New Year’s Day, Pete bulldozed barn area/lane
> played Hearts, popcorn
Russ started Citroen, picked up J at sheep camp,
took John back > hauled in dead lamb/ewe with Angel
Watched sheep, took Bess
Canton show, took J, Doug O., Puff Best of Winners
> Pete, Pat Church, dinner with Rome Warmke, Oak Room
1st day of work, shepherd Ed Anderson
> took Kanga over to get sheep off of Ed Hixon’s lawn/garden
John took lambs to sale at Lancaster > helped
herd sheep in
Drove truck to ATC, ACKC information class, took
Took corn to Landmark, shopped
Hauled dead ewe out of barn > hauled 2 ewes
killed by dogs out of creek with Angel, took Puff > used Kanga, shepherd’s
crook, to bring ewe (1202) down from 1st woods meadow > Daddy
Abbott called > J Pony Club > P basketball
game w Mike, Bill
Church of Good Shepherd > #17 ewe, ram lamb
> walked thru woods, pastures, snowstorm, beautiful
Fed, took Puff, Pat, Kanga, walked up thru
woods, saw 3 deer in bottom > PET, Parkersburg > got stuck on hill
John here for breakfast > took Puff to feed,
let him run in meadows/woods
Used Puff to find my glove > went to Alice
Brown’s, Stanley called, sheep trampling
J Jones, took J Crall, Jacob, Puff, search,
cross track, 3 gloves > Ralph Guthrie swabbed well > picked up Ed at
sheep camp > watched sheep while John tried to start camper, took Puff
Pete picked corn
Church of Good Shepherd > kids, pizza/bowling
> picked up Great Pyrenees bitch “Boo” near Shelby > snow covered roads
Let dogs run in paddock with Boo > P hit head
at school, Pete went after him, my station wagon wouldn’t start
Marion Dog Show – took Joyce Nelson, Joann
Pete banded lambs
Pete repaired barn door, hay rack, etc. >
worked Bess in barn and corral w sheep
Up at 4 am, Pete off to Cincinnati for
acupuncture course
Fed, took Puff, Boo, built pens for sick Hamp
ewe, new Hamp ewe and lamb > Tracked Puff, 2 tracks, Jan had flu, didn’t go
> took water to shepherd, Jeff, gave him $18 > Doug O’Dell here with
Went to see Grapes of Wrath and Brother
of the Wind, ate at Townhouse
Pat broke glasses > Lunch at Dairy Queen >
cut tails on lambs which had been banded
Up at 6 am, rode Cricket, J rode Apple, looked
for sheep on Phillips’ place, took Kanga, watched sheep at Spires while John
worked Jim to bring more sheep > John got sheep from Hixon’s, drover over to
check on sheepherder > Pete home early from Cincinnati
Took SW to Russell’s > Jeff, sheepherder,
injured arm, left sheep scattered all over Phillips place > gathered sheep with
Kanga, Pete watched, used Jim, in snow/ran/all day > watched All
Creatures Great and Small
Signed deed to Warmke house > 3 dogs into
Western sheep in hay meadow, Pete shot ewe with torn face off
Put 3 sponges out on fence between hay meadow
and blackberry meadow, brought in dead and injured sheep > J Jones took Puff
across stream twice, thru woods > stopped at Pat’s basketball game > Pete
trustee meeting
Fed, took Bess, walked over meadows, closed
gate, checked sponges
Watched sheep > Pete, Jerry Hartley to
Charleston WV > Jessica laid track for Puff across creek twice, got dog
trap, stopped at Dottie’s, went to Hunter’s for collar for Book > cut off
tails, scrotums on lambs > ran Puff on track after dark
Pete, Jerry Hartley picked corn > banded newborn
Hamp ewe lamb > watched sheep, part of afternoon > Jessica, Pony Club movies
> brought 3 Suffolk rams to hospital barn from alfalfa field
Watched sheep > Pete, John picked corn >
men from Producers here to look at sheep > drove/walked 2 wild sheep off hill
(hay meadow)
Pete, John finished picking corn > watched
sheep in small pasture, built “imaginary stick fence”
Took grain to town > picked up beef at
Pete put grain at barn > rode Cricket, put 8
Western ewes into horse pasture – barn, put 2 Western ewes, 3 rams in with big
flock at Jan’s, found 2 dead rams on gas line road hill; several dead ewes,
scattered (used Jim)
Got 2 rams at Hixson, 15 ewes Dutch Creek, took
ewes to Jan’s
Dogs killed ewe at Alice Brown’s, caught 1, shot
other one > picked up Bill Wright > sorted sheep from red barn
Episcopal Church, Dolen’s lunch, worked on
cleaning out hay loft (red barn) > looked for injured ewe without success,
brought in dead ewe
Took J, P, Nathan to Amesville for bus > put 4
more Western ewes in clinic barn
Pete sick, flu > put 7 Western ewes, 1 Hamp
ram into clinic barn with Jim
Put 3 sponges up on gates > took Ben to
Hunter’s to try new collar > ATC Maplewood Inn
Took 4 lambs to Snaps [meat processor] > took
2 lambs, 2 Hamps, crippled ewe out of large flock > Henry took rams, ewes at
clinic down to Jan’s > rode Cricket, found bloodied sheep, killed by dogs at
Alice Brown’s > J Jones took Puff through woods, across stream > moonlit
night, walked up to look for dogs
Pete to Columbus, State Vet Meeting > picked
up lamb at Snaps > shoveled snow, path to garage > J babysat at Coen's
Episcopal Church > to Little Professor’s
bookstore, Frisch’s lunch > Mom’s birthday > Pete’s truck broke down in
Rain, roads flooded, no school > fox hunters
on ridge above hay meadow
No school, flood > caught dog on bottom, put
in hospital > Katherine Foster here > cut Pete’s hair
No school, high water at Stewart > Pat helped
deworm sheep
J Jones took Jan Crall, tracking Puff, went
after rabbit, quit tracking
Dog in hay meadow, took Kanga, gun to look for
it > put doorknob on garage door > read Everyday Miracles
Tracked Puff, saw 3 deer above hay meadow,
Jessica’s 2 socks, hat > Frank Johnson shod Apple, Sailor > Pat, me,
helped Henry herd sheep across 50A > J riding lessons > Pat, me, lunch at
BBF > helped Henry at road crossing, took Pat to Chadwell’s for basketball
game > put 4 Wether lambs in pond pasture herded them to shed with Jim >
Pete, to McArthur, Dave Smith went on calls
Episcopal Church, Dolen’s lunch > P, J, went
to Marie Phillips, Wellston, after rabbit cage > piled up chaff, picked up
strings, swept out empty part of haymow > Pat, me, helped Henry crossroad,
brought 2 week ewes back in car
Pete, Don Norman hauled hay > Don Norman here
for lunch
Don, John, unloaded rest of hay > laid track
for Jan > ATC
Pete left for Cincinnati > Ray certified
Jacob > finished reading Jubilee by Margaret Walker
Puff, hookworm shot > boys basketball at
Grover Center > district Humane Society meeting, Baker Center > J babysat
at Thompsons
J Pony Club meeting > church with Pat >
stopped at Little Professor’s > lunch DQ > fed, took Puff, John, Pat
helped > let dogs run in paddock > laid track in small field by sign for K
Foster > worked Puff with whistle, obedience
Big snow > helped John sort off 35 ewes, Don
Norman took them to sale, brought ewes to hospital
Pete to Charleston > went down to help John,
sort rams, Pete decided not to ship them
Heavy rain > Angel’s left eye swollen >
Rosemary laid tracks for Puff, Jacob; Jan, Jacob
walked cross tracks > started using 100# dog food > Pat dug out back door
of sheep shed
More rain > worked on road ditch
Ralph Guthrie here, swabbed well > turned
dogs out in paddock, worked Puff > fed, John, Pat helped, took Bess > out
looking for dogs at 2 am
To church, Kemmerle, excellent sermon >
stopped at Little Professor’s, Frisch’s lunch > brought sheep in with Kanga,
put 3 sponges on drift fence > worked Puff > Fed, moved Bess up to barn,
rabbit area > Pete went to Marietta after horse trailer
Nathan Driggs here overnight > Don Whitlatch
wildlife paintings > PET gradation, Puff 2nd, Irish Setter 1st
J and I got polio booster, J DT booster >
caught ducks, got goose egg for cooking > took 7 drakes, 1 dilly to stock
sale > dropped watch, storm windows off for repairs > redwing blackbirds
staking out territory, walked Puff thru woods, checked fence line for sponges
> met Gary/Aggie at Ramada Inn 71S enroute to Florida > Puff got out of
crate, crawled thru front seats
J’s buck rabbit loose > J Jones tracking,
took J Cruxford, Jan, Jacob
Nick shot 9 Muscovy ducks > let Puff, Kanga,
run in bottom
Herded sheep out of Jan’s pasture, put 3 sponges
beyond drift fence > Pete worked on sheep feeder/corral at Jan’s > Puff
found 2 gloves, ram paddock, let him run in creek bottom > Pete put guard on
storm door
Church, Little Professor’s, Baskin Robbins >
Pete fed sheep, worked on fence, let dogs run in paddock > put 4 sponges up
on fence line, took Puff, shooed sheep out of hay meadow, attempted to fix
fences > Pete cleaned clinic barn
Pete feed sheep grain, walked to drift fence,
brought 30 or so down, saw 20 or 30 over in woods, waited while sheep finished
grain, put them back in pasture > birthday box from Mom > Pete brought
corn to barn, got tractor stuck > let Puff, Kanga, run up to white gate,
jogged some
Put dozen sheep in loading shed, herded sheep in,
new lamb/Western ewe > K Foster here, brought Clarion [dog] in for
Walked pasture, more new lambs > found another
goose egg > 1st ATC
New boy here for lunch (David Crippen) > J
Jones, Puff, tracked Ray (poorly) over by peacocks, etc., J Croxford drove,
took Debbie
Herded sheep in > Stations of the Cross
service, Episcopal Church
Herded sheep in > went to bed early
To Church, trumpets > buffet at Baker Center
> herded sheep in, scattered all over pasture, fed up at red barn, let dogs
run in paddock, picked up yard > Went to drive-in, snowstorm – 2 corny Woody
Allen movies, sleepover, etc.
Garage door frozen to mud > Jim in playful, nipping
mood, herded Western sheep in, all within sight of corral, feedlot > fed at
red barn, put 2 yellow sponges at fence, used Jim to bring some of my ewes out
of hay meadow, tried to patch hole with sticks, let dogs run in paddock, picked
up yard > picked up J, P, at Ramada Inn I 71 – 270
Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from
vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random