that I bought from my first trainer, Steve Grey. Sawyer has been my main mount to run barrels on for the last six years. He will make the exact same run every time, again it’s his jockey that gets in his way. He hunts for the barrel and loves to run anywhere he can. I’ve never had a horse that is as athletic and fun as him. After he rounds the third barrel he will run with his ears back and expects a treat the second I get off of him. Sawyer prefers geldings over mares, yet doesn’t have a mean bone in his entire body. He LOVES cookies first, me second and rolling in fresh dirt third. Definitely the most honest horse I’ve ever owned. He has made me into the barrel racer I am today.
    Then there’s Princess Fiona (aka Fiona, FeFe, Baby Girl or Princess). She’s the one that steals the show every time. Fiona is a 17yo red roan mare that is literally the sweetest mare on earth. I can remember a few years ago, my vet came to the house to do her teeth. She sat right on the ground directly in front of Fiona to get a good angle and never even worried about it because she has always been so sweet and is so loving. First thing in the morning, when I come to get her food bowl out of her stall, she puts her nose up because she wants to smell my breath and nuzzle me. I know it’s super weird, but it’s small things like that every day that makes her so sweet. 
    We are Fiona’s nursing home, because she has been diagnosed with Equine Metabolic Syndrome and has severe laminitis. Taking care of her until she tell us she’s ready is an emotionally hard task. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for that mare.

GM: They all sound sweet and lovable. Every rider wants to know the secret to a successful run around the barrels. What's your best advice for racers?
AD: First off, there is no one secret to barrel racing. You will learn what NOT to do more than you will what TO do. My best advice is to work hard EVERYDAY, don’t complain and don’t be afraid to ask questions to the right people. Get a small group of people you trust to help you. Don’t ask your best friend or your neighbor, GET A GOOD TRAINER!!
    I’m what we call a Weekend Warrior. I have a full-time job so barrel racing is my hobby that I do on the weekends. My husband’s rule is “if we aren’t having fun, we aren’t going.” I hate to say it but he’s SO right.
    My second piece of advice is to support your fellow competitors. As many people that we have in this industry, it tends to be a small world. Everybody knows each other, and you never know when you might need their help. It’s a race against the clock, not each other.

GM: What a great motto! I’ve found, too, that the more I embrace others in my field, the more successful I am! What accolades have you achieved in your lifetime?
AD: Like I said, I am a weekend warrior. My goals are never to hit the rodeo road hard or win the NFR. Knowing your goals and how you want to get there is important.
    One of my career highlights was at the BBR World Finals in 2022. I had two great runs in both long go’s, which qualified me for Sunday’s short go. Just by God’s grace, I had the opportunity to have one of my mentors, Joy Wargo, lead me up the alleyway. I had the best run of my life under the bright lights of the Jim Norick Arena. We landed just out of the money in the 3D against the toughest horses & jockeys in the barrel industry. Both my husband and I cried when I came out of that arena. It was just one of those, holy crap, this is the coolest moment of my life moments. 
    One of my goals a few years ago was to win a belt buckle in our local barrel racing circuit, ILBRA. I made out my schedule for the year, along with my work schedule and made sure to attend the best shows to gain points to win that particular buckle. At the end of the season I couldn’t believe that I actually won the year end 2D buckle!
    Most people don’t believe me when I say I’ve only won a few titles in my life including: ILBRA 2D & 4D Champion, IL NBHA Reserve 2D Champion and much more. To much disbelief, I have yet in my career to win first place in a barrel race. We’ve came in second, which was a win in my books. I care more about making great, smooth correct runs and having fun while doing it. I believe that’s why both my horses make the same run every time, from my consistency in training and my relentlessness to be better each day.

GM: Amy, you inspire so many! Your honesty and integrity motivate others to do their best. Walk us through a day in your life with horses...

AD: On the weekdays, I try to start my morning at 4:30am. First I take care of our new puppy, Nacho, then I head to town to go to the gym. When I arrive home at 6:45am, I eat breakfast then I feed horses. Trying my best to be in the saddle by 8am, do chores, Equivibe my horses and try my best in the house by 10:45am. I shower and eat lunch, then the puppy and I head to work. Owning my own salon I am VERY blessed to have a full clientele that has stuck with my for 19 years. I’m typically off by 7pm, then chores again and off to bed by 8:15pm. The weekends are usually spent barrel racing or catching up with stuff around the farm. There’s always something to be done.
    My days are very strict and disciplined. I have to keep a steady pace in the mornings or I’m running late. The mornings are MY time. So I try not to schedule anything or take any calls before 10am or so. Focusing on working the horses with a clear mind is important.

GM: We all have that favorite horse that we will remember forever. Who is your favorite and when did you first meet him/her?

AD: I’ve been super blessed with a few great horses in my life. There was my first barrel racing horse Tex, a 20yo gelding that was completely bomb proof. He could do anything at any time and was a great “first barrel horse” for me.
    Yet my mare Remmy was my first horse I have ever had, so I cannot say she isn’t my favorite. It’s hard to beat a solid mare that has the drive and as much hustle as I do.
    If I had to be honest it’s been Sawyer. I bought him as a “step-up horse” and he has taken my riding to the next level. Together we’ve traveled thousands of miles, won more than I ever expected and had opportunities some people wait a lifetime for. He tends to get “hot” or “on the muscle” easily, so doing things to make his mind comfortable has been trial and error. In which it has made me a tougher competitor and horsewoman. After consistently working and growing together he trusts me 100%. We just “click.” I know him better than anyone. I believe knowing your horse can help in so so so many ways. He also knows me, when I’m in a bad mood or upset about something. I swear horses know, they understand us better than we realize.

GM: Yes, you’ve a new puppy and we want to know all about him...
AD: His name is Nacho, and he’s actually in English Springer Spaniel. His color is called blue tick roan. We got him on October 1 at 8 weeks old. We had just put down our beloved dog Kallie, that we had for 14 years just a week prior. We were so grief stricken and heartbroken that we decided to get a puppy right away.
    We bought him from a kennel in Tennessee that was called HeavenSent Springers, he even has a little heart on the top of his head. I’ve always believe that God has everything planned out for us and he sure did a good job on this situation.
    As we all know having a puppy is a challenge yet it’s so fun to watch them learn and grow so quickly. He loves to play outside, chase our 6 barn cats and has already learned a few tricks. He will give kisses to almost anyone he meets (or a little nibble too)!

GM: Tell us about your podcast – The Barrel Horse Life Podcast. How did it begin?
AD: I started this podcast by myself two years ago. Being a huge podcast fan, I just couldn’t find one that could scratch my itch so to say. So, after doing some research, I jumped in headfirst to the podcast world. I am a one-man show with little equipment, yet it works great for my set up. I’ve had the opportunity to talk with the best people in the barrel racing industry, including Charmayne, James, Stevi Hillman and her husband, Ashley Shafer, Joy Wargo, and so many more. You can listen to the podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, and more. 
    On top of that, I decided to launch a brand stemming from the podcast, called The Barrel Horse Life. I have done all the graphic designing of the T-shirts, website and sales myself. My passion to develop a brand that people would be proud to wear was the first and foremost. Often, as barrel racers, we get a bad rap. Through some popular TV shows and social media, people from the non-western industry tend to laugh and look down on us. When in all reality, it’s the complete opposite. If you’ve ever spent more than a few minutes with a barrel horse  trainer, you’ll understand how hard working and proud we are of what we do.

GM: Do you have advice for novice riders and those looking to purchase their first horse?
AD: I am not the best at horse buying myself, every horse that I bought just fell into my lap the way it supposed to. My advice would be to seek to help someone you know and trust. Doing it alone is not an easy task. If it doesn’t feel right, then don’t buy the horse. There’s too many good horses out there to not have the one that suits you. But whatever you do, DO NOT buy an inexperienced horse if you are an inexperienced rider. This makes for a bad combo. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, I did and it was the best decision for me. I still ask for help when I’m needing it.

GM: What does horsemanship mean to you?

AD: I thought a lot before writing this answer to the question because you were right, it does mean something different to everybody.
    To me, horsemanship means listening and understanding your horse. I don’t want to go down to much of a rabbit hole because I could talk for days about this. There isn’t enough horsemanship in the barrel racing industry. This is something that I am constantly working on with my horse on the ground and in the saddle. For me it starts on the ground. First thing in the morning when I walk up to my horse to put his halter on, I try to make sure my attitude is neutral, and I am not going to ride him with any emotion. It’s very hard not to get your emotions involved, especially as a woman. Our emotions can be up and down easily. Doing what’s right & best for the horse to get the desired result you are going for. Also having the knowledge on how to get there. Often I get frustrated and need to take a step back and asses what I’m doing. Typically I am the problem, not the horse. Being humble enough to say “hey, I’m the problem” has been my game changer. Taking responsibility, taking a deep breath and moving onward all while being conscience of where my body is and what I’m telling him to do. That is horsemanship to me.

Connect with Amy…

Facebook @Amy Davenport
Instagram @its_amy_davenport

Amy and her Husband
Photo by Lanie Kay Photography

Marie Littlefield Photography

Traci Davenport, Photography


Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...

Monday Creek Publishing LLC


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