Monday, November 21, 2011


Catching falling stars while
Standing in the drops,
Soaking me down;
And maybe there are seasons
And maybe time exists
Where mirrors bloom
And reflections digress;
I will meet you there

Changing night to day while
The ibis flies to anchor,
Feeling vulnerable, weak and frail;
And maybe there is forgiveness
And maybe we are free
Where meadows banter
And fauna approves;
I will linger there

Find me in the sanctuary
Laced around the spirits,
Bartering for my life;
And maybe there’s a rendezvous
And maybe this is real
Where falls cascade
And life begins;
I will be waiting there

© Gina McKnight 2011


AfterTim said...

Gina, truly appreciate this piece. You provoke emotions with the simplest of ideas, and use clear imagery to express your intentions.

Your recurring emphasis on "waiting/lingering/meeting at one place" reflects a profound longing and perhaps a tinge of sadness. And I enjoy how you bring out those emotions with fauna and nature.

Great piece. Look forward to more.

Anonymous said...

A master piece! You have a gift of writing poems...

Sanchita said...

Beautiful - very visual and touching

Darjeeling Boy said...

"Catching falling stars while
Standing in the drops,
Soaking me down;
And maybe there are seasons
And maybe time exists
Where mirrors bloom
And reflections digress;
I will meet you there"
Beautiful Lines...
beautiful words...

Funmilayo said...

great poem, I think it's beautifully written

Somsi said...

Symphonic poem in the sense that the actual events.

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