Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Religion, the REAL Matrix by Heru Ifagbemi and Son of RA


Religion, the REAL Matrix
by Heru Ifagbemi and Son of RA
African people have a spirituality that is uniquely theirs. Before Judaism, Christianity and Islam even existed, African people had a history and spiritual system that these religions copied and plagiarized from. This book specializes in African spirituality from a metaphysical viewpoint. Even though is it specific to African people, ALL people can benefit from knowing and appreciating spirituality from an African perspective.
Available in Paperback and eBook HERE!
About the Author
I have always been a lover of knowledge. I came up as a Christian and was introduced into Islam when I was in the military at about the age 25. I was a Muslim for about 12 years until I met a teacher named Lialla Africa and he gave me the book Destruction of a Black Civilization, from there my life has changed and I have been on this journey of African Spirituality since.

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